St. Katharine Drexel School
October 10, 2024 Newsletter #7

October 10, 2024 Newsletter #7
Principal's Corner
Dear SKDS Family,
October is the month of the Holy Rosary. It is also Respect Life Month. The two seem to go well together. Our Mother Mary is a prime example of respecting life and the Rosary is dedicated to her. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and to enter the mysteries of Jesus Christ. From his Incarnation, to the Cross, to the Resurrection, we come to understand that God has revealed himself and saved us. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, continue to inspire us to a life of discipleship.
On Wednesday, October 23, grades 5K-8 will pray the Living Rosary in the School Gym at 8:20AM led by our Fourth graders. We invite you to join us for this very special prayer as we pray for all our families and friends, and for those who have no one to pray for them. We pray, too, that all people respect life from its beginning to natural death and that we respect “the God-given dignity of every person — which naturally leads to protecting the gift of every person’s life.” (Respect Life Program/Archmil.org)
Ms. Weiss
Upcoming Events
10/10 Home & School Meeting / Catacombs / 6:30 p.m.
10/10 Progress Reports Go Home
10/11 All School Mass / 8:20 a.m. / Grade 5
10/14 8th Grade Visits Wayland Academy / 9:10 a.m. - 1:50 p.m.
10/14 Online SCRIP Meeting / 6:00 p.m. / Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/iff-airj-zzg
10/15 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-7:00 p.m.
10/16 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-6:00 p.m.
10/17 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-7:00 p.m.
10/17 All School Mass / 8:20 a.m. / Grade 1
10/18 Teacher In-Service / No Classes
10/23 Ebert's Greenhouse / Gr. 5K-1 / 10:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
10/25 All School Mass / 8:20 a.m. / Grade 7
10/25 Lee Denim Day
10/28 School Pictures
10/30 Willy Wonka the Musical / Gr. 5K-8 / Wayland Academy / 9:00-11:30 a.m.
11/1 All Saints' Day / All School Mass / 8:20 a.m. / Grade 3
11/8 School Night Out at the YMCA Sponsored by Home & School / 5:30-7:30 p.m.
11/19 End of Trimester 1
11/20 First Reconciliation / Grade 2
11/21 Picture Retake Day
11/21 Home & School Meeting / Catacombs / 6:30 p.m.
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break
12/5 Cookie Decoration sponsored by Home and School / 5:30-6:30 / Cafeteria
12/7 Holiday Parade / 5:00 p.m.
Conference Schedules Come Home Today!
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences are on October 15-17.
In your Family Folder, you will find a pink sheet with your child's Parent/Teacher/Student Conference date and time. Please call the school office if you have any questions regarding the conference schedule. Thank you!
If you would like a "Walk-In" Conference with one of your child's fine arts teachers, please see the schedule below.
SKDS Spirit Wear Store is now open!
Get your apparel for the upcoming basketball season and share your school pride! T-shirts are great for parents to have on hand to wear when chaperoning field trips and volunteering at school events. Perfect Christmas gifts too! Sale closes Sunday, October 20th at 11:59pm. Orders will be delivered direct to school and come home with your student. Ship to home option is available for an additional charge. Delivery expected November 22nd. Questions? Contact Marybeth Schessow at
608-212-8782 or mbherbers@yahoo.com.
Lee Denim Day
On Friday, October 25, 2024, teachers will wear denim to show their support for National Lee Denim Day. Lee Denim Day has been set aside to raise awareness for research and the treatment of breast cancer. Students will be allowed to wear jeans and a pink shirt this year. If they choose not to wear a pink shirt, they must wear their uniform shirts. Jeans, shirts, and all other clothing must follow the school uniform dress code and guidelines.
A Successful Spaghetti Supper!
The 8th-graders held their Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, October 5, 2024. Serving the spaghetti supper provides an opportunity for the students to serve others, host an enjoyable evening for families, and earn money for their class trip at the end of the year. Although our 8th-graders were the bulk of the workforce that evening, we have many others to thank for the great success of the Spaghetti Supper! Thank you to...Mrs. Tina Steele, who did an amazing job preparing the delicious spaghetti and the incredible salad bar; the Home and School Association for hosting the bingo game; the Catholic Women for providing the baked goods for the sale; the parents, alumni, and teachers for helping with food prep, set up, serving food, and clean up, the parish and school families who attended the dinner, and Ms. Crombie for organizing this great event!
