Nugget News
February 2025
Ms. Porter's Monthly Message
Dear Nob Hill Families,
As we soar into this crucial part of the school year, we want to emphasize how important attendance, engagement, and communication are for student success. We now have testing results back, and our teachers are fine-tuning instruction to provide students with exactly what they need to thrive. However, even the best instruction cannot be effective if students are not present.
Attendance Matters!
Students need to be at school every single day to benefit from the focused teaching and learning happening in the classroom. Arriving on time and staying the full day is essential. Frequent tardies and early checkouts disrupt learning—not just for your child, but for the entire class. Let's work together to ensure students are present and ready to learn.
Partnering for Success
Parents, we need your support to help our students reach their full potential. You can do this by:
✅ Communicating regularly with your child’s teacher
✅ Checking FOCUS for grades, interims, and report cards
✅ Ensuring homework and i-Ready lessons are completed each night
By working together, we can ensure that every student at Nob Hill reaches for the stars and achieves their best!
Thank you for your partnership in making NHE truly Out of This World!
Traci Porter
Mrs. Cruz' Corner
Dear Nob Hill Nuggets,
As we settle into February, we are excited to continue the great routines of teaching and learning that have been established. Daily attendance is crucial to your child’s academic success. Every day counts, and being present ensures your child stays engaged, keeps up with lessons, and participates fully in the dynamic classroom environment we’ve created.
We also want to remind you of our school-wide behavior expectations, encapsulated in our motto: Our Behavior is Good as GOLD:
- Give Respect
- On Task and Ready to Learn
- Lead by Example
- Do the Right Thing
Please take a moment to discuss these principles with your child and encourage them to make good choices while at school. Reinforcing these values at home helps create a consistent and supportive environment for all our students.
Parental involvement is key to student success. We value and appreciate your partnership in your child’s education. Here are a few ways you can stay connected and engaged:
- Ask your child what they are learning each day to show interest and support.
- Stay connected with teachers through communication apps to receive updates and important information.
- Reach out to us whenever you need support or have questions about your child’s progress.
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to your child's education. Together, we can make this school year a successful and enriching experience for all.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Cruz
Happenings on the Hill
Specialized program
Theme for the month of February:
This month , the cadets will learn about living things and how they grow. What do plants and animals need to grow and thrive. They will also learn about Distinguishing between living and non-living things, demonstrating scientific curiosity about the needs of plants and exploring the simple life cycles of an animal. Furthermore, we will continue our lessons on why the Earth is important and its four seasons
Students will be working with the letters/sounds Rr, Zz, Ll Vv.
3-Math: Student will be reviewing numbers 1-30 and will be introduce the Addition Concepts.
Do you know which Owls will grow?
Our planet
What is Red
Zip to the Zoo
Living things are everywhere!
If it is
Mystery seeds
This is the Way
Intensive Program
Unit: Make Believe - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Unit Topic Words: cold, family, hot, now, past, see, story, year
This unit explores the past, present and future. Students will learn about the past, present and future by telling and listening to stories. The students will explore all about the letters/sounds Kk, Rr, Ww, Ee; the numbers 16-19; review the colors pink, white, red, purple, and black; and review the shapes oval and heart. We will begin learning all about 3-D shapes (different attributes) with sphere and cube. We will sort shapes and other items by size (big, medium, and small).
ESE - Reinman
This month our theme will be “Make it Last”. We will learn the many ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. In Math we will continue building on our knowledge of place value when solving problems in all areas of math. In Science we will begin our exploration of the Solar System. My students will begin taking their FAA test from February 24th through April 11th.
Kindergarten is spreading KINDNESS this month! In ELA, Students finishing Benchmark Unit 5 Technology at home and school. By the end of this unit students will be able to answer the essential question: Why Do We Use Technology? In math, students are starting Topic 9: Count and Represent Numbers to 20. In Social Studies, students will be keeping an eye out to see if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow! They will also be starting Unit 6: Patriotic Holidays and Celebrations. By the end of the unit students will be able to answer the question: How do Americans show Patriotism? In Science, students will be exploring patterns in the sky. Kindergarten will be participating in free swim lessons February 17th- 28th. Please keep an eye out for field trip forms!
First grade is loving learning in February! In reading, we are learning about long vowel sounds, the moral of a story, and main topic and key details. In math, we are working on adding and subtracting numbers to 100 and measurement. In science, we are learning about fast and slow changes to land and living and nonliving things. In social studies, we are learning about rules and laws. We are excited to celebrate our friendships on Valentine’s Day. Start working on your special mailboxes! We are gearing up for our next field trip to the Old Davie School House in April. Stay tuned for a permission slip soon!
2nd grade is falling in love with learning! We had SO MUCH FUN on our in school field trip with Intergalatic Adventures to learn about our solar system and astronauts! Details will follow for our next field trip together. Get those shoeboxes ready, you'll need one for a special something happening in 2nd grade. Keep an eye out on your teacher's communication app for our Valentine's Day exchange details. In reading, we are wrapping up finding author's purpose for a passage and finding the central idea and relevant details when it comes to inventions. In math, we are learning all about place value and adding into the hundreds! In science, we learned all about the reason for the seasons. As you can see, there's an abundance going on in our grade level and a lot of things to keep track of! Please continue to check your child's communication app to stay up to date!
