Work, Integrate, Resources, Employment

L2IC JOB WIRE May 2024
Work, Integrate, Resources, Employment
CTE Completer To High School Graduation To Full Time Employment
L2IC 1st Annual Signing Day 2024
The first annual Signing Day was held at Lexington Two Innovation Center on May 1st. We celebrated the motivation, determination and work ethic of ten seniors choosing to commit to local employers to go from graduating high school to full time work. In addition to student recognition, this event builds relationships with local employers eager to partner with L2IC to fill demanding positions. It was made possible by the valued partnerships with the following employers: Zeus Industrial Products, Inc., Michelin, No Grease Barbershop, Central Controls Incorporated, Fogle and Sons Electric LLC, and On the Road Again Auto Repair. Thank you to these employers!
Working Together We Will Get You HIRED!
Zeus Industrial Products, Inc.
Three students met the criteria and credentials to be hired with Zeus Technical Academy: Luke Boozer, Octavio Martinez-Monts and Gared Aguirre-Santos. They applied, successfully surpassed prerequisite testing followed by an impressive onsite in-person interviews to be hired. These young men will begin working full time in June. The apprenticeship program will proceed in August with time split between additional training and hands on working. Zeus initiated the Technical Academy (ZTA) in late 2023 to grow and fill the gaps due to their aging workforce. We are excited for the career opportunities these gentlemen will be gaining as they begin their professional careers with Zeus! We are eager to continue to build on our partnership with Zeus to meet workforce development needs! Thank you to Zeus for being the first employer to excitedly commit to participate with the first annual L2IC Signing Day!
Two students exceeded the initial testing component required for consideration into Michelin's Tech Scholars program. Following the instructions and an engaging in-person interview, Naashon Fosu and Miguel Jimenez, were hired to partipate with Michelin's Tech Scholar apprenticeship program. Both will begin working full time in June after graduation in May. They will participate in additional training while working in the fall. Michelin shared they had recieved additional requests to participate in other districts schools awards events, but none specifically for signing commitments to go to work. A shout out to Michelin for commiting to eagerly participate with our first Signing Day! It was made even more exciting to learn the representatives for Michelin had received approval for SPOT, the Agile Mobile Robot, to leave Michelin to participate and provide demonstrations at L2IC on May 1st for the first time ever! We look forward to a continued partnership with Michelin. Thank you, Michelin for participating and bringing SPOT!
Central Controls Incorporated
Central Controls Incorporated is a small family owned and operated local business in West Columbia. This subcontractor of electrical installation is where you will find Justin Linden. He is a cowboy hat and boots wearing young gentleman with integrity, dedication and a work ethic to meet the needs for demanding work. Central Controls Incorporated will continue to thrive and grow as Justin works full time following graduation in May. L2IC is excited to continue to partner with Central Controls Incorporated next year.
Fogle and Sons Electric, LLC
Fogle and Sons Electric, LLC is an electrical contractor for new builds that participated with MEBA's High School to Hired event. It was during this event Daniel Samayoa took the initiative with his resume in hand to initiate conversation with Fogle and Sons Electric, LLC. Following the event, he had an onsite in-person interview. He was hired at the end of the interview. Daniel was excited to have secured full time employment. Thank you, Tony Fogle and Leah Bundren, for participating with Signing Day at L2IC! We are excited to continue working with Fogle and Sons Electric, LLC!
No Grease
No Grease owner and operator, Tim Doe, partnered with L2IC CTE Barbering Teacher, Chet Henderson to provide two internships opportunities for two yound men soon to be completers and high school graduates. Joshua Walker and Rahsann Dow, both demonstrated their barbering skills as they developed their employability skills providing services to customers in two separate No Grease locations in the Columbia area. These two licensed employed barbers signed to work full time at No Grease! Both gentlemen are well on their way to successful barbering careers! Thank you to No Grease and Mr. Chet Henderson (pictured) for preparing the future workforce!
