East Central
eNewsletter August 2019
Notes from the Principal
I cannot express the appreciation I have for the warm reception I received a year ago as your new principal here at East Central High School. Your welcoming sentiment and acceptance were wonderful, and what a year it was! East Central High School remains both an A school and a 4-Star school in the state of Indiana for the outstanding opportunities we offer and rigorous preparation of our students...your children. From offering nearly one million dollars in dual credit opportunities every year through Indiana University, Vincennes University, and Ivy Tech as well as Career and Technical opportunities at the Southeastern Career Center and here on campus, to our Gold level ISSMA programs in the performing arts and our well-recognized and decorated visual arts, to our highly successful and competitive athletic teams coming off of 12 conference championships, 5 sectional championships, and State/National qualifiers in FCCLA, FFA, multiple sports as well as both English and Social Studies Academic Teams in the 18-19 school year alone, EC is a school...family in which we can all take great pride. As we begin year two together, my mission continues to be:
- to make connections,
- to provide the best opportunities for our students,
- and perhaps most importantly, to offer a safe and secure school environment where your child/student can grow and thrive as an academic and as a person.
- Ensure a safe and secure learning environment,
- Prioritize academic growth and success,
- Provide college and career access and exploration, and
- Incorporate social emotional learning opportunities within a positive school culture.
It is essential as we move forward that we focus on more consistent and clear communication between students, staff, and community regarding mission, vision, successes, hopes, and desires. We’ll also continue our attention to best-practices and alignment across content areas to ensure continued academic success (Robert Marzano) and even moreso growth and improvement (John Hattie). I'd like to close with this...in what has become quite popular among our students and staff...WE ARE...EC!
“No leader is worth his salt who won’t set up the chairs.” Peter Drucker
Tom Black
Notes from Mrs. Rosfeld; Curriculum and Testing
Student Fees
Thank you to the Sunman Dearborn School Corporation Endowment for paying for all student book rental fees this year! We are very fortunate to have an endowment that gives directly back to our families! Parents are encouraged to ignore the “fees owed” in the Parent Portal of Power School. They are in the process of being removed.
Community Service/Career Opportunity for Freshmen and Seniors!
All freshmen and seniors (who have previously passed the ISTEP+) will be excused from school on October 16 to complete a college visit, community service activity and/or job-shadow experience. Permission slips have been sent home with students. Students must return the permission form to their English teacher no later than September 27.
Important Test Dates
Ivy Tech will be at ECHS on September 10 to qualify students to earn dual credit using Accuplacer Testing platform.
PSAT/NMSQT and ASVAB testing is coming soon!! All sophomores will take the PSAT and juniors have the choice of taking the PSAT for National Merit Scholarship or the ASVAB on Wednesday, October 16th
ISTEP+ Winter Retest will be given to those juniors and seniors that have not yet passed their GQE during the week of December 2 - December 6. ISTEP+ Bootcamp is held every Tuesday and Thursday (3:00-4:00 pm) beginning September 10 for students who would like to remediate prior to retesting in December.
SAT & ACT Information
If you are planning to attend a four-year college, you should plan on registering for the ACT and SAT soon. To prepare well for these tests, we recommend taking rigorous classes, doing well in your academic coursework, and taking advantage of free SAT/ACT prep materials (online and in the Guidance Office).
Don't forget to check out the Admissions webpage of colleges you are interested in attending. You can find a "Freshman Profile" that will give you more information about the GPA, academic rigor, community service, and test scores required for admission.
You can click on the following links to learn more about taking the ACT/SAT:
ACT Information
Parents Interpretive Guide to the ILEARN
All students that were enrolled in Biology during the 2018-2019 school year participated in the ILEARN end of course assessment. Test results were mailed home two weeks ago. Please click here for the Interpretive Guide/Parent Letter that accompanies ILEARN Spring 2019 Individual Student Results (ISRs).
Dual Credit Information for Parents and Students
Did you know ECHS has 45 courses that students can earn college credit in. Last year East Central High School students earned over $900,000 in college credit from Ivy Tech and Indiana University. Students and families can save the cost of an entire year of college by completing this STGEC checklist right here at ECHS. For fast facts of the STGEC click here or contact your child’s guidance counselor.
