Argyle ISD Bond 2024

VIDEO: Argyle ISD Informational Bond Video
Proposition A: What's Included?
The Argyle ISD Bond package includes three propositions on the ballot. PROPOSITION A addresses student enrollment growth, future campuses, increased capacity, land, and capital improvements.
Middle School #2 to serve grades 6 - 8
Elementary School #6 to serve Pre-K - 5th grade
Increased Capacity at Argyle High School in alignment with the district's 10-year Strategic Growth Plan
Increased Capacity at Argyle Middle School (will transition to a 9-12 high school in the future) in alignment with the district's 10-year Strategic Growth Plan
Land Purchases for the growth of new schools and facility sites
Capital Improvements for aging facilities
PROP A AMOUNT: $482,385,000
Proposition B: What's Included?
PROPOSITION B includes a competition baseball/softball complex at Argyle High School in Canyon Falls. Currently, AHS baseball/softball teams shuttle or drive to AMS to practice and play games. AHS in Canyon Falls does not currently have baseball/softball fields. With the district shifting to two 9-12 high schools in the future, the complex aligns with the district's 10-Year Strategic Growth Plan.
PROP B AMOUNT: $22,655,000
Proposition C: What's Included?
PROPOSITION C includes new Technology Devices for secondary students (grades 6-12) to accommodate for growth.
1:1 Program began in 2014-2015
7 Year Life Span on Devices (Chromebooks)
First 4 years at secondary 1:1 program
Final 3 years at elementary schools
12,500 devices needed over the next 9 years
PROP C AMOUNT: $6,500,000
Who Developed The Bond Proposal?
The community-led Bond & Growth Planning Committee met six times from October 2023 to January 2024 to develop a bond proposal for Argyle ISD. The committee evaluated the latest reports on student enrollment growth, finances, bond capacity, facility capacities, and toured AISD campuses.
The committee consisted of parents, students, staff, and community members. Notably, for the first time in Argyle ISD history, high school students were included on the bond committee.The feedback from students was very valuable and addressed capacity at AHS and congestion in common areas of the campus.
All of the presentations from the committee meetings are available on the BGPC website. CLICK HERE to view the documents presented.
What's the Tax Impact of this Bond Proposal?
Reminder, due to law enacted during the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019, the proposition language on the ballot will include: "this is a property tax increase."
The ballot language is required regardless of the bond's impact on the tax rate. The 2024 bond package will use the existing tax rate to fund the projects.
Argyle ISD Is Growing!
DID YOU KNOW? Since 2017, the Argyle ISD student population has grown 83%! That means more students in the classrooms, hallways and cafeterias. Bond 2024 is a long-range plan to help us manage the fast growth in our district.
Argyle ISD enrollment grew by more than 450 students last year and the District enrollment is projected to surpass 10,000 students in 10 years.
Do You Have A Question About The Bond?
We are here to help with any questions you may have about the Argyle ISD Bond. The district has prepared a Frequently Asked Questions page that we updating regularly with questions we receive in the community.
The district has added many of the questions that were asked throughout the multiple bond presentations with the community and staff. Please continue to reference this webpage as additional FAQs are added during the bond election.
CLICK HERE to visit the FAQs page.
Where Can I Vote During Early Voting?
Argyle ISD voters can vote at any Denton County voting location during the early voting period. Here is a list of the early voting locations in the Argyle ISD area:
Denton County ESD No. 1 Fire Station - 511 Gibbons
Bartonville Town Hall - 1941 E. Jeter Rd.
Denton Fire Station No. 7 - 4201 Vintage Blvd.
Denton County Southwest Courthouse - 6200 Canyon Falls
Northlake Town Hall - 1500 Commons Circle
Early Voting Days/Times
April 22-27 - Monday-Saturday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 28 - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday-Tuesday, April 29-30 - 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
What Can I Expect On The Ballot?
To help voters be best prepared when they head to the polls, Argyle ISD has a sample ballot our community can view before heading to the polls.
CLICK BELOW to view a sample ballot for an Argyle ISD voter with the three propositions.
VIDEO: Watch The Community Bond Presentation
Argyle ISD hosted three community bond presentations and also met with the athletic booster club and PTO/PTA leaders. If you didn't have a chance to see the presentation from Superintendent Dr. Courtney Carpenter, Chief Financial Officer Liz Stewart and Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Todd Rodgers, we have provided a video of the AHS community presentation. Please click the video link below.
Argyle Independent School District
Argyle ISD is a fast-growth public school district in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with 5,500+ students and nearly 700 employees. The District includes six campuses. Argyle ISD is a 13-time UIL Lone Star Cup Champion.
Website: argyleisd.com
Location: 6701 Canyon Falls Dr., Flower Mound, Texas 76226
Phone: (940) 464-7241
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArgyleISD/
Twitter: @argyleisd
Instagram: @argyleisd
Flickr Photos: Argyle Eagles