Saint Ambrose School News
Parent Newsletter - April 19, 2024
Parent Newsletter - May 3rd, 2024
Walk-in Tickets are Available!
Dear Saint Ambrose Parents,
We are so excited for the Fiesta tonight! In addition to fundraising for Tuition Assistance, teachers have wish list items that donors can support. Thank you to our amazing Home and School Board members who have worked hard to make this a wonderful event. We are grateful for your hearts of service:
Tiffani Morelli-President
Ashley Salvato-Vice President
Christine Nelson-Communications Coordinator
Tara Malley-Fundraising Coordinator
Katie Hatteberg-Secretary
Abby Summerfield-Treasurer
Heather Cange-Volunteer Coordinator
Grandparent/Special Friend Day-Friday, May 10
Thank you for communicating with us about your child(ren)'s plan for Grandparent's Day (Friday, May 10) All families must complete this form so we know what your child's plan is for the afternoon! Please complete ASAP-
On Friday May 10th, we ask that students do not bring backpacks to school. With our end of the day Grandparent's Day celebration, it makes logistical sense. Thank you! Students should be in uniform for Grandparent's Day. We look forward to hosting a fun afternoon of classrooms visits, Mass and a short music program. We need your help completing the form above so that we know your child's plan for dismissal that day. We are excited to welcome our special guests to our beautiful school.
Physical Education Class Moving Forward
Students should be prepared to have class outside for the rest of the school year. Grades 6-8: bring sweatpants and a sweatshirt in case it is chilly.
Garden Planting
K-2 students are welcome to stay after school on Monday, May 13 from 3:50-4:20 (weather permitting) to help begin planting our school garden. Please send a snack with your child for after school. Students can be picked up in the bus parking lot at 4:20. If the weather does not allow for planting, we will notify you on Friday, May 10 or as soon as possible and then schedule another date. Due to the size of the garden, we will only be accepting 10 students. If your child is unable to help this day, but is interested in helping with the garden, we will be looking for summer help (stay tuned). K-2 Garden Planting Sign Up Link
3-5 students are welcome to stay after school on Wednesday, May 15 from 3:50-4:20 (weather permitting) to help begin planting our school garden. Please send a snack with your child for after school. Students can be picked up in the bus parking lot at 4:20. If the weather does not allow for planting, we will notify you on Monday, May 13 and then schedule another date.
Due to the size of the garden, we will only be accepting 10 students. If your child is unable to help this day, but is interested in helping with the garden, we will be looking for summer help (stay tuned). 3-5 Garden Planting Sign Up Link
Important Notes:
- Summer School Registration is open - some classes only have a few spots remaining! Register soon for first choice of classes.
- 2024 - 2025 Calendar
- Band Concert is May 16th at 7pm - Mark your calendars!
Prayer of Cardinal Newman
May the Lord support us all the day long,
Till the shades lengthen and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over,
and our work is done.
Then in his mercy may he give us a safe lodging,
and holy rest, and peace at the last.
Enjoy the weekend,
Betsy Osterhaus Hand
Grandparent and Special Friend Day Information
All families must complete this form so we know what your child's plan is for the afternoon!
Please complete by May 1st
READ BELOW - Failure to complete the form below will result in loss of busing transportation!
The district is asking that families complete the opt-in form by Monday, May 6, 2024.
Please know if you opt out, and your situation changes, and you need to opt back in you can contact the district transportation and they can adjust at any time. More information about this is available here:
Opt-in form link:
Thank you.
Shawn Hogendorf
Director of Communications and Community Relations
South Washington County Schools
P: 651-425-6209 C: 612-590-4516
Parent Input Form
As part of our class placement procedure, we would like to offer parents the opportunity to submit information about their child that they believe would help us in making class placement decisions.
Class placements will be based on educational data, recommendations from licensed staff, the creation of balanced classroom rosters and the attempt to find the best “fit” for students based upon professional judgment. This process is not intended to allow parents to request a specific classroom teacher or placement of specific students in their child’s classroom.
Timeline for placement:
Deadline for Parent Input Form- June 1, 2024
Admin will work on class assignments- June -August 2024
Class lists posted Back to School Day 2024
Dr. Mark optometrist – visits seventh grade science
Dr. Mark, a retired 40 year optometrist visited the seventh grade science classrooms to discuss the human eye and a reminder how amazingly we are created in God’s plan.
Saint Ambrose Way and Virtue: Unity and Be the Best You Can Be
Saint Ambrose Way and Virtue: Unity and Be The Best You Can Be
During the month of May, we will focus on the virtue of Unity and the Saint Ambrose Way component Be The Best You Can Be. Unity means that we are all equal and connected. We are all responsible for helping others develop their faith and virtue. We can grow in the virtue of unity by choosing what is right in our heart, mind, and body. We can build stronger bonds with others and contribute to our community by practicing other virtues, such as love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness. Practicing virtuous behavior promotes unity, reconciliation, and the common good.
The verse we can reflect on for this month comes from Philippians: “Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but [also] everyone for those of others” Philippians 2:3-4. We can also be encouraged by the holy examples of Saint Joseph the Worker (May 1), Our Lady of Fatima (May 13), Saint Isidore (May 15), and Saint Joan of Arc (May 30). These saints stayed close to Jesus and considered how they could grow in virtue to be more like Christ and allow our Lord to use them to change the world. Saint Augustine encourages us in this as he said, “Love is itself the fulfillment of all our works. There is the goal; that is why we run: we run toward it, and once we reach it, in it we shall find rest.“
As teachers observe a student practicing the virtue of unity or exhibiting the Saint Ambrose Way by being the best they can be, the student will be acknowledged by receiving a flower with their name on it. Students can bring the flower to the office and exchange it with a saint card. Students may be encouraged to pray with the saint card to continue embodying the virtue of responsibility each day.
