Kendallvue Community Newsletter
August 16-22, 2024
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Welcome back Coyotes!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
The past two days have been awesome to see our students and listen to all their fun adventures from this summer. It was wonderful to welcome kids back with our red carpet celebration. The bubbles were the big hit of the show! I feel so lucky to be the principal of such a wonderful community and to share in these special moments. Please read on for some logistical reminders for the beginning of the school year.
School hours are 8:05-3:05. Students who wish to eat breakfast can enter the building through the main doors at 7:45. All students can enter 7:55. We ask that students are in their seats, ready to learn at 8:05. I believe very strongly in the value of being on time. Our goal is to maximize our instructional time with students and so it is important students are in their classrooms and ready to go at 8:05. Thank you for getting your student to school on time.
Our school buses will use the south side of W. Marlowe street to drop off and pick up students. There is no parking along W. Marlowe between the service entrance and the main parking lot entrance in the morning or afternoon. That location is designate for our three school buses. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
As for the morning routine of "hug & go" in the parking lot, it has not changed from last spring. The lane along the curb is for hug and go only. Parents, please stay in your car and have your child exit on the side of the car along the curb. Getting out of the car, opening the door, making sure your child has everything, helping them with their backpack, and watching them walk to the door takes too much time and slows down the flow of traffic. Please be mindful that we want to get everyone in and out efficiently. As you pull in, you can make sure your child is ready to hop out of the car when you stop so you can keep the line moving. The left lane, as you enter the parking lot, directs cars to the parking spots. If you know it will take some time getting your child out of the car, you should park your car in the lot. This way you can get out of your car and walk your student to the front door to say goodbye. We have staff at the main entrance ready to get students to their classroom from there. Students can create a strong sense of independence and confidence when they walk to their classrooms on their own.
August is always a busy time of the school year. Our Back to School event is from 4-6pm on Thursday, August 22nd. Teachers will be testing students on August 23 & 26 by appointment only. You should have been contacted by teachers for this information.
We have a lot in store this year. It is going to be a great school year! Our Community Newsletters will come out on Friday's this year and not Sunday evening. Look for our weekly newsletters, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and check out our new website for updated information. Have a wonderful weekend and remember, it's great to be a coyote!
Bruce Lindsey
August 19, 2024
- First Day for Preschool
August 22, 2024
- Back to school night
- 4-6pm
August 23 & 26
- Beginning of the year assessment days
- Students come by appointment only
- No regular school
Upcoming Events
August 19- First day of school for preschool
August 22- Back to school night- 4-6pm
August 23/26th- Flex Days- Assessments- Students come by appointment only
September 11- Picture Day
September 13 - Field Day
September 20- Teacher work day- No school for students
September 27 - Lunch with a loved one
September 30 - October 4 - Fall fundraiser week
October 4- Fundraiser event
October 7 - Vision/Hearing screening
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15-26- Fall Conferences
October 17-18- No school for students
Office Updates
- Many students are eligible to ride the bus. All transportation information can be found here: https://www.jeffcopublicschools.org/services/transportation
- Thanks to the passage of Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) by Colorado voters, all students in Jeffco Public Schools will continue to have access to healthy and nutritious meals at no cost, regardless of income eligibility.
Families are Still Encouraged to Complete a Meal Benefits Application. Completing a Meal Benefits Application will help with additional education funding for schools and MAY ALLOW FOR WAIVERS OF SCHOOL-RELATED FEES. While fee waivers or reductions in fees will vary from school to school, the following fees can be waived or reduced, based on Free and Reduced eligibility: field trips, outdoor lab, technology and transportation. When filling out the student benefits application please check the box for "share the information with the school." While all information is kept private, sharing the information with the school allows the school to waive the appropriate fees. This application is now available on School Café.
- For those who are experiencing food insecurity, we have the Bak Pak program - BakPak Program Sign up.
Health Room
- Immunization Compliance: All students are required to be up to date on all state required vaccinations. If you need an exemption, please submit your students Certificate of Medical or Nonmedical Exemption form to the front office.
- Medications at School: All medications at school are required to have a Medication Agreement form, signed after June 30th.
After School Enrichment Programs
Imagine Arts - Mondays (September 9-October 28)
Kidstage - Tuesdays (September 24-November 12)
The Knight School Chess - Wednesdays (August 28-May 14)
Sticky Fingers Cooking - Thursdays (September 12-October 24)
Soccer Shots - Thursdays (September 5-November 21)
SAC/PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month!
SAC- 5:00--6:00pm
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs