Wickliffe Family Update

October 13, 2024 Notes and News
Dear Families,
We are excited for the week ahead as we prepare to host the PEN National Conference and welcome visitors to experience firsthand what Progressive Education looks like at Wickliffe. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school and the unique learning environment we foster. On Thursday and Friday, we will host fellow progressive educators during the school day, allowing them to immerse themselves in our school for the day. Additionally, the building will be active Friday evening through midday Sunday with conference events.
We also want to remind you about Create Bravely Family Night with Peter H. Reynolds! This special event will be a celebration of creativity, featuring hands-on activities and a mini film festival to strengthen family connections. We hope you can join us on Friday for this fun and inspiring evening! If you haven't registered yet, it's not too late. Please click here to register your family.
Lastly, just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday.
Thank you for your continued partnership, and we look forward to seeing you at these exciting events!
Warm regards,
October 14: No School
October 14: Title 1 webinar at 7:00 pm.
October 15: Screenagers viewing and panel discussion, UAHS performing arts center, 6:30 p.m.
October 16: Restaurant Night @ Rusty Bucket 11 am - 10 pm
October 18-21: Wickliffe to host the Progressive Education Network National Conference
October 18: Town Meeting at 8:30 am (Upstairs 2/3 classes)
October 18: Peter Reynolds Create Bravely Family Workshop - 5:00 - 6:30 pm
October 25: Picture Retake/Make-up day
October 25: Fall Fest
October 31: Fall Harvest Parade at 1:45pm
November 4th: PTO General Meeting
November 11th: Veteran’s Day Breakfast Town Meeting
Link to district School Year Calendar (also linked in the Helpful Links section below)
Wickliffe Updates
Picking your child up early?
Create Bravely Family Night
Picture Retake/Make-up day
On Friday, October 25th we will photograph any student who was absent during the first picture day, as well as those requesting a retake.
For students requesting a retake, simply have them bring their original photo package and hand it to the photographer when their new picture is taken. The same package will be reprinted using the updated image.
In some cases, students may not have a physical package to return, such as if they ordered a digital download or if parents viewed the photo online and were dissatisfied. We will still photograph these students when they present themselves for a retake.
Veterans Day Celebration
We want to honor veterans on Veterans Day (Monday, November 11). Is there a veteran in your family or do you know of someone who has served or is serving in the military? Please complete this survey with your veteran's information so we can honor them at our town meeting.
Veterans, their student and their families are invited to breakfast and coffee provided by our PTO between 7:30 and 8:30am. Students head to their classrooms at 8:10 then we ask our veterans to join in our school town meeting at 8:30 in seats of honor.
If you have more than one veteran, please fill out the survey for each veteran and note if they will be able to attend.
Nurse Information Regarding Prescripton Medications
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
October Lunch Menu
Greetings from the Elementary Explorations Team
Here is a link to the latest issue of the Elementary Explorations Newsletter. In this issue, you will find a recap, pictures, and a video of Lesson 3, as well as a preview of Lesson 4.
School Counselors' Corner
Happy October Wickliffe Families!
It has been a busy month already and we are only a week in! I wanted to give you a quick overview of the lessons I will be teaching in each grade level this month and the parent letter that will go home after the lesson is completed (you can look for it in your teachers newsletter or below). Hope everyone is having a great week!
Kindergarten- Zones of Regulation/Red Lesson- Kindergarten will be focusing on the Red Zone feelings and the tools we can use to get back to green.
First Grade- Zones of Regulation/Red Lesson- First grade also focused on the Red Zone and their zones tool box for when they get angry.
2nd and 3rd Grade- Problem Solving Skills- 2nd and 3rd graders talked about how we can identify the size of a problem and try to solve it on our own when we can!
4th and 5th Grade- Friendship Boundaries- 4th and 5th grade discussed friendship boundaries and what we can do to keep our friendship boundaries.
Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO
Volunteers are needed! Sign up here to assist with set up/activity tables/clean up if you would like to help make this event a success!
Fall Fest! - Friday, October 25th 6:00-8:00 pm
Fall fest is a free community event with lots of activities including bounce houses, a petting zoo, scavenger hunt, crafts, games, and more! - can’t wait to see you there! Stay tuned for more updates to come.
Veteran's Day Town Meeting & Breakfast at Wickliffe - Monday, November 11th
We will be honoring veterans on Veterans Day (Monday, November 11th). Veterans, their student(s) and their families are invited to breakfast and coffee provided by our PTO. Stay tuned for more details to come!
District Updates
Screenagers showing and panel discussion
On Tuesday, October 15 will be the community showing of Screenagers from 6:30-8:00 PM in the UAHS Performing Arts Center. This free event will be followed by a panel discussion that includes local experts in the areas of children’s mental health, safety, district device management, and administrative and student perspectives.
Title I Webinar
Our school receives federal funding through Title I to support reading programs. We invite you to join our annual Title I webinar on Monday at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about this valuable program. Please register here to attend and gain insight into how Title I benefits our students.
Progress Reports for students with IEPs
If your student receives services based on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) you can view their first progress report of the year starting on Wednesday, October 8th via PowerSchool. Click on the green box that contains the letters ‘PR’ at the top of the home screen once you are logged in.
Helpful Links
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Instagram Account ~ @wickwolves
Lunchroom Helper - click here to Volunteer
Nurse Notes
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Email: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org
Links to Previous Updates:
All of our updates can be found on the Wickliffe website under “school news”.
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