Class of 2023 & Graduation Pathways
For the first time in years, the class of 2023 will not have to “pass a test” to earn their high school diploma! Freshmen must complete what is known as “Graduation Pathways” to graduate high school in the state of Indiana. We are very fortunate at ECHS to be able to offer over 20 pathways for students to choose from. For questions, please contact your child’s guidance counselor.
Trojan Food Pantry
Did you know that ECHS has a Food Pantry? It is available to all families that are in need of food as long as they have a student in Sunman Dearborn Schools. There are no additional requirements. The Trojan Food Pantry will be open this Wednesday August 28th & Thursday, Sept. 12th from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Please come to Door 8 to enter the building. The pantry will be open or by Appt. by calling 812-576-4811 ext. 11302, Ask for Brenda Osman.
Mrs. Rosfeld
Notes from Guidance
The start of the 2019-2020 school year has been a whirlwind of activity for the Guidance Department. We have been diligently working with each grade level and new enrollments to ensure that students are set up for a successful academic year. ECHS Guidance department is staffed by three counselors that cover students assigned by the following alphabet:
Mr. Brad Wynn- A-G
Mrs. Lisa Tupper- H-O
Mrs. Murdock- P-Z
Key items per grade:
Seniors: Our Senior Parent Meeting on August 21st introduced the options available to students after high school graduation along with other pertinent information. Counselors presented the same outlined material to senior English classes. Seniors also created their Parchment accounts which enables them to electronically send their transcripts to colleges. Many representatives from local and regional colleges and universities will be visiting ECHS in the next several weeks. Students will have the opportunity to meet these college representatives and have personal conversations about their application process. A link for the Senior Parent information and the Senior Scholarship Guide are found below. This information is also found on the school website.
Juniors: Juniors should take the SAT and/or ACT this year for admittance into the classic four-year college. Securing a good test score by the end of the junior year will allow the college application process to start smoothly at the beginning of senior year. Upon completion of the PSAT as sophomores, all students reviewed how to prep for the SAT/ACT using Khan Academy. Registration information for the SAT and ACT, as well as local and national college fairs is here:
Sophomore and Freshman: These students should focus on their grades to build a strong transcript which will enable the most opportunities to them. Sophomores will take the PSAT on October 16th.
Ivy Tech Dual Credit Students: In order to earn dual credit through Ivy Tech Community College, students need to complete the Dual Credit Application if they have not already completed the application (https://www.ivytech.edu/dualcreditapplication). Once they have submitted the Dual Credit Application, Ivy Tech Community College will evaluate all PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores, as well as a high school GPA for juniors and seniors, in order to try and qualify students for their dual credit class.
Students will need to place into college-level readiness in reading, writing and math, based on which classes they are taking. Students not meeting college-level readiness through PSAT, SAT, ACT, or high school GPA scores, will take the Ivy Tech Accuplacer Assessment for the area(s) needed (reading, writing, or math). Reading will cover reading comprehension; writing will cover sentence structure – no writing prompts; and math will cover elementary algebra. Students will need to score a minimum on the following areas in order to have met college-level readiness. Reading 76 or higher; Writing 80 or higher; Low Math 40 or higher; High Math 74 or higher (MATH 135+ and SDEV 140). If a student does not meet college-level readiness through the means listed above, the student will only earn the high school credit for the course, not the college credit.
Ivy Tech Community College will be at East Central High School on September 10th and October 24th to Accuplacer students. Below are Accuplacer resources for students to study prior to testing.
Accuplacer Sample Questions for Students
We are available to meet with students individually to support academic and emotional needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Rhonda Murdock, MSW, L.S.W
812-576-4811 ext. 11912
**National Honor Society Tutoring in the Library
Every Tuesday and Thursday 3pm-4pm.
