Coffman eNews
November 15, 2024
Coffman Parents
Coffman students and staff have wrapped up another successful week at Coffman High School!
As we approach December, we encourage you to take a moment to review this week’s newsletter. Below, you’ll find important information about upcoming semester exams.
Matt Parrill
Dublin Coffman Principal
Field Trip for all Sophmores to Tolles - 11/25/24
Last month, sophomore students heard a presentation from Tolles Career and Technical Center staff regarding program offerings.
To provide an exploration opportunity of the various learning options available to them, ALL sophomore students are invited/encouraged to participate in a field trip to Tolles on November 25th. Prior to the trip, students will self-select two programs he/she wishes to tour at Tolles on November 25th so that the experience is connected to individual strengths and interests.
Should you or your child NOT wish to participate in the field trip on November 25th, please complete the Opt Out Form by November 13th. Your child will be expected to attend their normal school day at their home high school.
ALL sophomores will be included on this trip, unless opting out.
IMPORTANT Information for Students Currently Attending Tolles
Tolles classes and labs will not meet on November 21, 22, 25 and 26. There will not be 1/2 day bussing for students that have classes at Coffman. Tolles students taking Coffman classes may use their own transportation to arrive late or leave early. If transportation is not available, students will report to the Student Union for a quiet study hall.
November 26, 2024
- House Bill 123, also known as the Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) Act, outlines specific instruction in suicide awareness and prevention, violence prevention, and social inclusion for students in grades 6-12 annually. To ensure compliance with HB 123/SAVE Act, we utilize programs approved by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. You can easily access a list of these approved programs by clicking HERE.
- As part of our commitment to meeting these requirements, Coffman will be presenting three pre-approved videos, each lasting 23 minutes, created by Sandy Hook Promise. The first video covering social inclusion was shown to students during the school day on October 4th. The second video covering suicide awareness is scheduled to be shown to students during the school day on November 26th.
- We understand that each student's learning journey is unique, and some families may prefer to opt their child out of these scheduled videos. If you wish to opt your student out of the scheduled videos provided to learn about suicide awareness, violence prevention, and social inclusion, please take a moment to complete the opt-out form found HERE by Friday, November 22nd. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing support in keeping our school community safe and inclusive.
Testing Information
End of Course Testing
Students who are required to re-test will be notified and a letter has been emailed home.
- English Language Arts II - 12/03/24
- Biology - 12/04/24
- Algebra I - 12/06/24
- American History - 12/11/24
- US Government - 12/12/24
- Make-Ups - 12/9/24 & 12/23/24
For questions contact:
Mr. Wayne Tsai -
Mrs. Ann Tiefenthaler -
DCHS Semester Exams December 17-20, 2024
- Semester exams will be administered for full-year courses only, beginning Tuesday, December 17 – Friday, December 20, 2024.
- Click here for the Semester Exam Schedule 2024.
- Students are encouraged to take semester exams during their scheduled time.
- If your student needs to take Semester Exams at an alternate date due to travel, please send a signed note to the attendance office and they will be given a pre-planned absence form for completion
Students leaving prior to the end of the school day:
- Students complete the exam during the scheduled time.
- Students return 2024 DCHS SEMESTER EXAM ABSENCE FORM to the Attendance Office.
Buses will run on the regular schedule TO school and DEPART Coffman at 1:18 PM on exam days.
Testing Dates for 2024-2025
- 2024-25 Test Dates
- Schedule includes ACT, SAT, AP, IB Exam dates and deadlines
- Visit the official ACT and SAT testing sites for registration details
News from the School Counseling Department
DCS Pathways to Success: College & Career Fairs
Featured Career Pathways: Engineering, Technology, Transportation, Arts, & Communication
Where: Emerald Campus building
When: Tuesday, Nov. 19th from 6:30-8:00 PM
Click here for the list of professionals who are registered to attend.
Click here to learn about an easy way to earn service/volunteer hours while attending the event:
Here is the correct volunteer registration link
This is an open house style event, meaning you can come anytime from 6:30-8:00 pm and stay for as much time as you'd like. If you are interested in these career pathways, this is a great opportunity to connect with college professors and admissions reps, local professionals who are working in these fields, military representatives, and Dublin City Schools Staff members who can advise you on courses and programs you may want to consider during high school.
Do you want to be there but have a schedule conflict? Send a friend, family member, or neighbor in your place to ask questions for you. Also, you can find recorded conversations with expert panels from these fields that have been happening leading up to each fair. Click here to access recordings of these virtual panels
*Live virtual panels will also be held and recorded leading up to each DCS Pathway Fair to help educate students on different pathways - click here for more details about virtual panels. Questions? Please contact DCS Pathways Counselor, Kevin Patton at
Credit Flexibility/Intent for Online Learning Application Deadline is Dec 1
- Dublin City Schools and the State of Ohio offer educational options for students to obtain high school credit using non traditional approaches.
- Students interested in Credit Flexibility and/or Online Learning (from an outside provider) for this Winter/Spring must fill out Credit Flexibility Applications and submit to their School counselor no later than December 1, 2024.
- All information is available on the district website. Please note that the next submission date (for summer and fall 2025) will be May 1, 2025.
Getting Started in the College Selection Process
- Districtwide Parent Meeting (Students Welcome!)