Online ordering is closed. If you would like to order a yearbook please send a check to the school office for $20. Make sure the envelope is clearly marked with student's name, grade and teacher.
REGISTER NOW - Saint Ambrose Summer School Enrichment Week July 15-19th
Enrichment Summer School
We offer a summer enrichment program for students entering kindergarten through grade seven. There are a variety of classes in a wide range of topics including STEM, computer programming/coding, mathematics, science, reading, cooking, art, lego, computer games and much more. This is considered an enrichment experience and students find it fun and exciting to explore topics and subjects that may not be a part of a typical curriculum.
Courses will be offered Monday through Friday from July 15-19th. Students may take from one to three courses. All courses will be 1.5 hours in length. Lunch will be provided.
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN - View the catalog here and register now!
Home and School Board:
Tiffani Morelli-President
Ashley Salvato-Vice President
Christine Nelson-Communications Coordinator
Tara Malley-Fundraising Coordinator
Katie Hatteberg-Secretary
Abby Summerfield-Treasurer
Heather Cange-Volunteer Coordinator
Believe and Read - Groves Literacy Partner
How do we spell it? Position matters!
The position of the sound will often dictate what letters to use.
For example, if students hear the long a sound at the end of a word, it is usually spelled
using the letters “-ay.” If the long “a” sound is in the middle of a word, it is often spelled
using the letters “ai.”When in doubt, we often ask students, “Where do you hear
the sound in the word?” This helps cue students to think about the appropriate spelling.
- If you are tardy for school (9:20 or after), please come to the North Entrance and check in at the school office. The South Side is locked at 9:20.
- During COVID, we didn't ask parents to sign students out of the office consistently. We have developed some bad habits, and need to get back to a safer sign-out process. If your child(ren) are leaving early, you need to come into the school and sign them out in the office. Thank you!
- School Emergency Closing Notifications -This school year we will continue to use our Sycamore System for text and email notifications for school closures and delays due to inclement weather. You may also check Kare 11 and WCCO for notification that District 833 is closed - if they are closed we will be closed. Make sure to update Sycamore with your current phone numbers and emails as soon as possible.
Emergency Notifications
To receive emergency notifications from our school concerning school cancelations, etc, Saint
Ambrose enrolls each family in receiving SMS and Phone notifications automatically at the
beginning of each year. If you prefer not to receive these notifications, Sycamore has an
opt-in/out option.
To opt in or out.
Login into sycamore.
Click “My School”
Click “Notifications.”
Click person.
Choose to opt in or out of notifications. The check box means opt-in, and uncheck means
Other Information
Artsonia is the world's largest collection of student art, published by teachers and students from around the world. Parents and family can view the art online, leave comments and order keepsakes featuring the artwork. Below is the link and the code for parents to connect so that they can have access to not only digital copies of their child's work, but also to the personalized art gift shop that helps raise funds for art materials.
Sycamore Communication Portal/App - click below to go to Sycamore Website
Please login to Sycamore to access the school calendar, lunch menu, and schedules/grades (JH only)
Here is our student handbook for this school year:
Cold Weather Procedures
During the cold winter months, we ask that parents make a special effort to see that their children are dressed appropriately (i.e. hats, mittens, boots, etc.).
The children go outside for recess daily in the lower grades unless the air or wind chill temperature exceeds –10 degrees. During winter months, we sometimes receive requests to keep children inside during recess. Such requests are difficult to honor because classrooms are not under supervision during that time. Generally if a child is well enough to attend school they should be well enough to participate in recess.
We have found that a short period of outdoor activity is extremely important in order to refresh each child. The children then arrive back in their classrooms better prepared to resume their studies.
Upcoming Dates to Add to Your Calendar
Planning Ahead
May 10th - Grandparents and Special Friend Day
May 16th - 7pm Band Concert
May 23-8th Grade Graduation
May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
May 31st - Last Day of School
Mission and Philosophy
Mission (what we offer)
We at Saint Ambrose School are part of a vibrant Catholic community supporting and nurturing
each child on their journey with Christ.
Through exceptional academics, embracing each child’s unique strengths and needs, and
joyfully engaging in prayer and service, we take a holistic, virtue-based approach to student
education and experiences. This is the Saint Ambrose Way.
Vision (what we aspire to)
As a thriving Catholic school, we create meaningful impact though each family we support and
student we send into the world.
By helping form the whole child, students are not only prepared well for the next level of
education, but life as Christian adults living the Saint Ambrose Way.
The Saint Ambrose community recognizes the partnership between parents, students, staff,
administration and parishioners in providing for the development of its members as people of
faith who worship, learn and grow together. As a community we have a responsibility to
support families- as the primary educators of their children- while providing enriching
experiences that promote a sense of belonging and responsibility to a community.
Follow us on Social Media
Did you know that we have a Saint Ambrose Facebook Page and Instagram Page? Please follow us for school updates and photos. Click the links at the bottom of this email for quick access to our social media pages.