On The Road Again Auto Repair
Dylan Morey knows his way around at On The Road Again Auto Repair. He has been working an internship since the beginning of February. Dylan demonstrated his L2IC CTE Auto Tech skills and learned time management as he completed his senior year to graduate in May. Andrew Finch, owner/operator of On The Road Again Auto Repair, provided an internship to Dylan. The work based learning allowed time for Dylan to use his skills and expand his knowledge on site. Finch utilized the time as an extended interview. He recognized the value of Dylan's work ethic and CTE Auto Tech skills during the internship that he offered him a full time position. Thank you for participating with Signing Day! Congratulations Dylan Morey!
Signing Day Impact
The obvious significance of Signing Day is the commitment of high school graduates securing full time employment and highlighted the L2IC business partners within our community, as previously stated. Perhaps the most powerful impact of Signing Day showed underclass L2IC CTE students the finish line as a CTE program Completer and some of the places they can go!
L2IC Students Connecting with Employers
Midlands Education Business Alliance
Midlands Education Business Alliance, MEBA, is a great resource for all the Midlands area schools, students, parents and businesses. There are two dedicated to our area, Lisa Call and Samantha Turner. These professionals coordinate networking events, professional development and Work-Based Learning activities to connect schools to businesses to prepare and fill the ever changing workforce development demands. The one event that observably provides a positive life changing opportunity for high school CTE completers is the High School To Hired event. This event brought employers representing all career clusters to meet and informally interview students onsite for open positions. It was this event that many students experienced their first interview with an employer for a professional career. Thank you, MEBA!
Lexington 2 Middle Schools Career Specialists Volunteer
Lexington 2 Middle Schools Career Specialists assisted during MEBA's High School to Hired event.
L2IC Senior Networking
L2IC Senior Juan Lopez networking with City of Cayce. He is prepared with resume and letters of recommendations.
L2IC Senior Connecting
L2IC Senior Braxton Lawson connecting with Dominion Energy prepared with resume and letters of recommendations.
Columbia Police Department, Explorer Program
The CPD's Explorer Program is dedicated to the success, training, and overall aptitude of the youth within its ranks. The Explorer Program consists of young adults between the ages of 14-20 years old, who are looking to make a career in law enforcement. Please use the following link to learn more.
Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center
Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center is seeking Lexington 2 high school students interested in building their resume by working part time. You will be able to split your time between the wellness/fitness area and the tennis center. You will be learning the operation of a facility and interacting with members on a daily basis. If you are working toward a personal training certification you may be able to assist members with their questions. Interested? Reach out to Dru Pittman, Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission, Director of Fitness at Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center, (803) 227-3030,
1120 Fort Congaree Trail, Cayce, SC 29033. Click on the link to apply.
Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission Employment Application
Social Media Internship Available at the South Carolina State Fair!
The SC State Fair is searching for a seasonal Social Media Intern to join our vibrant team!
The SC State Fair is searching for a seasonal Social Media Intern to join our vibrant team! Do you crave fried food, fun, and creating killer content? If yes, this might be your dream internship!
Here's what you'll get:
- Be at the heart of the action during the biggest event in South Carolina!
- Gain valuable experience in social media marketing and content creation.
- Work with a fun and energetic team.
- (Maybe even sneak in some fried Oreos while you're at it! )
Think you have what it takes?
Head over to scstatefair.org/employment to get the details and apply today! We can't wait to see your application! For More Information
University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business, is now taking applications for their upcoming Business Success Academy (BSA) that will take place June 23 - 28. Please note that attendance at the entire week of the academy is expected. While there is no cost to attend, participants will need to arrange transportation for drop-off on June 23 and pick-up on June 28.This academy presents a valuable opportunity for motivated students interested in pursuing studies in business. Students are encouraged to apply before the deadline on May 24, 2024. The Business Success Academy offers participants a comprehensive exploration of key business principles and essential skills for future success.
Here is the link to access the application:
Midands Technical College, School of Architecture and Engineering Summer Camp
The School of Architecture and Engineering is offering "Architecture and the City" program at Midlands Technical College, Northeast Campus, June 24-28, 2024, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. for high school students, for rising 9-12 grades.
High School Graduate Employment Opportunities
The MEBA website for High School to Hired: Crossing the Stage to Earning a Wage is still available for high school students who wish to begin a full-time career after graduation this spring. Interested students can search opportunities under each career cluster. There are some wonderful opportunities for students who may be interested in pursuing a career in agriculture, automotive, business, finance, marketing, construction, health care, government, manufacturing, public safety and more. Please share with your soon to be high school graduates, parents and school community.
