Your Student's SEL Snapshot
June 2022: How to Understand, Review, and Follow-Up
INDIVIDUAL STUDENT REPORTS NOW AVAILABLE IN GENESIS (students in grades 3-12 that completed the survey)
To learn more about student experiences in Haddonfield and better understand SEL strengths and areas for reflection, we asked for your child’s feedback via an online survey that s/he completed at school (grades 3-12 only) in May 2022. This data is neither evaluative nor a mental health screener for students. Instead, these measures are a way to proactively support the social and emotional skills students need to succeed in school, college, career, and life.
If your student took the survey administered in May 2021, this latest report would compare how your student responded to the May 2021 and May 2022 surveys.
The Following SEL Student Competency Measures Asked Questions on the Following:
Grit: How well students can persevere through setbacks to achieve important long-term goals.
Growth Mindset: Student perceptions of whether they have the potential to change those factors that are central to performance in school.
Self-Efficacy: How much students believe they can succeed in achieving academic outcomes.
Self-Management: How well students manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.
Social Awareness: How well students consider the perspectives of others and empathize with them.
How to Access Your Student's Report in Genesis
- Log into your Genesis Parent Account
- Select your student
- Click "Documents"
- Under Document Library, click "SEL Student Report"
How to Interpret the Report
When looking at your student's report, please take note of the following:
Area of strength (score 3-5): What social and emotional strengths does s/he exemplify? How does the data further confirm this? Is this a strength that s/he always shows? How can s/he harness this strength to help further them grow?
Area of growth (score 0-2.75: What social and emotional competencies should s/he focus on? How does the data further confirm this? If s/he masters these social and emotional skills, what will that mean for their future?
What Can Parents Do With the Data?
Growth Mindset: Developed in collaboration with Raise the Bar, this 30-minute online course will help parents learn what a growth mindset is, why it's essential, and best practices to support their children in developing this learning belief.
Self-Efficacy: A short read authored by the National Association of School Psychologists on how parents can help children believe they can succeed.
Self-Management: This 30-minute video developed by Yale's Center for Emotional Intelligence provides strategies for helping family members understand themselves and identify their emotions through the Mood Meter.
Social Awareness: The Blueprint is a RULER tool that uses a set of questions to prompt self-regulation and perspective-taking and help resolve conflict. The link will take you to grade-specific (K-5) activities to help implement the Blueprint at home.
Preview of Overall District Climate Data
Formal Data Presentations to Occur in August/September
Grades 3-5 Summary Climate Responses
Grades 6-12 Summary Climate Responses
Grades 3-5 Summary Student Competency Measures
Grades 6-12 Summary Student Competency Measures
Grades 3-12 Response Rates
Haddonfield School District
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Twitter: @HaddonSchools