Dear Parents and Guardians,
WOW! What an incredible first quarter our students and staff have had! We are so proud of all our TBE students for their hard work, and we are looking forward to an exciting second quarter.
As we launch into what seems to be the busiest time of year, we hope to create great memories for our students here on campus.
November brings a few long-standing traditions that our families have grown to love and enjoy, including our Veteran’s Day Performance and our annual TBE Thanksgiving Feast. Please pay close attention to the upcoming dates below as well as the calendar that will be sent home.
- TBE Canned Food Drive Continues Through November
- Monday, November 4th Report Cards will be published in FOCUS. Paper copies of report cards will be sent home in Wednesday Folders on the 6th.
- Tuesday, November 5th- Principal for a Day- Welcome Evelyn Rossetti-Ryan, Executive Director of Our Daily Bread.
- Friday, November 8th TBE Veterans Day Performance 3rd-5th Grade.
o Please see my separate email regarding details for this event
- Thursday, November 14th SAC Meeting at 5:00 pm.
- Friday, November 15th Leadership Clubs.
- Tuesday, November 19th PTO General Meeting.
- Thursday, November 21st - TBE Annual Thanksgiving Feast.
- Thanksgiving Feast will be during lunch.
- This event will be slightly different this year as our café is unable to feed guests.
- Students will still have the opportunity to purchase Thanksgiving Feast and Parents will be invited to enjoy Pumpkin Pie with us.
- Friday, November 22nd Kindergarten Turkey Performance @ 9:00 am.
- Monday, November 25th-29th No School.
- December 4th, Winter Wonderland Shoppe will open- teachers will give you specific shopping days and times.
- Thursday, December 12th K-2 Holiday Performance (2nd grade will be on risers; kinder and first will be singing along on the floor).
Please keep in mind that as the weather begins to cool down, we suggest you send your child to school with a light jacket or sweatshirt. We ask you please label these articles of clothing with your child’s name. We often find sweatshirts and jackets at recess and in the cafeteria and would like to return them to their owners.
I look forward to a busy month ahead! Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Ledbetter
Attendance Procedures
We strive for all students to be at school all day, every day. In the event your child is sick and has to be absent, please either email and let us know or call 239-377-8500 to report the absence. Reporting all absences avoids “unexcused” absences on your child’s attendance record. If your child visits the doctor, please submit a doctor note within 24 hours of returning to school to the office and the absence will be marked “excused”. Excessive absences and/tardies could result into Out of Zone designations being rescinded and/or having to attend truancy court.
School Student Hours:
Doors open 7:45
Breakfast at no charge is served 7:45
Bell Rings 8:10
WTBE News Starts 8:15
Dismissal 2:50
Early Release Day 11:50
Drop off is prohibited before 7:45am as there is no supervision prior to that time. Students must be picked up no later than 3:10 in the afternoon.
Update Parent Portal Information
Please make sure all information in the parent portal is updated with any changes that may occur throughout the school year.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches:
Students must keep smart watches and cell phones powered off and in their backpack during school hours.
TBE Dress Code
Please be reminded that students must follow the Dress Code Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, students are permitted to wear TBE Spirit Shirts. On occasion, students are permitted to earn a dress down pass from their teacher or other staff member. Please visit TBE website for Dress Code information
The cost of student lunches this year is $2.50. Because students have not been charged for lunch in the last couple of years, we are finding many students bringing a lunch, but also still going through our line and purchasing a lunch. Please speak with your child and help us monitor to ensure those going through the line, truly are buyers, and need a lunch. We will never deny a student a lunch, but also want to make parents aware that they are being charged. If you child wants to be a buyer, please send money in, labeled with their name and student number. You can also utilize the online app to add money to your child’s account.
If you would like help navigating the on-line application for reduced price lunches, please contact our front office to make an appointment to come in to get assistance.
Please help us remind our students of the TBE Expectations:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be a Leader
Being a leader does not necessarily mean leading others. It can mean leading yourself toward your goals.
Safety is a TOP priority at TBE! We appreciate family conversations around these important safety habits!
