College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Newsletter
The Break You Deserve
The rising number of COVID cases in our region and across the country may temper my enthusiasm as we reach the end of our fall semester and well-earned holiday break, but it is still hard to contain my feelings of pride, joy and even wonder at the collective effort we have made over these past few reality-bending months. Give yourself a big pat on the back. You did it.
As we enter the break, the University will be operating on an adjusted work schedule. We may be slowing down a bit, but we will still be there to provide any assistance you may need. Please note that the University Counseling Center will be holding confidential student discussion groups throughout the break. These are open to any student, and there is even a special session dedicated to graduate student mental health. It has been a difficult semester to say the least, and we know that mental health issues do not dissipate once finals end. I applaud the Counseling Center for providing these resources. In addition, I encourage you to review the University's SELF-CARITAS page, which provides a number of mental, physical and spiritual health resources.
If you have not yet done so, register for spring classes, then shut it down. Take a break. Spend time with your family and enjoy this holiday season. You deserve it.
- Emory Woodard, PhD, Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
FOX 29 Reporter and Communication Alum Reflects on Journalism During Divisive Times
Lauren Dugan '15 CLAS, '19 MA talks about the new media environment and how coming back to Villanova for her master's degree helped prepare her to thrive in an era when facts are disputed and every issue is politicized. Read more.
Villanova Professor Wins NSF Grant for Statistics Education Research
Michael A. Posner, PhD, associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics and director of Villanova's Center for Statistics Education, is co-principal investigator and director for research on a $600,000, three-year National Science Foundation grant. Read more.
Dean Lindenmeyr's Book Recognized by National Endowment for the Humanities
Interdisciplinary Courses This Spring
Many graduate programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences permit their students to take a limited number of elective courses outside of their department. Still looking for a course this spring? Take a look at the attached list below to see a number of interdisciplinary courses that may be of interest to you. The professors teaching these courses welcome the diverse perspectives brought by students from other graduate programs. Please consult with your program director to determine if the course in which you are interested in taking will work with your current degree plan before registering and consult the Enrolling in Graduate Courses in Another Discipline policy for more information.
Events, Reminders and Information
Adjusted Holiday Schedule - December 7 to January 11
Villanova University is operating under an adjusted work schedule during this holiday season. The Office of Graduate Studies appreciates your patience as responses to correspondence may be delayed during this period.
Upcoming Important Dates and Deadlines
- Spring Course Registration is now open.
- Jan. 11 - Spring I classes begin for MPA online and HRD
- Jan. 17 – Add/Drop deadline for MPA online and HRD Spring I session
- Jan. 20 - New Graduate Student Spring Virtual Orientation
- Jan. 25 - Classes begin (excluding MPA online and HRD)
- Jan. 31 - Application deadline for May graduation
- Feb. 2 - Add/Drop deadline (excluding MPA online and HRD)
- For a complete list of dates and deadlines please refer to the on-campus and online academic calendars.
Watch the Regional 3MT Competition Featuring Villanova Philosophy Student - December 9
Philosophy doctoral student Katherine Kurtz will represent Villanova in the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools Three-minute Thesis Research Presentation Competition on December 9 from 3-5 p.m. She received the most votes in our 3MT People’s Choice Competition earlier this fall and will be competing against graduate students from Boston College, Brown, Cornell, Princeton, Penn and many more in our region. During the live Zoom event, Katherine will present Deviant Bodies: Toward an Aesthetics of Feminine Monstrosity based on her dissertation work. Register to watch the event.
Counseling Center Student Discussion Groups - December 9 - January 22
The University Counseling Center is offering a series of confidential workshops and discussion groups over the break facilitated by a licensed counselor on various mental health topics. The sessions will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. via Zoom. The sessions are open to all Villanova students, and one session is dedicated to mental health for graduate students on January 6. See the full list of sessions and Zoom links.
Advent Virtual Retreat - December 11
Joy in a Time of Sorrow: Confronting the Legacies of Racism and COVID-19 from the Presence of Christ
Graduate students, faculty and staff are invited to attend this virtual retreat sponsored by Villanova Campus Ministry from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday, December 11 with Julia Moore, PhD, associate professor of Religious Studies at UNC Charlotte, where she teaches courses in African American Religion, Religions of the African Diaspora, and Racial Violence in America. She has served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church for over 25 years and is the co-founder of Moore Grace Ministries, which seeks to foster racial reconciliation and healing for individuals and communities, including Christian churches. She is the author of Race, Religion, and the Pulpit: Rev. Robert L. Brady and the Making of Urban Detroit. Learn more and register.
SELF-CARITAS: University Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health Resources
Villanova is aware of the difficulties faced by students, their families and the community as we all continue to cope with this pandemic. The University offers many resources to support mental and physical health and overall well-being. We encourage you to take a look at these tools and use them to engage in needed self-care. Visit the SELF-CARITAS page.
Graduating this Spring? Application Deadline - January 31
If you plan to graduate in May 2020, you must apply by January 31. Please visit the Applying for Graduation page to review the graduation application requirements and procedures.
Summer Research Fellowships - Applications Due February 1
Graduate students in CLAS are encouraged to apply for a summer fellowship to support their research. For details regarding eligibility requirements, criteria, how to apply, deadline for proposals and review process, faculty evaluation of the project, and award recipients, please visit the Graduate Summer Research Fellowship page.
Publish Your Work in CONCEPT - Submissions Due February 1
CONCEPT is the interdisciplinary journal of CLAS Graduate Studies at Villanova University. The journal is now accepting article submissions through February 1. In addition, students are encouraged to apply to be editors and peer-reviewers. Visit the CONCEPT website to learn more.
CLAS Graduate Studies
Location: Villanova University, Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA, United States
Phone: 610-519-7090
Twitter: @VUGradStudies