Main Street Roar!
Weekly Parent Newsletter 5/3/2024
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Hello Main Street Family!
Most of he students have completed the PSSA tests. Next week, make up tests will be implemented for students who were absent. Thank you to all parents/guardians who ensured your students were present and on time every day!
Our building is now equipped with functioning air conditioners in every classroom. Therefore, students are required to follow the dress code on warm days. black, tan or khaki knee length shorts are permissible.
Let's end this year with a bang! if we can finish the month of May with 95% building attendance, Principal Medley will let the students duct tape her to the wall!
Meet me tomorrow at the Education & Empowerment Summit! Main Street students are part of the entertainment! There will be activities for the entire family. See the flyer below for complete details!
Friday, May 10th is an asynchronous day of instruction for students. All students will work from home. Students must turn in all completed assignments on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Bus Routes for the Education and Empowerment Summit! Transportation is Free!
PreK and Kindergarten Registration is Open for the 2024-25 School Year!
Is your child turning 3 years old by September 30? If so, you may register them in our PreK program!
Is your child turning 5 years old by September 30th? If so, you may register them in our Kindergarten program!
But you must register soon, slots are filling quickly! First families to submit completed packets will get in!
CUSD Free Summer Program!
Our free summer program applications are available now! See the flyers below for full information. Space is limited by schools and transportation will be provided. You must apply by May 3, 2024!
Thanks to grant funding our district was awarded through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)STOP School Violence Program, we have partnered with The Lincoln Center for Family and Youth to provide art therapy services to students to support their mental health and well-being.
Eligible students MUST BE referred to participate in the art therapy program. School faculty members and parents/guardians can refer students.
- May 9th - Student of the Month @ 9:30 AM in the Tiger's Den
- May 10th - Asynchronous Day - Students will work from home.
- May 24th - 5th Grade Dance
- May 27th - Memorial Day - Schools are closed
- May 30th - 5th Grade Class Trip
Do You Recognize Me?
All students must report to school in uniform everyday!
It is important your child(ren) attend school every day. The chart below indicates how much instruction your child(ren) will miss if they are not present.
Please send refillable plastic water bottles with your students.
In an effort to enhance sanitary measures in our building, all drinking fountains have been removed from the building. They have been replaced with water stations. Students can fill their water bottles during the school day. Please send refillable plastic water bottles to school with your children.
Car Line
Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.