PRSD Pulse

PRSD Pulse: December Edition ⛄
Superintendent's Update
Greetings Pearl River School District Families and Staff,
As we turn our calendar page and leave December, we anticipate a new year. I am proud of the many achievements and successes of our dedicated K-12 students and educators. The 2024-25 school year has been an incredibly busy time of continuous progress and growth. With the holidays and Winter Recess (December 23-January 1) right around the corner, I extend warm wishes to all as we prepare to spend time with loved ones in many celebrations and traditions. Throughout the month, we focused on the strong presence of arts in education spanning our school buildings as our elementary, middle and high school students diligently prepared for Winter Concert performances - rehearsing under the direction of our talented music educators. In addition, our District celebrates the artistic talents of Franklin Avenue Elementary School fourth grader Leslie Huera Loja - whose original artwork was selected as the cover of our annual PRSD Holiday Card - sent to local school districts across Rockland County, our vendors/professional services partners and administrators.
In the days leading up to Winter Recess, K-4 elementary students engaged in themed lessons that merged festive spirit with core learning concepts, and geared up for the holidays with their classmates during parties and school-wide celebrations. Pearl River Middle School students also took to the hallways for festive caroling alongside the Music Department and took part in wintry STEM activities - including a candy cane calamity and merry microscope exploration. Prior to preparation for the holiday season, the District spotlighted: professional development opportunities for middle and high school staff and faculty during the Early Release Day (December 12); a visit from Congressman Mike Lawler as he spoke to seventh graders about his role in government; the start of English 12 senior symposium podcasting projects; multi-sensory approaches to building literacy understanding and enhancing review; sixth grade ELA students engaged in book clubs; Capstone students’ project pitches; and, student-led instrument lessons. In addition, the PRSD celebrated Computer Science Education Week (December 9-13), as we showcased coding fundamentals spanning elementary to high school level.
This December Edition of our monthly PRSD Pulse e-newsletter reflects on a cheerful month of exciting learning as we begin to prepare for a new year. I look forward to continuing to share more highlights from what’s ahead as our District continues its work. As a reminder, we pick back up with regular monthly editions of this e-newsletter in January 2025. Until then, I wish all happy and healthy holidays and a very Happy New Year!
Marco F. Pochintesta
Superintendent of Schools
Pearl River Public Library Reminder
As a reminder, the Pearl River Public Library is preparing to move to its temporary home on East Central Avenue in the former Ringner’s Furniture Store. The Public Library will close to the public after December 30, 2024 and will be closed for approximately a month, with expectations to reopen at East Central Avenue on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The library has informed us that their temporary location will not have study or gathering space - meaning that while construction of the library is ongoing, parents will need to identify alternative spaces for this work. Another significant impact the project will have on our District is its proximity to Franklin Avenue Elementary School. The library has asked us to remind parents that use of the library parking lot for pick up and drop off from the school building is both prohibited and unsafe during this time.
The PRSD and the Public Library have a long history of partnering to serve and improve the community. Although the temporary library changes may pose an inconvenience, we are encouraged that we will soon be rewarded with a reinvigorated space that is well-suited to serve us for the next 50 years!
Spotlights Section
District Holiday Card Spotlights Fourth Grader's Artwork
The PRSD congratulates Franklin Avenue Elementary School fourth grader Leslie Huera Loja, whose original artwork has been selected to be featured on the front of the District's 2024 holiday greeting card! Each year, a student’s artwork is chosen to serve as the cover of the annual holiday card sent to local school districts in Rockland County, the District’s vendors/professional services partners and administrators. This year, this initiative expanded to offer the artistic opportunity for all K-12 students at the elementary and middle school level, alongside the high school. The Pearl River School District wishes our school community a happy and healthy holiday season as well as a very Happy New Year. As a reminder, we welcome all K-12 students back following Winter Recess on Thursday, January 2, 2025! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Winter Microscope Fun Inside Seventh Grade Science
Seventh grade scientists inside Deb Passman's class at Pearl River Middle School peered into microscopes to observe festive objects including holiday cookies, coal, peppermint, cocoa and pine tree needles - making observations and inferences based off of their unit understanding. First preparing their slides, PRMS Pirates carefully used droppers to place objects onto a glass for preparation, mounted the slide properly, and adjusted their lenses to correct magnification in order to properly analyze its characteristics. Students then sketched what they saw - ensuring they include details like shape, size and texture. Who knew microscopes could be so merry?! More on Facebook and Instagram.
All Aboard the Polar Express!