**Do you have a study hall? Talk to your counselor about peer-to-peer tutoring during study hall.
**Talk to your teachers. Teachers arrive daily at 7:30am and could possibly help you before or after school.
**KhanAcademy.org Completely free online educational videos in all core classes.
**AskRose.org / (877) ASK-ROSE 24/7 homework help (Ran by the students of Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN).
Over 2 million Hoosier adults need additional skills to compete in the 21st Century Workforce. To help more Hoosiers gain these skills, Indiana has created a new financial aid opportunity for working-age adults: the Workforce Ready Grant.
The Workforce Ready Grant pays the tuition and mandatory fees for eligible high-value certificate programs at Ivy Tech Community College, Vincennes University or other approved providers. The grant is available for two (2) years and covers up to the number of credits required by the qualifying program. The grant does not cover courses that do not directly apply to the student’s certificate program. Program-specific fees and equipment are not covered.
The qualifying high-value certificate programs were selected based on employer demand, wages, job placements and program completion rate. These programs are aligned with Indiana’s highest demand sectors:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Building & Construction
- Health Sciences
- IT & Business Services
- Transportation & Logistics
To qualify for the grant, students must:
- Be age 18 years or older
- Be an Indiana resident and U.S. citizen or (eligible non-citizen)
- Have a high school diploma (or equivalent) but less then a college degree
- Enroll in a qualifying program at an eligible training provider
- File the FAFSA**
- Enroll full-time (typically four courses) if you are a Dependent Student**
- Enroll at least half-time (typically two courses) if you are an Independent Student**
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress**
- Meet any other minimum criteria established by the Commission
**Credit-Bearing programs only
- Visit the Next LevelJobs.org to connect with an eligible training provider
- Submit a complete and corrected FAFSA (please allow 5-7 business days for processing).
- Applicants do no need to meet the April 15th deadline for state financial aid
- The Workforce Ready Grant is not limited by family income
EC FFA Member Retreat
From July 8th to July 10th, members of the East Central FFA Chapter travelled to the Indiana FFA Center in Trafalgar, Indiana for their annual member retreat. During the retreat the group stayed in the Fellowship Center and participated in many activities while there. The team participated in chapter planning for the upcoming year, team building, and met the newly slated state officers while at the FFA Center. They also received a tour of the Centaur Equine Specialty Hospital in Shelbyville, IN and the Indiana Downs racetrack and its facilities, also in Shelbyville. The members also helped out around the FFA center with clearing brush, cutting wood, and stacking wood. The group attended a nice meal to end out their eventful trip.
EC FFA Members attend PLT Camp
On Friday August 23, 2019 two East Central FFA officers attended the 2019 PLT Camp at the Indiana FFA Center in Trafalgar, Indiana. Madison Shumate and Amelia Hartman, both chapter and district officers for the 2019-2020 year, attended the PLT Camp with the rest of the District XII officer team. PLT stands for Premier Leadership Training and is led by the 2019 National Officer Candidate. The two learned a lot about how to prepare for the year as district officers and leaders. We want to wish these two ladies luck for their year as District XII officers!
Front row L-R: Chloe Webb, Amelia Hartman, Madison Shumate, Maddie Dawson, and Adrien King.
Back row L-R: Nicole Cooper, Jared Callahan, Travis Foote, Heath Doll, Alex Dudley, and Erica Kathman.
PLT Camp
Picture: Madison is second from the left and Amelia is second from the right.
This year we have a lot of “new” floating around in the Business Academy. First, we have two new teachers. Mr. Mike Miller comes to us with 37 years of teaching experience from a variety of backgrounds, his most recent location at Greensburg High School. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to us; he is a great asset to our department and we are excited to have him on board! Mrs. Tina Waechter is new, but not a new face. She taught at East Central for 6 years before taking last year off to adopt three children, and came back to EC this year. We are excited to have a wonderful team. Next, the Computer Science 1 students will be exposed to exciting new curriculum. Not only will they now be earning dual credit through Ivy Tech Community College and Northern Kentucky University, but Mrs. Hutzel was trained this summer to deliver the CS50 - Intro to Computer Science available through Harvard University. Welcome back from the business department. We are looking forward to a great year!
