Land O' Lakes High Gator Gazette
November 2024 Newsletter
Principal Message
I am deeply grateful for the support of our wonderful community! Recently, we faced a couple of severe storms that caused us to miss significant time with our students. However, persevering through these challenges helps us grow stronger. This is the message we continue to emphasize to those affected by the hurricanes. I encourage our students to stay focused on their studies and strive to achieve their goals, ensuring a strong finish to the first semester. Due to changes in the school calendar, the semester will now end in January after the winter break. Additional changes will be presented to the Board soon for approval before being communicated. Recommendations include replacing all half days with full school days during the second semester. There is no recommendation to shorten the Thanksgiving break.
There is always a sense of urgency this time of year to support families in our area during the holiday season. If you would like to contribute to our community, please reach out to Stephanie Frane-Colon, our Career Specialist. She can connect you with various worthy causes. You can contact her at sfraneco@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Congratulations to our talented artists and hardworking student-athletes on a successful fall season! We are excited to see what you achieve next and what future seasons bring in terms of awards and championships.
Ric Mellin - Principal
Pasco Pathways Expo
The upcoming Pasco Pathways Expo will highlight the choices and innovative programs available in our county for the 24-25 school year. At the expo, you can learn about the School Choice application process. In addition, all regional secondary schools in the designated area will be represented, as well as select elementary schools.
Our Pasco Pathways Expo is on November 14 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Cypress Creek High School, 8701 Old Pasco Road, Wesley Chapel.
To learn more information about the schools registered for each evening and registration information, please visit pasco.k12.fl.us/expo
Course Standards Recovery
Graduation is Thursday, June 5 6pm at the USF Yuengling Center
The band is seeking donations and sponsorships for our silent auction on November 14th. All proceeds will benefit the band program by funding the purchase of new instruments and equipment. If you would like to donate or help, please contact our band boosters at lolhsmarchinggatorsbooster@gmail.com.
College & Career Lab Announcements
The 2nd Senior Seminar is schedule for Wednesday, November 6th at 6pm in the commons. A Financial Aid Advisor from Pasco Hernando State College will be covering topics on financial aid and scholarships. Current 12thgrade college-bound students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to attend this very important seminar!
Current 11th and 12th graders have the opportunity to attend a 3-day tour across the state of FL with Mrs. Colon to visit 11 colleges and universities. Included in the fee is 3-day hotel accommodations, charter bus transportation, 3 meals per day, college tours, planned activities, Chaperone Supervision (10:1). A $200 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot with the full balance due by December 20th. Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/tnk8N6eB6H
Contact Mrs. Colon with questions: sfraneco@pasco.k12.fl.us
Lunch & Learn: Interested in learning more about the NROTC Scholarship? Come to the College & Career Lab on Wednesday, November 13th during your lunch to hear about the scholarship, its benefits, and how to become a Marine in the United States Miliary. Sign up is not required and students can bring their lunch into the College & Career Lab (room 501) during the lunch and learn session.
Lunch & Learn: Pasco Hernando State College will be on campus during lunches on Tuesday, November 19th to briefly present information to 11th and 12th graders about the college programs offered, the application process, and to answer any questions that students may have. Sign up is not required and students can bring their lunch into the College & Career Lab (room 501) during the lunch and learn session.
2024 Great American Teach-In
Join us from November 11-15 for this year's Duke Energy Great American Teach-In as part of Pasco County Schools’ annual American Education Week celebration. Opportunities are available from 7:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to speak to students at our school about a career, occupation, or special interest area. You may choose to stay for an hour or for the whole day! The amount of time you volunteer is determined strictly by what your schedule permits.
To register for the Duke Energy Great American Teach-In, please contact Stephanie Frane-Colon, Career Specialist, by Nov. 8. She can be reached at sfraneco@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Please plan to join us. The students will appreciate your talents and incites.
Become a Guest Teacher (Instructional Substitute)
Pasco County Schools contracts with ESS to manage our Substitute personnel. If you are interested in working as a Guest Teacher (Substitute Teacher), you will need to apply through ESS. Please click this link to begin the hiring process. Enter “Pasco County Schools” in the “Where would you like to work” box on the ESS website.