Website for High School to Hired:
Employer Directory for High School Students
MEBA has partnered with the Midlands Workforce Development Board to compile an Employer Directory of the Midlands with resources and services available to high school students. The directory also features employers willing to hire or find careers for high school graduates. Please use the link below to access the directory.
BELFOR Property Restorartion
BELFOR Property Restoration is the North American leader in integrated disaster recovery and property restoration services with a location here in the Midlands of South Carolina. BELFOR Property Restoration if hiring for entry level positions with full-time benefit packages.
From field personnel to management, we look for passionate people to join our team. The more than 12,500+ employees who work for BELFOR around the world are BELFOR strong - determined and committed, skilled and knowledgeable, challenged and inspired, caring and engaged.
They BELIEVE in each other, in our company, in their communities, and in themselves. As a result they DISCOVER what they are capable of and are encouraged to EXCEL at everything they do.
BELFOR Columbia: https://www.belfor.com/en/us/belfor-usa-offices/south-carolina/columbia
Careers: https://www.belfor.com/en/us/about-us/careers
If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, you may reach out to the following representative: Michael Forsythe, BELFOR SOUTH CAROLINA, michael.forsythe@us.belfor.com, (803) 231-9990.
You have a choice! As you are deciding what your post-high school plan will be, please keep our ThinkBIG programs in mind if you are interested in pursuing a career as a Technician. We are excited to announce that we now have 2 options for this program: Diesel Technician for Heavy Equipment and Specialized Technician for Electric Power Generation. Both ThinkBIG programs earn an Associate’s Degree and graduates will be highly skilled, technically trained, in-demand members of the worldwide Caterpillar family with guaranteed employment with Blanchard Machinery upon graduation.
We are committed to finding the best candidates for these programs and starting them on the path to a great career! Programs begin in July of each year. Each program requires a student to meet entrance criteria at the college and be selected for sponsorship by the dealer. These programs are highly competitive with limited enrollment availability.
Blanchard takes the hiring process seriously. Not only do we make sure you are right for this program, you need to make sure this program is right for you. So, ask as many questions as you like and we’ll get the answers for you. It’s time you ThinkBIG about your future. Watch the video below to see ThinkBIG 2022 Graduating Class.
Call 803-791-7100 To Find Out More
Interested L2IC students send an email to kplowden@lex2.org.
South Carolina Rural Water Association
SCRWA has developed a pre-apprenticeship opportunity for high school students. This opportunity is set up so students can work up to 10 hours weekly and begin online learning modules to work towards water treatment certifications, all while attending high school. If you have students interested in this opportunity, please have them register using the link below. The coalition has also developed a "Pre-apprenticeship Link Tree" where you can access the online pre-apprenticeship application form and related information, website for SC Rural Water Association, Apprenticeship H2O, and other resources.
Student Pre-Apprenticeship Registration: https://forms.gle/9KC8NuYUkGDu4wuP8
Pre-Apprenticeship Linktree: https://linktr.ee/scrwapreapp
CTE Scholarship
South Carolina Workforce Scholarships for the Future
Workforce Scholarships for the Future will cover tuition and required fees at the state’s sixteen technical colleges for South Carolina residents enrolled in a high-demand field such as manufacturing, healthcare, computer science and information technology, transportation, distribution and logistics or construction.
Who: All South Carolina citizens (adults and recent high school graduates) enrolled in a qualified program.
What: Funds will cover tuition, fees and course-related expenses at any one of South Carolina’s 16 technical colleges until funds are exhausted. The scholarship will cover the cost of tuition, fees and course-related expenses after applying all other scholarships or grants. Recipients can receive up to $5,000 annually.
Download the SC Workforce Scholarships for the Future Overview (pdf)
NEW L2IC Small Animal Science
Starting in August 2024 L2IC will offer CTE Small Animal Science. If you are interested in becoming a Vet Tech, Groomer, or plan to become a Veterinarian, then visit your high school counselor to register for this program today. Enrollment is limited.