Preparing for College and Careers
Students in Preparing for College and Careers have been doing a lot of self-reflection. As a class we learned about different values, learning styles, and skills and how these things can impact our daily lives. Students were able to asses their personality and interests, determine their Meyers-Briggs Indicator, and begin to explore career clusters and pathways. Their objective is to analyze personality, including skills, talents, and aptitudes. We discussed ways in which we can change parts of our personality including practicing new talents and motivating ourselves to develop characteristics that we admire.
Pictures below...
Students in Mr. Kennedy’s Introduction to Construction class learn to use a transit level to measure site elevations.
Mr. Boyd’s Civil Engineering and Architecture students are learning to use the industry standard software Autodesk Revit Architecture to design residential buildings.
Computers in Design and Production students are learning the basics of computer-aided drafting with Autocad.
Introduction to Engineering Design students are learning to use the 3d modeling program Inventor to create products to be printed with the Makerbot Replicator 3d printer.
The English Department has a new addition to their course offerings this year. The new course, Film Literature, is being taught by Mrs. Stanley and she has some exciting lessons planned for this year. ”We will be looking into script and story basics, film history, the different genres of film, film making techniques, shot composition, and much more. This course is brand new to me so I will also be learning alongside my students and I am very excited about that,” says Stanley. In class so far, students have had to create loglines for film preview clips. They also had to write out a script for the opening scene of their favorite movie using correct film terminology. “This course is going to be challenging, but I know it will be a lot of fun,” says Stanley.
The new face in the English hallway is actually not a new face at all. Mrs. Bettina Rose taught at ECHS from 1998-2008 and she is excited to be back. “I am looking forward to being a Trojan, again, and working with my students to build literacy skills through American literature,” said Rose. Mrs. Rose will be teaching English 11 this year along with Mrs. Pieczonka. Welcome back Mrs. Rose!
Brenda Osman bosman@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Nutrition and Wellness
Students in Nutrition and Wellness have been exploring the different areas of wellness. Students have taken the time to self-reflect and assess their own wellness and even come up with ideas to improve different areas of their health. We began exploring kitchen safety and sanitation procedures and even practiced a variety of skills with our first lab. Students were able to collaborate in kitchen groups to create a healthy smoothie and they were able to taste smoothies from other groups. Their objectives were to demonstrate a simple method of preparing a nutritious snack and to practice planning and working with other students in a lab setting. Students were also able to work in groups to create a poster about an important topic related to kitchen safety. As a class we went over many safety tips and tricks for the kitchen, but this gave students the opportunity to determine what areas of kitchen safety are most important.
Intro to Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Students in Intro to Culinary Arts began the school year by learning about Food Safety & Sanitation. They learned about the most common causes & symptoms of foodborne illness and how they could prevent them by applying their knowledge of the 4 C’s (Clean, Combat Cross Contamination, Cook, & Chill) of Food Safety. Students got to experience a “Food Science” experiment, testing bacteria growth at room temperature versus refrigerated temperature. Students learned bacteria grow fastest at room temperature aka- in the “Temperature Danger Zone!” Students demonstrated their knowledge of food safety through a lab experience of making “Chicken Stir Fry”. Next month students will begin learning about Kitchen Safety & Preventing Accidents in the Kitchens then Proper Measuring Techniques.
ProStart 1: Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Students in ProStart 1 began the year learning about the Hospitality Industry. Students have had the opportunity to evaluate the various parts of the foodservice industry including the commercial versus noncommercial segments. Students first explored the commercial restaurant and foodservice segment including: Restaurants, Catering & Banquets, Retail, and Stadiums. Then they learned about the smaller noncommercial foodservice segment including: Schools & Universities, Health-care facilities, Business & Industry, Club & Government facilities. They’ve also learned about the various segments of the hospitality industry including travel, tourism, foodservice, lodging & event management. Students learned the travel & tourism industry is a huge part of Culinary/Hospitality! Students demonstrated their knowledge of the Hospitality Industry through a laboratory experience of making “Small Bite” Appetizers that you would see at a catered event or banquet center. Next month students will learn about early contributors to the hospitality industry and their impact on management philosophy and leadership.