ESS Benefits for Substitutes Include:
- Weekly Pay
- Access to Health Insurance and Voluntary Benefits
- Employee Incentive and Reward Program
- On-going Training Opportunities
Substitute staff play an important role for our schools. Please consider joining our Pasco/ESS team today!
Class of 2025 Homecoming Tacky Tourist Day
Senior photos must be taken at the Gigante Productions studio in order to make the yearbook. There is a $29 sitting fee that includes items for the formal pose and a casual pose in clothing that meets the school's dress code. There is no obligation to buy these photos, but you will be able to choose both a formal and casual photo for the yearbook as both pictures are included in our book. The deadline for senior pictures to make the yearbook is December 7, 2024. Make your appointments now before they fill up. https://www.giganteproductions.com/senior-sessions
Yearbooks are now on sale through RYCOR for $75. Prices will go up one more time on March 1, 2025 for the last chance sale. Buy yours early to get the best price. You can also purchase a yearbook through the Walsworth Yearbook website where you can order plastic book covers, book stamping, or itags for your student. See www.yearbookforever.com to order.
Senior tribute ad space is SOLD OUT. We exceeded the ad space we have and do not have anymore space available.
Swamp Talk News Show
The Swamp Talk new crew has created a Halloween short called "The Discipline List" on our LOLHS Swamp Talk YouTube channel. This feature was student created, written, and directed by the students in first period. Should out to Alexandria Bonner Check it out!
Stay informed by subscribing to our Swamp Talk news show on YouTube. New episodes drop each Wednesday and Friday with additional special content as well. Our first episode of the new school year was on Friday, August 23, 2024. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@LOLHSSwampTalk/featured
The Gator Press publications are student driven and edited. The views expressed within do not necessarily reflect the views of LOLHS staff.
Homecoming Queen Aspen Grady & King Grant Sallengs
Information for Students/Parents who took the PSAT/NMSQT
Now that your student has taken the PSAT/NMSQT, MOST scores will be released by the end of November on the College Board website. The student's PSAT/NMSQT score can be useful in several ways. It gives the student valuable practice for the SAT and insight into how to prepare, and it opens opportunities for scholarships and recognition.
- PSAT/NMSQT scores are automatically sent to National Merit Scholarship Corporation and certain other scholarship programs.
- Explore paths to take after high school.
Download the Big Future School Mobile app to access scores and receive information to help plan the student's future journey to college and/or career. If the student provided a mobile number when taking the PSAT/NMSQT, they should receive a text with a link to download and sign into the app.
Practice and improve the score. Use the PSAT/NMSQT score report to receive tailored resources from Khan Academy and develop a study plan. Khan Academy's digital SAT course content includes videos, articles, and worked examples designed to help students understand and experience the digital SAT Suite of Assessments.
SAT resources can be found here: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/practice.
Gators Athletics News
Thursday, November 7th, is the Butter Bowl. The Gators are trying to get their fourth Butter Bowl win in a row! The game will begin at 7 p.m. We will be honoring our seniors in band, cheer, and football prior to the game. This will be the last game of the season, so come out and support our Gators and our seniors!
Girls wrestling is looking for more girls to join the team. We start official practice on November 4th. If you are looking to find a new sport and would like to try wrestling, please come see Coach Marley in the gym between 2 and 4:30 p.m. every day once the season starts. Any background in jujutsu, judo, or MMA is always a good start.
Boys and Girls Tennis will hold an informational meeting held on Tuesday, November 5th, at 1:45 p.m. in room 903B. There will be open net starting in December. Please have your athletic paperwork submitted prior to play.
November Girl's Soccer Home Games
Monday Nov 4 vs Fivay 7:00 Varsity only
Thursday Nov 14 vs Academy Holy Names JV 5:00 Varsity 7:00
Wednesday Nov 20 vs Wesley Chapel JV 6:00 Varsity 7:30
Friday Nov 22 vs Tampa Prep 6:00 Varsity only
Land O' Lakes High School
Consistently recognized as one of America's best high schools. Rated B by the Florida Department of Education. An International Baccalaureate and Cambridge World School.
Website: lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us
Location: 20325 Gator Lane, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-9400
Twitter: @lolhsprincipal