J.H.W. UPDATES Parent Newsletter
Week of December 16-20
JHW Vision/Mission/Goals
JHW Office and School Hours
Student arrival: students can arrive on campus at 7:00 am
Office Hours: 7:10- 2:25
Breakfast: 7:00 - 7:15
Homeroom: 7:18
Dismissal: 2:35 (1st bus load and parent pick up students, walkers)
2:38 (2nd bus load)
Weekly ATTENDANCE (Week ending 12/13)
Week of 12/02 -12/06 student attendance- 90.21%
Our district goal is to have 95% of students in attendance daily.
Last Week Before the Holiday Break
Greeting Parents/ Guardians,
As we approach the holiday break, we wanted to share some important information and reminders to ensure a productive and enjoyable final week of the semester for all our students.
Attendance and Academic Success
Attendance is crucial every day, especially as we conclude the second nine weeks of the grading period. Please encourage your child to attend school daily and complete all outstanding assignments to finish the semester strong. This is an important opportunity for students to demonstrate their hard work and progress.
4-H Food Drive
The 4-H non-perishable food and household item drive ends on Thursday. Please consider donating to support those in need during this holiday season.
Holiday Dress Days
To add to the holiday spirit, we have planned themed dress days for students. Please ensure your child’s attire aligns with the school dress code policy/guidelines for holiday dress below. We hope these dress days will make the week festive and memorable while keeping a fun and positive environment.
Early Dismissal on Friday
Please note that students will have an early dismissal on Friday at 11:00 AM. Be sure to arrange for transportation and supervision accordingly. Students who are being picked up or walking home and not eating lunch will be dismissed at 10:30. All other students will be dismissed at 11.
Encouraging Focus and Fun
We understand this time of year is exciting for students, and we aim to create a balance between maintaining focus on their studies and celebrating the season. Let’s work together to help our students stay engaged while enjoying this special time of year.
Thank you for your support, and we wish you and your family a safe and joyful holiday season!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Diane Comeaux, Principal
Reminder of District ID policy: IDs are required to be worn every day.
Reminder of School Guidelines: Any time a student is able to be out of regular dresscode (Honor Roll, Student of the Month, Special Dress days, Jeans days, etc.) they must follow the dress guidelines and wear their designated ID to participate. We do not call home for IDs. Any student who is out of dress code for these designated days without an ID, we will call home for a change of unifom. If parents are not able to bring a change of uniform, the student will be assigned to ISS for the day. Any students not following the dress guidelines will call home for a change of uniform.
We want all student to enjoy the holiday dress up days while following school guidelines. Student holiday dress days begin on Monday, December 16th- please see above guidelines.
Monday, December 9th
*Have a Marvelous Monday!!! Please be on time.
*Basketball JHW vs. EMS (home 5:30)
Tuesday, December 10th
*Have a Terrific Tuesday
Wednesday, December 11th
*PBIS PJ party
*Basketball JHW vs RRMS (home, 5:30)
Thursday, December 12th
*Have a Thankful Thursday
Friday, December 13th
*Holiday Shirt with school appropriate jeans. Students must current year's ID. Jeans cannot have any rips, frays or holes.
*Reindeer Games
*End of 2nd 9 weeks
*Early Dismissal at 11:00 - Car Riders and Walkers not eating lunch will be dismissed at 10:30. Bus riders and students eating lunch will be dismissed at 11:00. Please plan accordingly.
December 23- January 3rd- NO SCHOOL, CHRISTMAS BREAK
OSP (Online School Payment)
QR Code for OSP (Online School Payment)
You can conveniently pay for IDs, PE uniforms, raffle tickets, and school spirit shirts through the new OSP (Online School Payment) method.
Simply scan the QR code, open the link, and complete the required information.
The website can also be located through the following link:
JHW 2024-2025 Orientation Information
We are so excited to continue to offer this wonderful technological tool to all of our students. Students will be issued a daily use Chromebook to complete activities; however, Chromebooks will remain on campus unless a need arises for remote learning.
Students must be in their homeroom no later than 7:23 to receive their Chromebooks in homeroom. Any student arriving after this time will not be allowed to go to homeroom to pick up their Chromebook (so as to not disturb that class). We appreciate your efforts in having students arrive at school on time.
Due to safety issues, the drop-off and pick-up area is in the back of the school by the stadium. Please do not drop off or pick up students in front of the school.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Contact Information
Email: diane.comeaux@vpsb.net
Website: https://jhw.vpsb.net/
Location: 1105 Prairie Avenue, Abbeville, LA, USA
Phone: 337-893-3943
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JHWRocks/