A Candy Cane Calamity for Sixth Grade
How does one ensure that a mailed package of candy canes will make it to its recipient intact? Sixth graders can help with that! Pearl River Middle School students took part in a Candy Cane STEM Day as they were tasked with an assignment: to securely pack and mail candy canes to a friend that has never had one before, ensuring that they arrive in one piece without breaking! Applying various techniques and strategies, PRMS Pirates worked in groups to design a bundle that will effectively protect the candy canes in transit while weighing the least amount possible. Groups worked swiftly to meet the criteria - using a paper bag, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, cotton balls, card stock, tape and scissors to craft their protection and packaging. Students then put their creations to the test - sliding them off of their desks to determine if the candy canes remain in MINT condition before filling out an analysis sheet to determine how they want to send off their package...just in time for the holidays! More on Facebook and Instagram.
The Holidays are Full STEAM Ahead...
PRMS Student-Musicians Shine in Winter Concert Performances
PRHS Band, Orchestra and Choral Ensembles Perform in Winter Concert
Winter Concerts continued as our Pearl River High School student-musicians prepared for their performance (Wednesday, December 18)! Leading up to the concert, band, orchestra and chorus ensembles prepped their lineup of festive medleys as they showcased their talents for all in attendance - thanks to the direction of Band teacher Brian Evans, Orchestra teacher Darcie Pickering and Chorus teacher Shereen Way. Want to hear more? On Thursday, January 16, PRHS Pirates prepare to perform again for their Winter Pops Concert (7:00PM at Pearl River High School). Mark your calendars! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Elementary Schools Host Winter Concerts
'Tis the season to be jolly...ELF Winter Concert performances took place at Evans Park Elementary School (December 9), Franklin Avenue Elementary School (December 10) and Lincoln Avenue Elementary School (December 13)! Joined by parents and family members, staff, teachers and District administrators, K-4 students showcased their choral renditions and medleys of winter, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa songs that they've been hard at work preparing during Music periods and rehearsals. We extend a BIG thanks to our incredible Music teachers Sarah Gill and Scott Louis for putting together such wonderful shows for all of our elementary students' families, as well as Pearl River High School Orchestra teacher Darcie Pickering and her students for assisting in musical accompaniment at Franklin Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Concert Prep Collaboration - Music Meets in the PRSD
Pearl River High School Orchestra students partnered with elementary Music teacher Scott Louis to review sheet music and fine tune their choral-orchestral understanding in anticipation of the ELF Winter Concerts. Instrumentalists prepared to play festive tunes alongside choral performers at Franklin Avenue Elementary School and Lincoln Avenue Elementary School - an exciting opportunity for these PRHS Pirates to return to where they first began their academic (and musical) journeys. Audio-recording these rehearsals, Mr. Louis worked with Franklin Ave Stars and Lincoln Ave Lions to prepare them to sing in cohesion with the live music accompaniment. It was a concert crossover! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Professional Development Sets Pace for Expanding Learning Opportunities
As students across grades 5-12 dismissed early for a half day on December 12, Pearl River Middle School and Pearl River High School administrators, educators and faculty members kicked off professional development sessions and department meetings - working to enhance their skills, collaborate and share best practices, and align curriculum and standards.
At Pearl River Middle School, building principals, teachers and clinicians had the opportunity to take part in a professional development carousel - attending various training sessions led by staff and Instructional Coach facilitators covering topics spanning Canva features and designs, computer-based testing tools, Tier I and Tier II supports, artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom, eSchool grade book tips and tricks, and SMART Board use.
Inside Pearl River High School, departments held meetings and planning sessions focused on ensuring alignment to NYS Next Generation Learning Standards, and preparing for upcoming units and topics to be covered. The World Language Department was visited by Putnum Northern Westchester BOCES World Language Coordinator Trinidad Arizmendi to discuss subject-specific advancements and best practices. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Congressman Mike Lawler Visits Seventh Graders
Pearl River Middle School seventh graders were visited by Representative Mike Lawler - who spoke with students about his experiences in state and federal government, representing New York's 17th Congressional District and serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Discussing his educational background, roles in public service, and multi-faceted work in both State Assembly and Congress, Congressman Lawler shared his experiences and insight with PRMS Pirates, as well as teachers and administrators in attendance. During a question and answer session, learners proposed questions ranging from what sparked his interest in politics, to what it's like to run in elections, to his favorite aspects of his role in government.