· Keep your hands to yourself.
· Keep the words that come out of your mouth, kind.
· Keep toys at home unless teacher approval through message to parents.
· Follow the appropriate dress code posted on our website. Avoid losing instructional time to change into appropriate clothes!
Thank you for your help in keeping our school safe and great place to be!
Many of you have been making an extra trip back to the school because something was left at home. To help decrease the number of trips to school and disruptions after classes are in session, try this idea when preparing the night before and/or before leaving for school.
Make a checklist (or print this one below) with your child and hang it up in a prominent place. Each morning your child can check off what you need to bring before you leave the house.
Welcome to the Second Quarter!
It is hard to believe we have reached the second quarter already! Our kindergarteners have settled in nicely, and they are quite comfortable with their classroom routines and school-wide expectations.
We had a wonderful time the last few weeks with our visit from the Marco Island Fire Department and celebrating Pumpkin Day!
This month will be both busy and exciting as the children dive into new learning experiences.
Thanksgiving Performance Our students are eager to practice for their upcoming Thanksgiving performance, and we cannot wait to see them shine! Be on the lookout for your invite to share this fun experience!
Phonics & Literacy The students will continue building on their phonics knowledge, focusing on learning more letters, keywords, and sounds, as well as high-frequency words. These foundational skills are crucial in developing their reading abilities.
Math In math, we will concentrate on representing and solving addition and subtraction problems.
Science We will be exploring animals and plants through media, helping students connect their understanding of living things to real-world examples.
Social Studies Our social studies lessons will keep us busy as we learn about important national holidays like Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. We will also spend time learning how calendars work, exploring the days of the week and months of the year.
We are incredibly thankful for your ongoing support and all that you do to ensure your child's success. Your involvement makes a big difference!
Warm regards,
The Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Thank you for your help with our game night silent auction items!
During Leader in Me we finished the blueprint for success (Ways to be successful in school). Now we are reviewing the 7 habits. We have reviewed habits 1- be proactive, 2. begin with the end in mind, and 3. put first things first.
While reading we will continue to work on important skills such as: story structure, who is telling the story, comparing, contrasting, retelling and more. Be sure to listen to your child retell a previously read story.
The students have been doing a tremendous job with I-Ready! We will continue to work to meet our school goal of 45 minutes a week and at least 80% pass rate. Continue to ask your child if he/she is meeting the goal.
In math we have been working with addition and subtraction to solve problems. The students are using information to find totals and unknown addends. We are discovering how addition and subtraction are related to each other. Building math fact fluency in addition is something that we are working to improve. Knowing math facts will prepare the children for the steps to come in math. We have been identifying and analyzing two- and three-dimensional figures.
First Grade Team
As we approach the month of November, we want to express our gratitude to TBE families for their support and involvement with their children’s education throughout the 1st quarter. We could not do this without you!
As our learning continues to start the 2nd quarter, we will be focusing on what lessons we can learn from characters in a story. We will focus on theme, drama, and story structure. Students will continue to learn phonics skills such as glued sounds, closed syllables, vowel teams, r-controlled vowels, and diagraphs. In math, second grade students will add within 10 with automaticity; and add two numbers with sums from 11 to 20 with procedural reliability. They will use number relationships to develop addition and subtraction strategies within one hundred. In Science, students will be able to understand that people use electricity or other forms of energy. They will focus on the ways energy impacts our lives (electrical energy, solar energy, light energy, heat energy, and sound energy). Students will also begin investigating the effect of applying various pushes and pulls on different objects and that the greater the force (push or pull) applied to an object, the greater the change in motion of the object. In Social Studies, students in second grade will continue to learn about map skills, the United States Constitution, and symbols representing the United States.
Please continue to have your child practice the 8 Habits at home, read for at least 20 minutes each night, and support your child by reviewing their nightly homework with them.
The Second Grade Team
Third grade readers and writers worked on their first novel study of the year, Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White. Throughout the novel study, students practiced comprehension skills such as character development, characters’ perspective, figurative language, and summarizing. The students worked on developing a Character Web.
