Livingston School
Monthly Newsletter November 2024
Dec. 3rd K-2 Winter Music Program & Honor Choir Performance
Dec. 6th 3rd grade painting
Dec. 11th PTK Meeting 3:30
Dec. 12th 4th grade field trip BBCoW 12:40-2:15
Dec. 13th Nutcracker (1st, 3rd, 5th grade)
Dec. 13th 2nd grade painting
Dec. 18th 1st Grade Gingerbread Houses
Dec. 20th 5th grade Hockey tournament 8:45-11:45
Dec. 21- Jan 5 Winter Break
Keep Up With The Latest News and Announcement's
Livingston Office
Please call Kristy or Jesse Mae in the office at 587-4271.
Contact your classroom teacher to get on Bloomz.
School Meals: Breakfast and Lunch
Livingston families, as account holders you can use LINQ Connect for on-demand access to your student's school account. With this secure meal account, you can easily make meal payments, link student accounts, access menus, track purchases and more!
Breakfast Menu
Box Top$ for Education
If you receive a paper receipt, a quick scan with the Box Tops app will identify participating products and automatically credit your school's earnings online.
Livingston PTK
Upcoming PTK Events and Volunteer Opportunities:
- December 11th PTK MEETING 3:30
Time before and after school is used by teachers to plan and prepare lessons and materials. Because teachers are unavailable to supervise them, we cannot allow students to play outside prior to 7:45 a.m. or after 3:15 p.m. Normal arrival time is 7:50 a.m., when supervision is available.
Drop off & Pick Up
Please be considerate of our Livingston Neighbors when parking your cars for drop-off and pick-up.
PLEASE do not block our neighbor's driveways. Thank you!!
Transportation-Bus/Pick up
Bus Information-
If your student requires transportation call our bus barn at 587-2851. The attached link shows our bus routes.
Car Riders Kiss and Go-Drop Off in the Mornings-
Parents may drop off in the mornings from 7:45-8:10am. Students may enter the building if they are eating breakfast. If students are not eating breakfast at school, they may follow the sidewalk to the playground with teacher supervision available.
Car Riders Kiss and Go-Afternoon Dismissal-
Students who are using our Kiss and Go may be picked up along the curb. You will stay in your vehicle and follow the other cars, pulling up to the curb in the next available spot. A staff member will then put your student in the vehicle. Please write your students name on a sheet of paper and display this in the upper right hand corner of your dashboard, this will help with the flow of Kiss and Go.
When you know your child will be absent from school, please call the school between 7:30 and 8:45 a.m. If we have not heard from you, someone from the office will have to call you at home or at work. If we are unable to reach you, it will be necessary to call the emergency names listed on your child’s information sheet.