The District sincerely thanks Congressman Lawler for stopping by Pearl River Middle School to speak with students - as well as Superintendent of Schools Dr. Marco Pochintesta, Principal David Wright, and Social Studies teacher and Rockland County Teachers Association President Kevin O'Connor for arranging this educational experience! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Seniors Delve into Symposium Podcasting Project
English 12 students in Kristin Nazario's class at Pearl River High School are in the midst of their project development - working with PRSD Literacy Coach Dana Silver to select their chosen topics and begin to create their 'Senior Symposium' podcast projects! Thanks to a grant from Rockland Gives, PRHS Pirates have the opportunity to craft and record audio files in both teams and individually with professional podcast microphones. Utilizing Canva software to edit their recordings, learners are exploring ways in which they can best create engaging content that best encapsulates a selected theme and area of interest. Leading up to classroom recording sessions, Pirates worked in small groups to brainstorm ideas, propose their plans, engage in open discussion, and propose suggestions and feedback. Come January, select groups and individuals will showcase their work via a live/hybrid showcase celebration as seniors share their final products with families and peers - through a listening session, group shoutout, Q&A period and open mingle time. More on Facebook and Instagram.
A Multi-Sensory Approach to Literacy Learning
Pearl River Middle School students inside teacher Kelly Hogan's class are engaging in structured literacy learning - developing strong foundational reading and spelling skills through a multi-sensory approach based on phonological coding and Orton-Gillingham principles! First using magnetic journals with letter tiles, these PRMS Pirates practiced the manipulation of word parts for spelling activities - working with Ms. Hogan to ensure understanding and correct letter placement within words. Learners also worked on dictation through activities like circling Greek bases and using a dictation page to practice sounds, word elements, spelling options, real vs. nonsense words, phrases and sentences. Through sequential, routine lessons in the classroom, students are building phonemic awareness, improving sight word knowledge, fluency, vocabulary, expressive language, and reading comprehension. More on Facebook and Instagram.
CSEdWeek Coverage: Spotlighting PRHS Intro to Computer Science Programming
CSEdWeek Coverage: Spotlighting LA Grade 3 Hour of Code
CSEdWeek Coverage: Spotlighting PRHS AP Computer Science Project Work
Inside Steve Parisi's AP (Advanced Placement) Computer Science class at Pearl River High School, students are honing their in-demand, computational processing skills through lessons, activities and projects using various softwares. During Computer Science Education Week, we stopped by to capture these PRHS Pirates in action as they finalized their practice projects and began working on their written responses. Creating a decision maker application using Code.org, learners brainstormed an app idea for making a decision, interviewed classmates for ideas on what information would be needed to make the decision, drafted a flowchart on the decision making process, designed their app's user interface, programmed their app, and collected feedback from peers and made updates prior to submittal.
Apps provided answers to questions regarding staying or leaving a current job, selecting an outfit to wear, or choosing the best dog breed. Through completion of this mid-year project, students are prepared for the final project they will ultimately submit to the College Board to determine their final grade, along with their exam score. More on Facebook and Instagram.Sixth Grade ELA Engages in Book Clubs
Sixth grade ELA (English Language Arts) students at Pearl River Middle School are taking part in Book Clubs as part of their Deep Character Study Unit - as they analyze the novels "Wolf Hollow" by Lauren Wolk and "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis. Inside ELA teachers Tina Addino, Fiona Robinson, Susan Mulcahy, Mary Ginnane and Meghan McCarren's classrooms, PRMS Pirates worked in groups to: determine an emotional timeline using their recognition of emotions and knowledge of the plot; make inferences and predictions of characters' behavior and what's to come later in the book; jot notes and gists on specific chapter focuses; and, identify problems to consider conflict and resolution. Learners also spent time reading individually and alongside teacher-led read alouds.
Throughout the school year, these sixth graders will continue their reading comprehension and literacy work - delving into classwork centered on building deeper understanding and insight of what they read. More on Facebook and Instagram.English 12 Students Kick Off Capstone Pitches
Pearl River High School English 12 Capstone students have just wrapped up their pitch presentations - sharing their concepts and ideas for 'passion projects' as they begin to delve into research, locate and select a mentor to work with, and plan a relative thesis paper. PRHS Pirates in Tracy Holihan's class have spent the past week presenting their plans to a number of District administrators, building principals, teachers, guidance counselors and their peers. Learners pitch to a panel and receive feedback and suggestions as they begin to lay the foundation for their work - finalizing each facet of their overall project before presenting the final product to another panel of administrators, teachers and counselors come spring 2025. Later in the school year, they'll showcase what they've created/developed, achieved and learned throughout completing their projects during a Capstone Night held in May. More on Facebook and Instagram.