In Math, the students learned how to multiply and divide with 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 with procedural reliability. In Science, third graders studied flowering and non-flowering plants. They learned how plants and animals respond to changing seasons. In Social Studies, students learned about the levels of government, state, and local governments.
Please continue to read with your child every night and practice skip counting. We appreciate all your help and support at home!
Thank you,
The Third Grade Team
It is hard to believe that we are already into quarter 2 of Fourth Grade. We really enjoyed the TBE Fall Festival last month with our families. The next few months will fly by with the holidays approaching. In Reading we will be reading and digging deeper into our second novel study, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. During writing we will continue working through the five steps of the writing process to write and revise an expository essay. Math will bring us to begin exploring and generating equivalent fractions and mixed numbers. Please continue to practice math facts each night as students quiz weekly trying to earn each piece of their ice cream sundae. In Science we will be finishing our unit on Florida food chains and begin learning about Earth’s structures with rocks and minerals. Social Studies will bring us to learn about the different regions of the United States. During our LEAD time last month, we wrote our grade level, and our personal mission statements. We will continue to meet weekly with our accountability buddies to see how we are meeting our goals and discuss our action steps to reach and/or surpass those goals.
As always, thank you so much for your support at home and in our classrooms.
~The 4th Grade Teachers
Dear Families,
Here is a peek at what your child will be learning in November.
In Science, we are wrapping up our unit on Chemical and Physical changes. Ask your child to point out three examples of each while you are making dinner together. For our following unit, we will explore the water cycle and weather. Your child should be able to tell you the names of several types of clouds in the sky.
In Math, we are sharpening our skills by multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers, including decimals. Mastering those multiplication facts up to twelve-by-twelve will really help your child tackle these problems with confidence. A little practice each day at home makes all the difference, so please practice multiplication facts with your child and encourage your child to complete their homework.
In ELA, we are combining art and history in America with an exploration of poetry and narrative nonfiction to identify central ideas, compare and contrast texts, and continue to practice summarizing and figurative language.
In Social Studies, we travel back in time to trace European exploration routes to the Americas. We will look at the interactions between Native Americans, English, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Africans and will dive into the fascinating stories of the early English settlements. We will discuss the significance of Veterans’ Day, and the students will participate in the Veterans’ Day assembly.
Thank you for your continued support!
Your 5th grade teachers
Students have been creating beautiful masterpieces throughout October.
Kindergarten made ceramic Pinch Pot Pumpkins and learned about primary and secondary colors to create their Pumpkin Paintings.
First Grade also made ceramic Pinch Pot Pumpkins and learned about shapes to create their Shape Scarecrows.
Third Grade created ceramic Leaves.
Fourth Grade created ceramic Leaves.
Fifth Grade created ceramic Leaves.
If you haven’t check out your student’s artwork on Artsonia, check out their art here:
To look at our artist’s work or to see who the Star Student was for each day, follow @beauvaisCCPS on twitter.
Lane Beauvais
Teacher, Art, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
LIGHTS, CAMERA, and ACTION!!! It’s time for Salutes to Our Troops, Talking with Turkeys, and yes, I even hear the Little Drummer Boy just around the corner. Our 3-5 students are stepping into performance mode and are preparing for our Veterans Concert on November 8th, Our youngest kindergartners are gobbling up for their Turkey Time show on November 22nd, and our grades k-2 students are getting into the spirit as the welcome the holidays on December 12th. Our SOLI Singers will be representing TBE in the annual Christmas Island Style CELEBRATE Program on December 5th and 6th. This is a great time of year to welcome the customs and cultures from around the world. It truly is a time for our TBE family to SING IN THE SEASON!!!
Our students have been continuing to practice good sportsmanship in class while problem solving with their peers and learning to give each other compliments. At the end of class, students have the opportunity to give each other “high fives” for good things that happened in PE class.
Deana Richett
Physical Education Teacher
TECH TALK by Mrs. McCarty
For November, Technology classes move into exciting new learning goals for quarter 2!