ProStart 2: Advanced Culinary Arts
Students in ProStart 2 began the year with an Introduction to Marketing in the Foodservice Industry. Students have learned about the traditional marketing mix versus the contemporary marketing mix. They have also learned about what is included in a marketing plan and why a target market is important to businesses. This past week students focused on sales promotions related to the foodservice industry and how that may be included in the promotional mix. Next week students will explore what benefits and opportunities public relations bring to a business.
ProStart 1 & 2: Advanced Culinary courses earn dual credit with Ivy Tech!!
Students in the ProStart 1 & 2 advanced culinary courses now have the opportunity to earn dual credit with Ivy Tech Community College! If students complete the requirements they could earn credit in the following Ivy Tech courses:
Hops 114: Intro to Hospitality
Hosp 101: Sanitation & First Aid
Hosp 102: Basic Food Theory & Skills
Hosp 104: Nutrition
Hosp 105: Intro to Baking
Intro to Fashion and Textiles students are finishing up the color unit. They also completed a color analysis project where they determined their “season of color” and what colors look best on them.
The Child Development students just finished a unit on understanding and the basic theories of child development. At the end of the unit, students were given an opportunity to reflect back on their own childhood and do some finger painting. The students really enjoy finding their inner childhood for a few moments while painting. They have just started the unit on prenatal development.
The Education Professions I & II students are reporting to their elementary/middle school classrooms four days a week where they serve as a “cadet teacher”. We currently have cadet teachers at Sunman Elementary, North Dearborn Elementary, Bright Elementary and Sunman Dearborn Middle School.
The Human Services (Family and Community Health Class) is currently learning about Human Services careers and are interning in places around the local communities including Margaret Mary Health, Ridgewood Rehab Center, New Horizons Rehabilitation Center, Bright Elementary Speech Program, North Dearborn Elementary, and Dr. Olyer’s Office.
The Fashion and Textiles Careers students are studying quilting techniques. They have researched how to cut out squares and how to select appropriate color schemes. Through this process they are making a disappearing 9 patch quilt.
The East Central FCCLA is off to a strong start. For some of you...What is FCCLA? Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Any student can be a member of the East Central FCCLA by paying dues of $12 and completing a membership form. All members receive a free t-shirt. The organization focuses a lot of the chapter activities around community service projects that benefit people in southeastern Indiana. Our FCCLA Chapter meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month after school in Room 146. If your son or daughter is interested please have them see Mrs. Osman, Ms. McConnell or Mrs. Bonilla for further details. We accept members year around.
Our theme for the year is “Unleash the Super Leader in you with the East Central FCCLA.” We had our kick-off meeting with over 100 students enjoying ice cream at our annual social. Students played games and got to know the officers and other potential members in our organization. We are planning the annual FCCLA “Eat Dinner with Your Family Night” on September 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. All members and their families are invited to enjoy a free dinner of Homemade Lasagna, green beans, breadsticks and dessert while learning about FCCLA and interacting with your family. Please email Mrs. Osman at bosman@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us if you would like for you and your family to attend.
East Central FCCLA/FFA host Smoked Pork Chop Dinner
The East Central FCCLA/FFA is sponsoring a Smoked Pork Chop/Grilled Chicken Breast Dinner on Friday, September 6, 2019 from 5-7 p.m. in the East Central High School Cafeteria. The dinner will include a Smoked Pork Chop or Grilled Chicken Breast, mashed potatoes, corn or green beans, tossed salad, homemade dessert and a drink for the cost of $10. The dinner will be served before the East Central vs. Harrison Varsity Football game. Carry outs will be available also. If you would like to reserve your tickets ahead of time please call Mrs. Brenda Osman at East Central High School 812-576-4811 ext. 11302.
East Central High School Students Competed at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference
Anaheim, CA, July 2019 – Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)’s National Leadership Conference (NLC) was held June 30-July 4 in Anaheim, California. More than 8,700 participants from across the country gathered together to attend leadership and program trainings, hear national speakers, meet youth leaders from across the nation, participate in Competitive Events, and explore college and career options.