- Join DCS Pathways Counselor Kevin Patton and admissions experts from The Ohio State University and Denison University as they guide families through a presentation that goes over helpful strategies to use throughout the college selection process.
- When: Tuesday Dec. 3, 2024 from 7:00-8:30 (1 hr presentation followed by 30 minutes for Q&A)
- Where: Dublin Coffman High School - Performing Arts Center
- Target Audience: Parents of 9th-11th Graders, but all DCS parents & students are welcome!
- Questions? Please reach out to Kevin Patton - or 614-718-8622
- Note: This is a districtwide presentation and will be held in the Coffman High School PAC
Class of 2025 News
Senior Graduation Participation Survey
- Seniors, if you have not already done so, please complete ASAP - Thank you!
- 2025 Graduation Participation Survey
- School counselors shared the link with seniors during class meetings.
- Must be completed by the student via their DCS school email account.
- This information is important as we begin planning for graduation. Thank you!
Cap & Gown
- Visit to place your order today!
- Cap and Gown financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Speak with your school counselor for details.
- All orders must be received no later than January 31, 2025.
- Graduation orders will be delivered during school on April 3rd and 4th
IMPORTANT Senior Yearbook Photo Information
- Senior Yearbook Photo Deadline is December 3, 2024
- Click here for the Class of 2025 Senior Yearbook Photo Instructions
Yearbook Information
2024 Yearbooks Have Arrived!
- Yearbooks can be picked up at the front desk, (door #8) school days, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Many students have not yet picked up their yearbooks!
- Reminder, you are encouraged to submit photos you'd like included in this year's book at:; search Dublin Coffman; scroll down to Yearbook Snap; access code Coffman Yearbook 2025.
- If you did not order a yearbook, we are happy to add you to our waiting list. Please email
2024-2025 Coffman Yearbook
Click here for the 2024-2025 Yearbook Order Form or
Student Parking
- Student Parking Passes are sold out for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Students MUST have a 2024-2025 DCHS parking pass to park in the student lot.
- Those without a pass will be asked to move their car.
- Students without a student parking pass may still drive to school, but must park in the parking lot next to the Dublin Community Recreation Center.
- Contact Mr. Wayne Tsai with any questions.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences for the remainder of the school year are:
- Thursday, January 23, 2025
- Thursday, March 6, 2025
- 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Twilight School
Twilight School/Homework Help is held every Wednesday after school, in the library from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Students do not need to remain at Twilight School the entire time and will have the freedom to leave early if needed. Transportation will be provided at 4:30 pm. If you have any questions please contact Jen Clark at
Dublin Coffman PTO
There are many opportunities during the school year to volunteer for PTO sponsored activities. Click here for the 2024-2025 PTO Membership Form and additional PTO information. Thank you in advance for your support!
Coffman Menus
Important Upcoming Dates
- 11/18/24 - BOE Meeting @ Emerald Campus - 6:00 PM
- 11/20/24 - NHS Induction Ceremony PAC - 7:00 PM
- 11/25/24 - Sophomore Class Tolles visit 2nd period - period 5 B
- 11/27/24 - 11/29/24 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
- 12/03/24 - Getting Starting in the College Application Process PAC - 7:00 PM
- 12/05-12/07/24 - Theater III presents "Fools" PAC - 7:00 PM
- 12/09/24 - BOE Meeting @ Emerald Campus - 6:00 PM
- 12/10/24 - Choir and Orchestra Holiday Concert PAC - 7:00 PM
- 12/14/24 - Student Council Movie Night "Elf" $5 Aux Gym - 7:00 PM
- 12/16/24 - Choir Concert w/Karrer MS - PAC 7:00 PM
- 12/17 - 12/20/24 - Semester Exams (full year courses only) Semester Exam Schedule 2024
- 12/20/24 - End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
- 12/23 - 1/6/25 - NO SCHOOL Winter Break
- 1/07/25 - Regular Classes Resume - Beginning of 3rd qtr/2nd Semester
Community Bulletin - November 15 - November 24, 2024
Click HERE for this week's community bulletin.
For highlights, scores and the latest news from the Coffman Athletic Department click HERE
Performing Arts
For the latest news and dates from Coffman Performing Arts click HERE
Save on Meals—Apply for Free and Reduced Meals Today!
School meal costs can add up, but completing the Free and Reduced Meals application could save your family hundreds of dollars a year. The application is free, quick, and easy to submit, and must be completed every school year—even if your family qualified in the past, you must reapply. Approved applications also help Dublin City Schools qualify for additional grants and funding, bringing more resources to support all students. It’s a win-win for families and schools!
Take a few minutes to apply today and start making a difference. Visit to learn more and submit your application.
Support the DSA and Transportation Dept Food Drive
The Dublin Support Association and the Transportation Department are partnering with elementary schools to collect non-perishable food items for the Dublin Food Pantry. Containers will be available at the entrance to each of the elementary schools November 18-22. Most needed items can be found here. Thank you for your consideration.
From the City of Dublin
Save the Date for the Dublin Tree Lighting
Dancers, carolers and Santa Claus himself kick off the holiday season 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in Coffman Park. Santa and Mrs. Claus will make their arrival at 6:15 p.m. to light the holiday tree. Mark your calendars and plan your visit.
Dublin Coffman Website
We have a new website! Our website can be found here:
You can find archived Coffman e-Newsletters on the website if you would like to look back on prior issues.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at You can also call our attendance line at 614.764.5961