- Grades K-1-2 learn computer and robot programming. All 3 graders learn to use the free website as part of the world-wide Hour of Code. Families – you’re welcome to give coding a try as offers free accounts and programming lessons from beginners up to script coding, like JavaScript!
- Kindergarten learns to program our Blue Bot robot, which has arrow code buttons on its top.
- First grade learns to program Dash Robot using iPads and Block Coding. Both Blue Bot and Dash Robot are floor robots that are very engaging and fun!
- Second grade learns to program a tiny desktop robot called an OzoBot Evo, which is a line-following robot. Gr2 students use markers to draw color codes on the lines on paper, for OzoBot Evo to read and follow. There are super fun codes like: tornado! Nitro Boost! And Backwalk!
- Grades 3 & 4 learn to communicate through creating digital media through two multi-media programs: Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Express. We will be learning to create content using generative AI, text, video clips, special effects, and more.
- Grade 5 dive into STEAM projects as we learn to create 3-dimensional (3D) design projects using the free website TinkerCAD (, from the makers of AutoDESK, to print on our Tech Class 3D printer. 5th graders also learn to create a musical instrument and/or gaming controller out of craft materials, which interacts with their laptop using our cool Makey-Makey kits, from Joylabz. Check out: if you would like to learn more about it!
Jody McCarty
Related Arts Instructional Resource, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
This year we switched to a new reading motivational program called Accelerated Reader. The Reading Counts platform was no longer supported. This switch brought challenges, but our students accepted these challenges and here are some accomplishments made in Quarter One. First graders have earned 80 points, 2nd graders have earned 208 points, 3rd graders have earned 736 points, 4th graders have earned 2695 points and 5th graders have earned 2161 points. Considering we are still in the process of labelling our books in the media center so students can easily find their level books, these results are amazing! I want to thank the teachers for supporting this program and the students for their efforts.
Our book fair was a big success! Thank you for supporting the media center! A special thanks to the parent volunteers who helped set up, pack up and run the book fair! I could have done it without you!💗💗
This October, Ms. Bigley and Ms. Hope visited classrooms for Buddy Bench lessons and Friendship Ambassador training to promote positive peer interactions and friendship building. A Buddy Bench is where students can go when they need a buddy at recess. Friendship Ambassadors are trained to check the Buddy Bench and look around the playground for students that need a friend. Their role is to invite them to play so that all students have a buddy to play with. Each playground has a Buddy Bench. We have had an amazing increase in student interest to be Friendship Ambassadors this year. Our goal, through the use of the Buddy Bench, is that all students will have a buddy to play with at recess to foster positive friendships with all students.
Greetings from your PTO Board.
Thank you all for the help and support for our 1st Fall Festival here at TBE. We are so happy that we made it happen, with all the obstacles in the lead up to it. We hope you and all our TBE families had a wonderful time.
We have lots of stock in-house with our new TBE Spirit-wear. We are now offering a TBE Manatee Jersey, which you can custom order your favorite number on the back, some new hoodies styles and colors and new tye dye options. Check out the website for more details and to order.
Tommie Barfield (
For communication and to stay up to date on all our events and news, there are 3 ways. 1. Sign up for our newsletter when you log onto the website. 2. Our Private FB and Insta pages will have all up-to-date info and 3. Make sure to register with your class teacher to be included in the directory. Our Team will be sending out monthly emails of events, meeting minutes and other information that you will not want to miss. If you have questions, please reach out to us directly on or come to our next PTO meeting on November 19th at 8.45am.
We look forward to connecting with you all and making it a fantastic year!
From the PTO Board of Tommie Barfield Elementary School!
Students are learning that Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind means that they take time to think about their goals and ways to accomplish them. “We think ahead and decide the best course of action. We picture what we want to do and do it.” In school students will think about and write personal mission statements that provide a sense of purpose, direction, and control over the future. Students will also try to meet their WIGs (Wildly Important Goals) in reading and math. Beginning with the end in mind is crucial for achievement as it provides clarity and direction, guiding actions towards the desired end goal.