Clara Barton Hawthorne Elementary
Husky Herald- May 2024
CBH School Beliefs
- We have caring hearts and helping hands
- We are responsible for our actions and our part in learning
- Through cooperation we achieve our goal
- We respect people and property
Upcoming Events
May 3- Donuts for Grown-ups - CB Campus 7:00 AM
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week!!!!!
May 6 Kindergarten Round-Up
May 9 PTA Meeting 6:30 @ Haw
May 17- Hawthorne Oral Spelling Bee
May 23- Walk-a-thon at CBH- Haw Campus
May 27- No School
May 28- Tentative Field Day at CBH
May 30- Last Day of Class!
May 30- 1:00 5th Grade Graduation
Teacher Appreciation Week
We will celebrate the work of all of our educators during the week of May 6-10!! Thank you for taking a moment to recognize the time and commitment these educators share with your children each day. We have the most amazing staff at CBH!
Kindergarten Round-Up
Monday, May 6th at Hawthorne
*This event is for 2024-2025 Kindergarten families
We ask families to attend based on their last name.
Last Names A-M 3:00-3:30
Last Names N-Z 3:45-4:15
Mid-morning Milk
Progress Reports
PowerSchool Access
Please make sure that you have access to your PowerSchool account before the end of the school year. I will send out information in July with instructions regarding registering for the 2024-2025 school year. You must have checked Emergency Notifications and School Communications and “YES” to receive Text messages. Please be sure your phone number, email address, and home address are up-to-date. You will need to be able to log into your PowerSchool account to register for the 2024-2025 school year. If you need assistance, please contact me before the end of this school year and I will help you reset your account, so you are ready in July when the fall registration window opens.
Thank you!
Shelly Reeder
24-25 Sections at CBH
We have received our sections for next year from the District Office.
The current plan for 24-25... as always, this may change over the summer.
K- Cantler
K- McGuire
K- Krause
2- Sanford
4- Schweigert
4- Scholand
5- Sigurdson
5- Larson
5- Jystad (currently teaching grade 4)
We are not sure if we will have 2 sections of fourth or 2 sections of 5th. We are watching numbers closely and will make adjustments as needed.
Important Dates to Remember
Aug. 26- Back to School Night - 5:00-6:30
Aug. 28- First Day of School
Sept. 2- No School
News from Mrs. Jorgenson
In May we will be finishing up our career lessons.
In kindergarten students will hear a story about different jobs in our community and identifying what they would like to be when they grow up.
In first grade students will be learning about various jobs and will be playing a career riddle game.
In second grade students will learn about which “good worker traits” they need to be successful in a job. Students will be making their own good worker traits tool chest.
In third grade students will be using a computer program called “Paws in Jobland” to explore career options.
In fourth grade students will be finishing up their career interest inventories. Please watch for the career booklets to come home in the first two weeks of May.
In fifth grade students will be learning about how jobs are grouped into career clusters and will practice classifying jobs into clusters through a game called career pizza.
Child Supervision Guidelines
Many parents are unsure when students can stay home alone or provide care for their younger siblings if parents need to leave the house. Here are guidelines from Cass County to help. Have a safe and fun-filled summer!
The ultimate responsibility for the safety, care, well-being, and behavior of dependent children remains with the parent or caregiver, whether they are present to personally supervise them or not. Supervising your children is one of the most important things you can do for them.
The age of the child is not the only factor that should be considered when children are left alone. Other factors include the maturity of the child, emotional health factors, and the child's physical or cognitive limitations.
May Coaching Information
After a long winter, spring blooms with hope. Parent coaching can be that breath of fresh air that guides you to sunnier days. Parent Coaching is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. All coaching correspondence is HIPAA protected. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Screen Time and Kids
Effects of Screen Time - May 7, 2024 - 6:30pm
Registration link: https://cookcenter.info/May7Fargo
TNT South
Thank you for an AMAZING year!
The staff at Clara Barton Hawthorne school would like to thank all of our students and parents for a great year. We look forward to working together next year during the 2024-2025 school year. We wish everyone a restful summer. Stay safe and we will see you on August 28th for the first day of school!
Just a reminder, Hawthorne will be closed starting on June 1. Please contact us at Clara Barton with any needs.
Enjoy the SUMMER SUN!
Hawthorne Elementary (Gr. K-2)
Mrs. Rainsberry, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/cbh
Location: 555 8th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701.446.4500
Clara Barton Elementary (Gr. 3-5)
Mrs. Rainsberry, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/cbh
Location: 1417 6th Street South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701.446.4400