Over 4,700 FCCLA members competed in STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events at NLC. STAR Events are competitive events in which members are recognized for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. Both youth and adults work together in managing the events and serving as evaluators of the participants. Students develop real world skills participating in STAR Events.
Events aim to support student development of knowledge and skills by enhancing the classroom experience and career pathway initiatives by equipping students with employable skills and industry insights needed to thrive in the 21st century. FCCLA members choose what STAR Event they would like to compete in, events vary from Early Childhood Education, Entrepreneurship, and Sports Nutrition to Fashion Design, Job Interview, and Culinary Arts.
In order to advance to the national level in a STAR Event, members first compete at the state level. Fifteen East Central FCCLA members competed in STAR Events at the conference. Maria Deddens competed in the Advocacy Jr. Event on the importance of not Cyberbullying and received a Gold Medal. Competing in the Advocacy Senior Event was Natalie Klei and Lydia Trabel with their project on the importance of handwriting and they received a gold medal. Madison Zurweller competed in Chapter Service Portfolio Jr. event on helping a local animal shelter and received a silver medal. In the Chapter Service Portfolio Sr. Event reporting on the “Eat Dinner on Your Family Night” event was Maycey Lewis and Avery Daniels and they received a Gold Medal. Britney Dole received a silver medal on the Chapter Service Portfolio Occupational Event on teaching the importance of Dental Care to elementary children. Receiving a Gold Medal on the Chapter in Review Portfolio Occupational Event was Katelynn Osman and Natalie Douthit. In the Focus of Children, Occupational Event, Jocelyn Hylton received a Silver Medal on her project that taught Second graders about the importance of being kind to others. Mia Klem, Megan Sierra and Josie Volpenhein received a Gold Medal on their National Programs in Action, Jr. Event on School Bus Safety. Receiving a Gold Medal on the Promote and Publicize FCCLA Sr. Event was Lacey Kelly and Madison Miller.
East Central HS Top Finishers in Nation
Maria Deddens, 2nd Place, Advocacy Jr.
Natalie Douthit and Katelynn Osman, 2nd Place, Chapter in Review
Natalie Klei and Lydia Trabel, 6th Place, Advocacy, Sr.
Britney Dole, 7th Place, Chapter Service Portfolio
Mia Klem, Megan Sierra, and Josie Volpenhein, 4th Place, National Programs in Action, Jr.
Lacey Kelly and Madison Miller, 6th Place, Promote and Publicize, Sr.
13 teams from 8 states competed in the 2019 FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl competition. Hannah Weiler, Alli Beard, Hayley Lewis, Eva Grimm and Molly Graham from East Central High School were among the top advancing national qualifying teams who competed in the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl competition. The East Central FCCLA Knowledge Bowl finished 6th in the competition. Through the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl competition, members participate in both online and on-site matches. The three-level team competition tests FCCLA members’ knowledge in six content areas: personal finance, consumer rights and responsibilities, technology, health and safety, environment, and FCCLA knowledge. FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl is held annually at FCCLA’s National Leadership Conference in partnership with National Consumers League. FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl competitors, as well as fellow National Leadership Conference attendees improved their leadership skills, networked with youth from across the country, and were recognized for their hard work and many accomplishments throughout the year.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has over 175,000 members and more than 5,300 chapters from 50 state associations, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience is unique among youth organizations because its programs are planned and run by members, and it’s the only career and technical in-school student organization with a central focus on careers that support families. Participation in national FCCLA programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.
Fine Arts
Melissa Gulasy - mgulasy@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
With our first month of school almost over, I can say we are off to a wonderful start to the new school year! We have some very exciting “new things” on the horizon.
** East Central Fine Arts Academy
East Central High School is accepting applications for the newly formed Academy of Fine Arts. Students that have completed the program will have special recognition at the EC Fine Arts Day at the end of their senior year. Those who enroll in the program, will have the opportunity to study three areas: visual arts, vocal music, and instrumental music. For more information, contact the art or music department.
