Longhorn Stampede
May 8-14
Lone Star Elementary
Christopher Stowe, Principal
Courtney Katkoski, Assistant Principal
Dawn Walls, Counselor
Website: https://lonestares.misd.org/
Location: 16600 FM 2854 Road, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 276-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsemontgomery/
Twitter: @lse_montgomery
MISD GT Showcase
Book Fair
Need to stock up on books for summer reading? Then visit the Scholastic Book Fair on May 6-10. Students can shop every day during their assigned time. Families can shop before school (7:50-8:15 a.m.), after eating lunch together (during lunch/recess time), and after Field Day events on Friday, May 10
Don't forget that Thursday is the STAAR Spray in the afternoon where the fire department will come to hose down 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades for showing what they know on the STAAR test!
Remember to bring a change of clothes, socks, and shoes!
Upcoming Dates
May 6-9 - Spring Book Fair
May 8 - 3rd Grade Field Trip, Oil Ranch
May 9 - Pre-K Field Day
May 9 - Grades 3-5 STAAR Celebration Spray by Emergency Services District
May 10 - Field Day for Grades K-5, wear your tribe shirt (please no lunch visitors as our schedule is different, you may drop off lunch if needed)
May 13 - Rescheduled Tribe Day
May 15- Rescheduled GT Showcase 4:30-5pm at LSE in cafeteria (LSE students only)
I'm sorry in advance to 5th grade parents because your kiddos will need their Tribe Day shirts (or similar color) three days in a row! But they do get to have their last TRIBE DAY!
May 17 - Last day for lunch visitors, please
Awards and End of Year Events
Awards and End of Year Events
Awards/End of Year Parties (these dates are tentative)
Pre-K Promotion- May 14, 9:30am
Kinder Graduation- May 15, 9:00am
First Awards- Monday 20, 9:15am
Second Awards- May 20, 11:30am
Third Awards- May 17, 11:00am
Fourth Awards- May 20, 10:15am
Fifth Grade Promotion- May 17, 8:45am
Special Event - SkyDome Planetarium School Assembly
May 16 & May 20
Students will attend during their camp time with half of each grade level attending on May 16 and half on May 20. There are three grade level awards on May 20, so if you don't want your kiddo to miss the SkyDome on the 20th, please do not check them out early. The exception will be 5th grade who will all attend on May 20 and Pre K who will all attend on May 16. (I originally had this backwards)
High School Grad Walk - May 21, 9am
Fifth Grade Clap-out, May 22, 10am
Field Day Schedule
Please no lunch visitors on field day!
5th grade Field Day Early Checkouts
5th grade parents, if you are going to check your child out early on Friday, May 10th, please do so immediately after the class Relay Races and before the Buddy Stations. This will help us be better prepared for dismissal. Thank you!
The most important reminder is to drive safely and be courteous to everyone in the mornings.
Here are a few other important reminders:
- The car-rider line is the ONLY method of car drop-off available and it closes at 8:15am.
- If you are parking your car, you MUST WALK your students into the school. They cannot be dropped off at the curb to avoid the car-rider line.
- If your child is attending a before school activity, please walk them to the front door and wait for the appropriate staff member to arrive to collect them.
- Curbside drop-off is never allowed.
- If you arrive after 8:15am, please park and walk your children inside the front office for a Tardy pass.
Nurse's Notes
Hello, Lone Star Families!
I have been seeing a lot of stomach aches and sore throats this past week. Please keep a close eye on your kiddo(s). Common symptoms I am seeing are:
-sore throat
-pain with swallowing
-red and swollen tonsils
-stomach cramping
Please remember if your child has a fever of 100.0, vomiting and/or diarrhea they will need to stay home and be symptom free and medication free for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child has been prescribed an antibiotic for strep throat, they will need to be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school. Best prevention is to be sure to wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water and stay home if ill.
Stay Well!
Monica Smith, RN, BSN
Dear Montgomery ISD parent,
Digital safety is critically important to Montgomery ISD, which is why we are now using Bark for Schools to help us protect students online while using school-issued technology and devices. Parents now have the option to sign up for a free account as part of Montgomery ISD’s partnership with Bark.
Bark monitors for signs of potential issues like:
- Cyberbullying
- Suicidal ideation
- Online predators
- Threats of violence
- And more
Alerts at the first signs of danger
When possible dangers arise on school-issued accounts, Bark for Schools sends us alerts so we can address the situation in a timely manner. These alerts also give us insights that help us promote the wellness of students.
Sign up to get alerts with Parent Portal
Students use their school-issued accounts both at school and at home, and families are often in a better position to respond to urgent alerts after hours, on weekends, and during breaks. To receive an invitation to create your optional free account for the Bark for Schools Parent Portal, please navigate to bit.ly/MISDbark and fill out the request form. As soon as you opt-in, you’ll be able to receive after-hours alerts if Bark detects potentially time-sensitive issues.
Bark Parental Portal Request Form Please fill out this form if you want to receive an invitation to create your free account for the Bark for Schools Parent Portal. You will receive an email from Bark and as soon as you opt-in, you’ll be able to receive after-hours alerts if Bark detects potentially time-sensitive issues. Please email Diana Teel at diana.teel@misd.org if you have any questions or concerns. docs.google.com
Check out these parenting resources
- Visit the Bark Blog to stay informed on all things kids and tech.
- Download this guide for helpful tips on talking to your child about common issues.
- Join the Parenting in a Tech World Facebook group and connect with other parents raising kids in the digital age.
Learn more about Bark for Schools — including their commitment to student privacy. Thank you for partnering with us to help keep students safe online.
Thank you,
Montgomery ISD Technology Services
Join the PTA
Dismissal Notes & START and END Times
If you arrive after 8:15am, you will need to park in the parking lot and escort your children inside for a tardy pass. Students may not be dropped off.
Transportation changes can be made through PikMyKid up until 2pm each day.
The last time to check out a student early is 3:00pm. If you have an emergency, please contact the front office.
School ends each day 3:40pm and dismissal begins at that time. Please keep these times and the time it takes to dismiss all students in mind as you register students for extra-curricular activities.
At dismissal, if you need to buckle a child into a seat for car rider, after your child is safely in the car, please pull forward into a visitor parking spot so that you can safely buckle in your child and keep our line moving.