LCE Parent/Guardian Newsletter
Month of October 2024
Hello LCE Families!
With the blink of an eye our first nine week grading period is coming to a close and we would like to thank you for attending parent conferences. Please take the time to read through the newsletter. There are lots of important and fun events for students in the month of October.
Don't forget:
Friday, October 4th is a student/teacher holiday
Thurday, October 10th - Tuesday, October 15th is a student holiday
Tuesday, October 15th is a teacher planning day
As part of Red Ribbon Week, October 31st is designated as Book Character Day. All students can bring a book and wear an appropriate costume to represent the character in the book or a super hero. (no gory or scary characters please).
Addidtionally on October 31st we will be having our own Comic Con event. Students will be creating and writing their own comic strip as well as participating in other fun activities. Please help us make our first Comic Con event at LCE special and memorable. More information will come soon.
Educationally yours,
Mr. Williams and Ms. Croft
Emergency Drills
Safety is a top priority and we are always working to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for our students and staff at LCE. Therefore, we regularly practice our safety drills and procedures.
Before each scheduled drill Ms. Croft lets the staff and students know which drill they will be practicing and explains the procedures and expectations for the drill. In keeping with the district's expectations, we conduct a fire drill at least once a month. In addition to the monthly fire drills, we conduct at least two safety drills each year for each of the following scenarios:
- Lockdown
- Lockout
- Shelter in Place -- Severe Weather
- Shelter in Place -- Hazardous Materials
- Shelter in Place -- Medical Emergency
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Croft at michele.croft@fortbendisd.com.
Month of October ~ National Bullying Prevention Month
Wear Pink Tuesday
Tuesday, October 1
- SciNow Club Meeting - 3:30 - 4:40 Room 504
Wednesday, October 2
- School Custodian Appreciation Day
- Evacuation Drill
Thursday, October 3
- Garden Club - 3:30 - 4:45 Art Room
- 1st Grade Music Program for Students/Parents (8:30 am Cafeteria)
- 1st Grade Music Program for Parents (6:00 pm Cafeteria)
Friday, October 4
- Student/Teacher Holiday
Monday, October 7
- Wear Blue for Bullying Prevention Day
- Choir Rehearsal - 3:30 - 4:15 - Music Room
Tuesday, October 8
- Walk/Bike to School Day
- Student Council Meeting - 3:30 - 4:15 - Library
Wednesday, October 9
- School Picture Day
- Spring Creek Spirit Night - 5 -9 pm
Thursday, October 10
- Student/Teacher Holiday
Friday, October 11
- Student/Teacher Holiday
Monday, October 14
- Student/Teacher Holiday
Tuesday, October 15
- Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day
Wednesday, October 16
- Wear Orange for Unity Day
Thursday, October 17
- Garden Club - 3:30 - 4:45 Art Room
Monday, October 21
- Choir Rehearsal - 3:30 - 4:15 - Music Room
Tuesday, October 22
- SciNow Club Meeting - 3:30 - 4:40 Room 504
October 23-27
- Red Ribbon Week (refer to information below for dress-up days)
Thursday, October 24
- Trunk or Treat and Health Fair in LCE Teachers Parking Lot - 6 - 7:30
Thursday, October 26
- Pre-K - 2nd Grade - Book Character Day and Comic Con Event
Monday, October 28
- Choir Rehearsal - 3:30 - 4:15 Music Room
Thursday, October 31
- Garden Club - 3:30 - 4:45 Art Room
School Custodian Appreciation Day ~ Wednesday, October 2nd
Ana Portillo, Graciela Handy, Pamela Tracey and Felipe Moralez
Our School Sparkles Because of You!
Graciela Handy ~ thank you LCE PTO for the gifts!
National Walk/Bike to School Day
School Picture Day ~ Wednesday, October 9th
Orders will be ONLINE ONLY and can be placed at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/ using code 86743TF. They will be able to order up until picture day. After picture day, they will be able to order once they receive the second chance notice, which is sent to the school ASAP. You can pay online with your debit card, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Important FBISD Dress Code:
When dressing in costume, please comply with the following guidelines:
Costumes may not promote violence and no blood, gore or weapons will be allowed.
Costumes should not be scary or inappropriate for school and the FBISD Student Dress Code must be followed. You can access the dress code at: https://www.fortbendisd.com/cms/lib/TX01917858/Centricity/ModuleInstance/67346/FBISD%20Student%20Dress%20Code%20APPROVED.pdf
From the School Nurse
Vision and hearing screenings will continue in October for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades as well as any new students to LCE. Students in 2nd and 4th grades are not required to be screened.
It is very important that students wear their glasses every day to prevent multiple screenings and referrals. It is very important that students wear their glasses every day to prevent multiple screenings and referrals.
If your child received a referral letter, please follow up with your child's health care provider as soon as you can. It is important that they can see and hear properly to be successful in the classroom. Please reach out to me if you need assistance or have any questions or concerns.
Kathy Vo, BSN RN, S​chool Nurse
Lexington Creek Elementary
2335 Dulles Avenue, Missouri City, TX 77459
Phone (281) 634-5005 Fax (281) 327-5005
Emergency Contacts
If you need to update or make changes to your contacts, please email the name, relationship to student and phone number to Ms. Hewett at lizbeth.hewett@fortbendisd.gov.
We are not allowed to check students out after 3PM from the front office or to anyone who is not authorized as an emergency contact for that student.