What's Happening at School?
Graettinger-Terril/Ruthven-Ayrshire Schools October 2018
Balanced Literacy at Graettinger-Terril/Ruthven-Ayrshire Schools
The teachers at GT/RA are preparing lessons for students that provide a balance of literary activities. The preschool teachers work on letters and letters sounds, writing names, and introducing students to print. Our elementary teachers use whole group core instruction lessons to teach students grade level skills. Then small group reading lessons to meet student needs at their level of reading and writing. The middle school teachers lessons include literacy circles, writing, and KU writing strategies. At the high school level, along with the reading and language arts teachers, all teachers work to include reading and writing in their classrooms. This edition of What's Happening at School will share reading and writing activities at GT/RA.
Ruthven-Ayrshire Kindergarten Reading and Writing Project
RA Kindergarten Retell
The RA kindergarten class retold the story of The Greedy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds after Mrs. Knaack read the story to them.
Jasper ate the carrots from Crackenhopper Field.
The carrots creeped on Jasper.
Jasper built a wall around Crackenhopper Field so the carrots couldn't get out.
The carrots CHEERED. Their plan worked.
The End
The students each made their own Greedy Carrot.
2nd Grade Fluency Practice
The RA 2nd grade class practice their fluency in the video below as they read a poem about fall. Fluent reading is phrased with appropriate expression and intonation.
Cross-Curricular Writing Activity with the GT 8th Grade
Mrs. Jungers and Mrs. Goodchild worked together to create a writing lesson for science. The students wrote a children's book about effects of the atmosphere. Mrs. Goodchild worked with the topic of the book in science as Mrs. Jungers worked on writing and editing the book during language arts. The 8th grade then read their books to the GT 2nd grade students.
K-6 Reading Assessments and Progress
Three times a year students are assessed on their reading skills. The students take a screening assessment to learn each student's current reading skills and identify students who need additional reading instruction. Students who are identified as needing supplemental help are progress monitored weekly to track improvement in reading. Once per year students take a state assessment to document general academic performance on all students in certain grades. Assessments help teachers improve instruction by showing what skills a student has mastered and which ones still need to be learned.
GT 5th Grade
Mrs. Hunefeld works with a small group of readers.
GT 4th Grade
Mrs. Klepper assists a small group with vocabulary.
RA 4th Grade
Mrs. Sikora talks with students about text and graphic features.
RA 3rd Grade
Mrs. Bauermeister's students are reading about extreme sports.
RA 2nd Grade
Mrs. Peton's students identify the characters in their small group reading book.
RA 1st Grade
Mrs. Hersom listens to a student read for accuracy and fluency.
GT Kindergarten
Mrs. Harris asks students to identify the beginning and ending sounds of a word in their story.
G Preschool
These preschool students are learning the parts of a book.
GT 1st Grade
Mrs. Jacobsen has the students building words on white boards.
What do students do while teachers work with small groups?
RA Vocabulary Activity
Mrs. Kirk's 9th grade students did a vocabulary activity where they identified the word part, wrote the word in sentences, defined, drew a picture, then found synonyms and antonyms for the word.
GT/RA Classroom Libraries
Classroom libraries are created to entice young readers to get excited about reading. Students get excited about reading and they become better prepared for their future. Teachers use organizational styles that create interest for students.
Health Class Posters
Mr. Boe's health class made posters to create awareness of bullying.
High School Sewing Class
Students in Mrs. Myers' high school sewing class were able to use the new sewing machine which was purchased with Perkins Funding. These funds are available for the purpose of assisting schools in the development of academic and technical skills of students who decide to enroll in career and technical education programs. This sewing machine has many programmed stitches used to create these beautiful pillow tops.
Grant Awarded to GT/RA
The Graettinger-Terril and Ruthven-Ayrshire Schools in conjunction with the Okoboji School district have been awarded a STEM Best Grant from the Governor’s STEM Council. The grant will provide the Districts with $25,000 to help launch a joint program called No Boundaries. As part of this grant, the school districts have also received $40,000 in In-kind donations from local businesses to support the program.
No Boundaries is a program which will provide students with work-embedded, problem-based learning opportunities. The No Boundaries Project is a joint venture between Graettinger-Terril, Ruthven-Ayrshire, Okoboji, and Spencer Community School Districts.