Dec 5th, 2018
In this edition of the VanWeekly...
- Apple Avalon Event
- Early Bird Stipends
- ACTION ITEMS- January PD Event- Deadline Extended!
- ACTION ITEMS- FCS Tech Competition- Volunteers needed!
- School Lead call
- Twitter Chat
- New Member
- Shining a Spotlight on Success
- Learning Opportunities for Microsoft
Apple Store Event- December 10th at 3:30 p.m
UPDATE: The orignial post of the VanWeekly had the wrong date. The event is December 10th, not the 12th.
The New Prospect Elementary Vanguard Team invites you to The Apple Store at Avalon on Monday, December 10th at 3:30 p.m. The topic: Apple Clips, a fun new video editing app for iPhone and iPad. You or your students can quickly add video, photos, subtitles, effects, title cards and music using this app. Bring an iPhone or iPad with the Clips app to this free event (or use one of Avalon Apple's devices while you're learning). To get a preview of some ways to use Clips in the classroom, check out https://ictevangelist.com/5-ways-to-use-apple-clips-in-the-classroom/
Early Bird Stipends
The first deadline for the Early Bird Stipend has been assessed and money has been transferred to your book keepers! You should have received an email from Heather Van Looy with an Early Bird badge. The hard deadline to spend your money will be January 18, 2019. Didn't get the early bird XP in time? No worries! Check out the important upcoming deadlines below.
Check out some stipend ideas here! https://padlet.com/mditmore21/rnvmgzsjbjy Feel free to add more of your own ideas here as well.
Have points questions or concerns? Please complete this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9hg8IhWqA35Ud9Pf8y2ms3keiI1VGQFxD8vDhVWTY2CrH2g/viewform. If needed, contact Megan Endicott and Giovanna Allison. Be sure to copy both endicott@fultonschools.org & allisong@fultonschools.org on any communication.
February 1st - Stipend Deadline: Staying the Course Deadline!
Teachers & METIs must earn 50 points by this date to get their stipend in February.
Non-Instructional staff must earn 35 points by this date to get their stipend in February.
End of the Year Expectations
Teachers & METIs must earn 100 points by the end of the year.
Non-Instructional staff must earn 50 points by the end of the year.
Stipend Guidance and Reminders
Now that the Early Bird Stipends are out, we wanted to take a moment to provide some important guidance, reminders, and answers to you as you begin to make purchases.
1. Every purchase must serve some instructional purpose that will benefit our students.
2. You may not purchase any computer devices. This includes computers, tablets, phones, smart watches, and even voice command devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home.
3. Subscriptions are completely acceptable (e.g. Nearpod Gold, Classcraft Premium, etc.)
4. Vanguard purchases are ultimately the property of Fulton County Schools. If you transfer to a different Fulton school, you may take your stipend purchases with you, but if you leave the county, you must leave your stipend purchases at your school.
Thanks, and please reach out to your Learning Community Leads, or me, with any questions or concerns. Thanks!
Justin Evans
Lead Coach
2018-2019 FCS Tech Competition
Carolyn Hutcheson (hutchesonc@fultonschools.org) is the point of contact for questions about the Technology Fair.
Volunteers Needed for the 2019 Fulton Technology Competition!!
Please fill out the form below if you can help out:
Twitter Chat -December 13th
We are looking forward to our December Twitter chat which will feature and spotlight our new members. We hope to see both new and existing members online on December 13th following the school lead call. We will post the Twitter chat questions prior to the chat on the @FCSVanguard Twitter page as well as on Teams. "See" you then!
Interested in hosting, sharing a topic idea, or anything else "Twitter related"? Read below!
We are looking for hosts for our coming Twitter chats! Please let us know if you are interested or know a colleague inside or outside of Fulton County who you believe would make a great host! Have ideas on the perfect topic? Reach out and let me know! Hosts, topics, and all things Twitter can be submitted here: https://goo.gl/forms/V4lclz5SxA0YrR693
School Lead Call – Thursday, December 13th at 7:00pm
School Lead Call - December 13th
Don't forget that we have our School Lead Call on December 13th. We will be spotlighting the Post Conference portion of the Coaching Cycle!!!!