Conference Dinner Potluck for Teachers Sign-Up
Please click the sign-up button below. Thank you!
Please drop off items at the office either before or after school on the day you signed up.
Please label your dishes for easy return.
The Scholastic Book Fair
Book Fair Class Visit Schedule
Book Fair Schedule
Monday, October 14 - Sunday, October 20
SKDS Cafeteria Conference Room
Sponsored by SKDS
Tuesday, October 15
9:00AM – 11:00PM
4:00-6:30 –
Book fair open during conferences! Come by before or after your conferences!
Wednesday, October 16
9:00AM – 12:00PM
3:00-5:30 –
Book fair open after school and during conferences! Come by before or after your conferences!
Thursday, October 17
9:45AM – 10:45PM
4:00-6:30 –
Book fair open during conferences! Come by before or after your conferences!
Sunday, October 20
Book Fair open before and after Mass times on Sunday.
Last chance to shop in person for this year!
The Online Book Fair runs from October 14 through October 27, 2024
Football Mania
Turn in all tickets and money through your Family Folder no later than Monday, October 21.
Please make every effort to sell or purchase all 12 in your packet. St. Katharine Drexel Parish and School rely on this fundraiser to assist with our general expenses and appreciate the support of all school families. Here is the link to sign up to sell tickets after weekend Masses. (Click the picture.) Parishioners are very supportive of our school and love a good fundraiser! This is a great sales opportunity for those that are challenged with finding purchasers. Thank you so much and see you at Mass!
El Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead
During Spanish class, students will observe and learn about the elements that form the ancient tradition of “El Dia de los Muertos,” or Day of the Dead. For this holiday, students will learn about the elements that form the “altar” and they will prepare a small “ofrenda” for a departed loved one, who is going to be honored on the school “ofrenda”. Students may bring one picture (per family) between October 9 to October 30, of a family member, friend, or pet that your family would like to honor at the altar. The picture can be framed but it is not necessary. The altar will be located on the first floor, right across from the office.
October Lunch Menu
Virtue of the Month
The Virtue of the Month of October is KINDNESS.
Kindness is expressing genuine concern about the well-being of others and anticipating their needs. Kindness is speaking, thinking, and acting in a sincere, respectful, and encouraging way to others. You can show kindness by being aware of the feelings and needs of others, and going out of your way to help others. Be kind to all those you meet today!
SCRIP Program Information
Do you want to know more about how to buy and use SCRIP? Would you like to use the RaiseRight App on your phone to purchase SCRIP in minutes? If so, then attend the Online SCRIP Meeting on Monday, October 14, at 6:00 p.m. Here is the link: SCRIP Online Meeting
At this meeting you will have all your questions answered about how to buy and use SCRIP, which is an integral part of our parish and school annual budget! Contribute to the budget by buying SCRIP!
SCRIP Updates
SCRIP will be sold on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the SCRIP Office
SCRIP will be sold after 8:20 a.m. Mass on Fridays.
Nasal Flu Vaccine Clinic
St. Katharine Drexel School is partnering with the Dodge County Public Health Department to offer nasal flu vaccines to our students. Please see the attached forms and return the consent form by October 31, 2024 to the school office. The date of the SKDS Clinic is November 12, 2024.
Before School and After School Care
Before School Program hours are 6:45 - 7:45 a.m.
After School Program hours are 3:15 - 6:00 p.m. The Before and After School Program is available on FULL school days.
Click on the picture to access Before School Care and After School Care registration information.
Let us pray for...
~Our Priests Fr. Will, Fr. Thomas, and Fr. Nick
~Our Pope, Francis
~Our Archbishop, Jerome E. Listecki
~Those affected by the hurricanes
~Refugees fleeing difficult situations
~All those placed on our school prayer list and on our parish prayer chain, especially Haley Angst
~Those in need of healing: body, mind and spirit
~For our country and the upcoming election, that God's Will be done
~Peace in our world
~Our students and their families
~The poor souls in purgatory
~Those who have no one to pray for them
~Those most who are in most need of our prayers