**AP Drawing
This course is up and running with highly motivated students who are seriously interested in rendering forms and surface manipulations. This drawing course demands significant commitment of their time. These students will be submitting their portfolios at the end of the year for evaluation on receiving college credit.
Below: “Symbolic Still Life Drawing” by AP Drawing student, Katie Priebe
Foreign Language
This past summer Jill Martin earned 30 Professional Development Hours. She attended the "Making a Splash" digital learning workshops to improve her technology skills. She learned a lot about technology and will be implementing these ideas into the classroom. Jill also attended webinars about the new Foreign Language Standards. The new standards focus on communication and culture. She plans to help students learn more about culture and communication by adding an Authentic Day once a week. The day will be dedicated to culture, authentic speaking and listening from a variety of resources, other than the textbook. Jill says, "Old dogs can learn new tricks. Even though I have been teaching for 24 years I am still learning every day. I always want to improve my teaching skills and give the students the best education that I can offer.”
Well, here we go again with another great start! Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year. We’re glad to see all those smiling faces and we hope it will be an awesome year for all.
In the math department, we have all the favorites: Mr. Bentley (Algebra I and Algebra II), Mrs. Bovard (Algebra II, Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry, AP Calculus), Mrs. Donohue (Algebra II, Probability & Statistics, and Lab), Mr. Loveless (Algebra I and Lab), Mr. Harris (Algebra I and Algebra II), Mrs. Noeth (Algebra II and Geometry), Ms. Jansing (Algebra I), Mrs. Rowland (Algebra I and Math 10), Mr. Moorman (Pre-Calculus/Trig, Pre-Cal/Trig Honors, AP Statistics) Mr. McDaniel (Geometry, Geometry Honors, and Advanced Math) and Mrs. Reinshagen (Algebra II Honors, Geometry, and Trigonometry).
This year I will be highlighting the teacher assistants in our department. They are greatly appreciated by the teachers and students alike. They work hard to help our students build their confidence and to be successful in ALL their classes.
In closing, WELCOME BACK and stay tuned to future issues to learn about our staff in the math department.
Theatre news:
The drama and choir department presented Willy Wonka this summer. Students participating ranged in ages from 4-18 years old. We had 98 talented young students participating and had a blast performing! Thanks to all the students and parents who helped us put on this beloved show.
Choir News:
Students are excited to be back and working hard to prepare for their fall concert on Saturday, Oct. 20th at 3:00p in the PAC. Hope to see you there.
East Central High School Physical Education is off and running. The students are adjusting well to some of the changes that come with high school PE which include dressing out for class and wearing a uniform. Our first activity unit is Softball.
Tim Maluvac - tmaluvac@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Social Studies
The Social Studies department is excited for the new school year and are very happy about the courses we have to offer! There are many opportunities for students take college dual-credit and AP classes. Please see guidance for any details about Social Studies courses.
More information below regarding Indiana Codes
House Enrolled Act 1149 “Indiana Smoke-Free Air”
IC 7.1-1-3-47.5"Tobacco product"
Sec. 47.5. (a) "Tobacco product", except as provided in subsection (b), has the meaning set forth in IC 7.1-6-1-3. (b) "Tobacco product", for purposes of IC 7.1-3-18.5, means a product that: (1) contains tobacco, including e-liquid (as defined by IC 7.1-7-2-10) that contains nicotine; and (2) is intended for human consumption.
As added by P.L.250-2003, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.176-2015, SEC.8; P.L.60-2016, SEC.2.
IC 7.1-7-2-10"E-liquid"
Sec. 10. "E-liquid" means a substance that: (1) may or may not contain nicotine; and (2) is intended to be vaporized and inhaled using a vapor product. As added by P.L.176-2015, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.206-2017, SEC.9.
ECHS Communication
Tom Black
Email: tblack@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Website: https://echs.sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Location: 1 Trojan Place, Suite A St. Leon, IN 47012
Phone: 8125764811
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Twitter: @EastCentralHS