This Week @ PS 88Q
September 1st, 2024
First Day of School is Thursday, September 5, 2024
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone had a wonderful Summer break! It is so important to take that time to slow down, and enjoy family and friends. I truly feel that keeping that balance between life and its responsibilities and time for friends and family is key. Even though the summer break is ending, I hope you all continue to strive for that balance.
We officially kick off the 2024-2025 School Year this week. Our teachers and all staff return to work on Tuesday, September 3rd and Wednesday September 4th. These days are spent preparing for each and every one of our amazing students. Some of our families got a sneak peak at our school, pre-opening, last week at our Meet and Greet and our Kindergarten Family Meeting. It was great seeing our students and all their adults in the building! I spend my summers at PS 88Q, and it isn't the same without the sound of our students and staff. In a few days, our hallways will be filled again!
This weeks newsletter has a lot of first week information. See you Thursday!
Arrival and Dismissal
Our new playground is ready (well almost)! It has been a project for sure, but it will be open for our students to arrive and depart through on the first day. There are many finishing touches that are still forthcoming, but my main concern was availability to enter and dismiss from day 1. Please see below guidance:
Grades K-5:
All students will enter the school through the large school yard. Students in grades K-2 will enter through the lower yard doors and proceed to the cafeteria. Students in grades 3-5 will enter through the auditorium doors and enter the auditorium. Doors open at 7:30am and close at 8:05am. After 8:05am, students are considered late and enter through the main doors. For the first two weeks, we will account for a longer opening.
*Day 1 For Kindergarten: All kindergarten families, at 8:00am, your child's kindergarten teachers will proceed to the large school yard, and we invite you and your child to join the teachers line. Families will escort their child into the school on the first day, and to the classroom. We want you to experience their morning "route" to their class. Upon arrival in the classroom, the teacher will place the child's nametag on them. This is an important safety measure the first week. Parents will then exit through the main door. Please ensure your child is wearing their name tag the first few weeks. Students will enter the cafeteria on Day 2. Doors open at 7:30am.
3K and Pre-K: All students and their adults will enter the school through the small school yard. Each day the students are escorted into their classroom, and dismissed in their classroom. As you enter the building, 3K classrooms are on the right side (002, 004) and Pre-K classrooms are on the left side (001, 003). THE FIRST DAY, AND WEEK ARE FULL DAYS.
*Day 1 For 3K and Pre-K: At 8:00am, our doors will open, and all families will proceed into the classrooms. Please prepare to stay in the classroom, to support your little one. At approximately 8:45am, I will come gather all of our families, and we can meet to discuss any questions you have. Students do have a full day of school, so please pack them with a blanket and sheet for their cots.
Grades K, 1, 2: Dismissal is in the large school yard. The entrance for the yard will be divided by our stanchions to indicate and in and out of the yard. Each class will proceed to their designated spot in the yard. Parents will be called in to the yard when their child's class exits the building. Please remember, the first few weeks, the teachers are just learning who everyone is, so please do not take your child off the line until the teacher makes a hand to hand connection with you.
Grade 3 Dismissal: Grade 3 will dismiss from the front of the building (Catalpa Avenue), exactly where they were dismissed in 2nd grade. They will exit the building on the left side of the main entrance.
Grades 4 and 5 Dismissal: Grades 4 and 5 will dismiss from the front of the building (Catalpa Avenue) as well. Grade 4 and 5 will proceed down the stairs and exit to the right. If your child has permission to walk home alone, they will be dismissed at 2:20pm from the Catalpa Avenue exit.
The first few days can seem overwhelming, but please know that in a few days, it is smooth. Safety is our main concern, and this does take some time. Please make sure your emergency contacts on your Operoo account are updated and include anyone who may pick up your child. We will not dismiss any child to someone not on the blue card, and who doesn't have photo ID.
3K and Pre-K: Doors are opened at 2:10pm for dismissal. Please enter the classroom. Each teacher has a protocol to safely ensure that students are dismissed to their adult.
Our School Yard
We are so excited to have our space back, and it is amazing! It is still in the final stages, with painting (the track, and basketball courts) and other finishing touches being done daily. Our students will have access to the yard during the school day. When we are all done, we will have an official opening and ribbon cutting.
Our new playground equipment is so fun! There are many climbing opportunities, bridges, and slides. It is built on very soft, playground mats. There are two different apparatus, one for students ages 2-5 years old, and the other one for ages 6 and up. Your child will receive a playground permission slip for the equipment.
Parent University
We are excited to launch a new resource for our families, PS 88Q PARENT UNIVERSITY. This site is a live, and ever updating site with so many resources as well as information for our families. One of our Chancellors Priorities, Priority 5 is "All districts and schools are more inclusive and responsive for parents and families, including having more families choose NYC Public Schools". As a parent myself, I know how important it is to not only know and understand what is going on, but would like to know how I could get involved. This begins with open communication, and information. Check out the new site, PS 88Q Parent University. It aligns to all our communication (newsletters, emails) so it is a great place to find anything that is shared.
Family Income Survey
Each school year, all of our families complete the Family Income Survey. You may wonder why it is so important. When all of our families complete the form, this helps us qualify for Title I funding. Title I funding is a huge asset to our school. For example, this school year, Title I funding is approximately $450,000. This funding helps all students, through staffing, extra-curricular programs, and supplies. Please complete the form online to ensure that our funding remains.
How Do I Stay Connected?
I know how hard it is to stay connected! If you are like me, you have 2 or 3 different emails (yes, I am still hanging on to my aol account as well as outlook and gmail). You probably have multiple platforms of information you check regularly, like me too! Then of course, there is the phone, and its many apps! Sometimes to much is too much! In order to start you off this year, I am going to share a few of the must haves for a parent.
- Access to your child's NYCSA (New York City Schools Account). THIS IS A MUST! This is your one place to access all of YOUR CHILD'S information. It is specific to you, as it includes information that only a parent or guardian are privy to. This includes report cards, attendance, IEP, bus route information, and all student documents. If you do not have access to this, please attend my information session in September. Only adults who are listed as legal guardians can access their students information.
- School-wide Communication: Each week, I create a newsletter which communicates information, as well as highlight the past week @ PS88Q. For those of you who know, it is a Sunday ritual for me! It is filled with links, and current information. I email it to families, as well as post it on social media, and our website. Our teachers also share it on Dojo. But if for some reason you don't see it those ways, here is the link for every newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/u/studenta6
- Class Specific Two-Way Communication: Class Dojo or Remind. Each classroom teacher has a DOE approved app (Dojo or Remind) that they use to communicate classroom specific information. Please make sure you are connected. Classroom teachers will share this app the first week.
Here are some other ways to stay connected:
- Check our website https://www.ps88q.com/ for any questions you have. I have updated it over the summer. It includes all staff emails, curriculum details, student clubs and extra curricular activities, calendars, videos, podcasts, etc. It is a great hub for you to perhaps answer some of your questions, or to inform you of some questions you may have. This website is for all families, prospective families, and the community.
- NEW this year is the Parent University. This is something I created that houses information that families need, AND to post opportunities for parent learning. During the year, we will host many in person, and virtual workshops and learning opportunities for families. https://sites.google.com/schools.nyc.gov/ps88parentuniversity/home
- Attend my monthly Coffee with Mrs. O'Shaughnessy and Coffee with Ms. Ivett, our Parent Coordinator.
- And most important, attend our PTA meetings. During the monthly meeting, you can find out ways to support PS 88Q, join sub committees, and meet other families.