Adult Services News
November 20, 2017
Program Directory Live on Google Group Page
Please consider submitting a few of your favorite program resources to share with the group using the Submission form - the more the group submits, the richer a resource this will be for everyone!
Also, if you see an entry that is already in the bank, to which you would like to add your email address as a contact, you can email me at rather than fill out an entire entry form for that person or group.
Marketing Share and Swap Materials
Also, consider checking out WebJunction's archived and upcoming webinars about getting the most out social media in your library, a topic which came up extensively during our November meeting.
Programs, Reading and Community Outreach
Tea Time
Bring some tea into your January programming line-up by tapping Gina Fligg of Philanthropy Tea and Coffee Co. in Chepachet to host a program on tea (see our Presenter Directory for more information!). Also consider reaching out to a tea shop in your area to inquire about tea experts and potential presentations.
More ideas:
The London Ritz Book of Afternoon Tea: The Art and Pleasure of Taking Tea by Helen Simpson
Downton Abbey Episode Viewing and Afternoon Tea
Basics of Tea
Crazy Cat People Party (Not about tea, but related librarian interests)
Whether professionally or personally, be careful when you're drinking your tea - you don't want to end up as another (fake) statistic!
Librarians as teachers
Adult Literacy Grants from ALA & Dollar General
"With a generous grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, the American Library Association (ALA) is launching the sixth round of American Dream grants to public libraries to expand services to adult English language learners and/or adults in need of basic education and workforce development. For Round Six we are offering one-time $10,000 grants.
To be eligible for funding, the applicant institution must be a public library within 20 miles of a Dollar General Store, distribution center or corporate office: Dollar General Store Locator
The application deadline is January 2, 2018. The program year will begin in February 2018."
Learn more about or apply for the American Dream Literacy Initiative!
Other Adult Literacy Resources:
Dollar General has a handy tool to locate literacy organizations nationally.
Adult Literacy Facts from ProLiteracy
RI Literacy Organizations
Current Adult Education Providers from RI Department of Education
PD Opportunities
- Webinar: Using Data to Understand Your Community & Measure Impact (PLA, November 30, 2pm
- Webinar: Social Media Analytics: What to Measure and Why (WebJunction, November 30, 2pm)
- Webinar: Going Deeper with Social Media (WebJunction, December 19, 2pm)
- ALA Midwinter 2018 (Denver, CO February 9 - 13, 2018 - early bird closes October 18!)
- PLA 2018 Conference: Imagine the Possibilities (Philadelphia, PA, March 20 - 24 2018)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1 - 15 each month)
Walmart Community Grant (December 31)
The American Dream Literacy Initiative $10,000 Grants (January 2, 2018)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
Learn a Foreign Language Month
Computer Science Education Week (December 4 - 10)
Melvil Dewey's Birthday (December 10)
National Tea Month
National Blood Donor Month
National Braille Literacy Month
National Hobby Month
Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
A to Z Databases from A to Z
Learn about how you can use AtoZ Databases to better support small business and workforce development, along with other community reference needs in your library. Familiarize yourself with the product and discover new features at a hands-on workshop with AtoZ rep Christine Smailys. A limited number of laptops will be provided for attendees; please bring your own if you can! Program also being offered November 30 and December 1. Register to attend.
Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017, 10:00 AM
Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, RI, United States
NEW!! AtoZ Databases from A to Z
Thursday, Nov 30, 2017, 10:00 AM
Tiverton Public Library, Roosevelt Avenue, Tiverton, RI, United States
A to Z Databases from A to Z
Thursday, Nov 30, 2017, 01:00 PM
North Kingstown Free Library, Boone Street, North Kingstown, RI, United States
A to Z Databases from A to Z
Friday, Dec 1, 2017, 10:00 AM
Westerly Public Library, West Broad Street, Westerly, RI, United States
Improve your Book Talks and Turn Your Program into a Bestseller
Join Mary Anne Quinn, Head of Reference for the Warwick Public Library for an exciting talk about something we all do-book talks! Mary Anne's tremendously popular Breakfast with Books series highlights the new year reads and summer reads in a fast-paced thorough way that has her patrons filling their holds lists for months. Mary Anne will demonstrate the event using some of the best books of 2017 and discuss her tips and tricks for book talking any title on your shelf. Register to attend.
Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018, 02:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: William Hall Library, Broad Street, Cranston, RI, United States
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @libraffoni