School Lead Monthly PD "Tips & Tricks" Recap:
September - XP & TIM-O
October - Coaching Cycle & Pre-Conference
November - Coaching Cycle Action Steps
Reach out to your school lead if you have not received the above information!
Have questions about PD or Twitter? Reach out to Megan Endicott at endicott@fultonschools.org.
New Member Modules
New Member Course First Semester is complete.
All Modules were due 12/3/2018
New Members Modules: First Semester Courses are worth 40 points ( all new members must complete the modules and have a total of 40 points)
You can check your points here: New Members Point Tracker
If you have over 40 points, we will go in and correct those.
If you have less than 40 points, please send me an email at johnsondc@fultonschools.org and let me know how we can support you.
Modules and Codes are Below
* New Code, due to the old codes expiring. if you completed the modules using the old code you do not need to do the modules again.
At the end of every module complete the Module Completion Form your points will automatically calculate.
New Members will not receive Early Bird Stipends, even if you have the points. New Members need 50 XP by Feb 1 in order to qualify for the stipend.
New Member Twitter Chat 12/13/2018 Have you ever done a twitter chat before? It's okay if the answer is no. We encourage you to try. Here is some information to get you started. Read this article about twitter chats, maybe an authentic one can be created in Teams before the big one on the 13th.
New Members Flip Grid Please Double Check and Make sure your Flipgrid is posted on this channel.
Ms. Cynthia Cox
Ms. Cynthia Cox's class podcast was published on Kidsblog! Watch the podcast here Be a part of Cynthia's amazing PLN by following her on twitter @TagyoureitCox
Nominate someone or submit your own Spotlight Vanguard Member!
Vanleads, do you see any vanguard members at your school doing something awesome? Were they struggling with a tool before and are now using it? BRAG on our Vanguard members. If you see something awesome, please submit about your team member.
Please share your success stories with us! You may see your "Spotlight" in an upcoming Vanweekly!
Share your Tip, Tool and/or Trick!
Share your Tip, Tool and/or Trick!
If you have a technology, instructional strategy/best practice, or coaching tip, etc. please share!
Microsoft PD Opportunity Sign Up Now- Space Still Available
We’ve seen a lot of requests for more Microsoft training. Here's a great PD opportunity! Mindy Ramon will be facilitating a self-paced online Beyond Microsoft Innovative Educator course. This course will run from January-May and will cover advanced uses of Microsoft tools to transform learning and support students. Course activities and assignments will be aligned to the Technology Integration Matrix. Please complete this form if you are interested in this course. Participation is limited to 25 teachers. First come first served!
January 4 Microsoft Teams Training- Help Spread the Word
There are several Microsoft Teams training sessions scheduled for the January 4 workday. Please help spread the word to others at your school that would be interested in attending.
Microsoft Teams: Support for Personalized Learning
Attend this session to learn more about Microsoft Teams- one stop shop to create a digital hub for your classroom and streamline your teaching workflow. Learn to create individual assignments, provide personalized feedback, track student progress via a OneNote notebook, meet online, engage student voice/choice, and more.
Microsoft Teams: Support for Effective PLCs
Attend this session to learn more about Microsoft Teams- one stop shop for communication and collaboration. Educators will learn how PLCs can use Teams to save time by organizing all work in one hub. Learn strategies for more efficient communication via the chat, conversations, video calls, and more. Discover how to use a shared document library or OneNote notebook for tracking student data, meeting notes, lesson planning, and other PLC tasks.
These sessions will be held at Bear Creek Middle School and Centennial High School. Register in Edivate in the Professional Development Days catalog.
Vanguard Leadership Team
District Support
Heather Van Looy -
Instructional Technology Program Specialist
@HeatherVan Looy
Mindy Ramon -
IT Training Support Coordinator
Executive Committee
Megan Endicott
Associate Lead - Points, Events & Professional Development
Chanel Johnson
Associate Lead- New Member Support & Communications
South Learning Community & Achievement Zone
Christian Padgett
Northeast Learning Community
Northwest Learning Community
Pam Kelly
Katie Pardee
Central Learning Community
Fulton County Vanguard Team
Vision: Through building colaborative relationships and supporting student focused learning, the Vanguard Team will positively impact student achievement.
Pillars: Transform, Innovate, Mentor, & Support (TIMS)