Third graders have started 2025 off with great perseverance and determination! They have become multiplication masters and are on their way to becoming division dominators! February will be an exciting month with a lot of interesting topics being covered. In Unit 6 of Benchmark, students will identify the central idea of a text, explain how characters develop throughout a text, and compare and contrast how two authors present information on the same topic. In math, they will finish up the topic about using equations to solve problems by using sequencing, determining if equations are true, and solving two-step real-world problems that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division. After that, we will be diving into the world of fractions. In social studies, they will continue to learn about North America’s climate, vegetation, and natural resources in different regions. In science, students will learn about the sun and the Law of Gravity. At the end of the month, they will begin learning about plant structures and functions. On Friday, February 21st, 3rd grade will be having their Fifty Nifty Show at 8:30 am in the cafeteria to show their families all that they have learned about the regions of the United States of America. We hope to see you there! February may be a short month, but we will be packing it with a lot of fun and learning!
4th graders are continuing to work hard and staying focused! In ELA, we are moving into the next unit of Benchmark which focuses on confronting challenges. The students will answer the Essential Question: How do we overcome obstacles? They will look at difficult quests characters go on to accomplish a mission or a goal and how these characters respond to the challenges that arise. They will also look at universal themes and experiences that the characters encounter throughout their journey. In math, we started Topic 9 which focuses on Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. In science, we are finishing up our unit on Phases of the Moon and we will be working on Rocks and Minerals. Please help support our students by making sure they are achieving their weekly I-Ready goals.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Quarter 3! This quarter will be the most challenging yet, and your child's hard work and dedication will be crucial to their success. To stay on top of their progress, please regularly check Focus for updated grades.
Additionally, a reminder that the final payment for our Islands of Adventure trip is now available on the e-store.
In science, we're embarking on an exciting new unit exploring Space. We'll also be reviewing 4th-grade standards in preparation for the state test in May. To support your child's learning at home, consider:
• Reviewing our daily class notes together
• Doing Progress Learning at home
In math, we're building on our fractions unit, now focusing on multiplication. This concept will help students develop a deeper understanding of mathematical operations.
In reading, we're exploring nonfiction texts to investigate the impact of technology on society. Through our study of the Industrial Revolution, students are honing essential skills, including:
• Identifying central ideas and supporting details
• Analyzing cause-and-effect relationships
• Understanding how graphic and text features enhance our comprehension
To support your child's progress, please continue to monitor their iReady dashboard. Our goal is for each student to:
• Pass at least 2 lessons in each subject
• Complete a minimum of 45 minutes of practice per subject
Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Heart Challenge - Sign up now!
Personality Portrait Picture Day - Tues Feb 4th
Movie Night
Kindergarten Round up
Class picture Day - Thurs. Feb 20th
Luv'n Oven Family Night - February 27th 3-9pm
PTA Calendar
Title 1 News
VPK - 2025/2026 Applications now open!
Dates to Remember
Feb 4th Tues) - Personality Picture Day
Feb 7th (Fri) - PTA Movie Night
Feb 14th (Friday) - Early release 12pm
Feb 17th (Monday) - No school
Feb 20th (Thurs) - Class Picture Day
Feb 26th (Wed) - SAC Meeting 3pm
Front Office Information
7:30am - 3:00pm
Contact Information
(754) 322-7200 - Main office line
(754) 322-7202 - Attendance line - Please call this number to report an absence
(754) 322-7203 - Nurse/clinic
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Students arriving after the 8am bell need to walk into and be signed in through the front office.
You may pick up your child early until 1:30pm and ID must be shown. Person picking up student MUST be listed on Emergency Contact card as a designated pick-up person.
No students will be dismissed between 1:30 and 2:00pm.
Report an Absence
Direct Attendance Line - (754) 322-7202
Online - https://www.browardschools.com/reportabsence2671
Front Office Staff
Office Manager - Maritza Canizares
IMT/Registrar - Anitra Tinsley
General Clerk II - Taryn Cole-Lagos
Microtech - Valerie Blackburn
Attendance Policy
Nob Hill Attendance Line - (754) 322-7202
No Early Sign Outs after 1:30pm
Regular attendance is a key factor in a child's academic success. Regular attendance is when a student attends more than 95% of the academic school year; this may include up to 8 absences in a 180-day school year.
Each parent/guardian of a child within compulsory attendance age is responsible for their child's school attendance. When a child must be absent, the parent must report the reason for absence to the school's Attendance Manager.
Policy 5.5: ATTENDANCE
Parents should report the reason for an absence within two school days. If requested by the school, the parent must provide documentation of an illness from a licensed health care practitioner.
Students must be in school unless the absence has been permitted or excused for one of the reasons listed below:
1. Illness of student (Physical or Mental Health)
2. Illness of an immediate family member
3. Death in the family
4. Religious holiday
5. Required court appearance or subpoena
6. Special event
7. Scheduled medical or dental appointment
8. Student has a communicable disease
Students on field trips, attending alternative to suspension programs, or in internal suspension programs are not considered absent.
Examples of absences that are not excused include, but are not limited to:
a) Failure to communicate the reason for absence(s)
b) Family trip that does not include one of the excused reasons listed in this policy
c) Vacation
d) Excessive absences due to illness without the requested physician verification that a medical condition justifies the pattern of absences will be recorded as unexcused.
e) Oversleeping
f) Missing the school bus (as routinely scheduled)