Welcome to TMS!
Information for new students: 2024-2025 school year
Timberlane Middle School New Students Next Steps
We are pleased to welcome you and your child to Timberlane. Once you meet with the registrar and provide all of the required documentation, please follow the next steps to help ensure that your child's first days of school are as comfortable and successful as possible.
Before Your Child's First Day of School
- The registrar has emailed you a Welcome message from OnCourse. Please follow the instructions in that email to access your account and give your child permission to access their account. Here are directions to help you do this.
- Failure to complete these steps will mean that your child will not have access to assignments or their schedule. You will also not be aware of your child's bus details, grades, and more.
- Alert your child's counselor if (a) English is not your child's first language, (b) your child has a 504 plan, (c) your child has an IEP, or (d) there are other special circumstances we need to be aware of.
3. Make a lunch money account for your child or complete the Free/Reduced Lunch Application.
On Your Child's First Day of School
- Please provide your child with transportation to school and escort him/her into the main office between 8 and 8:15 am. It may take several days for bus transportation to be established for eligible students.
- Supply your child with a lunch from home. It may take a few days for the lunch money account to be accessible.
- Give your child lots of love, positivity, and encouragement before you say goodbye.
- Provide your child with transportation home from school.
More Information
Class Selection
Prior to meeting with your TMS Counselor, it is important to review the 2024-25 TMS Program of Studies, which includes a detailed listing of approved middle school courses and elective offerings.
Next, please complete your incoming grade level elective & world language google form. This step MUST be completed prior to meeting with your school counselor. Course selections will be finalized based on review of your transcript.
Grade 6 Elective & World Language Google Form
Grade 7 Elective & World Language Google Form
Need Help with OnCourse?
New families to the district or parents/caregivers who have forgotten their passwords to OnCourse, please use this link to obtain account credentials. Parents/caregivers will need to enter the email address that was provided to the district. The username will be provided by an email with a reset password link.
If you continue to experience any problems trying to access your OnCourse account, email us at helpdesk@hvrsd.org, or call the Technology Hotline at 609.737.4036.
Chromebooks and Student IDs
If you have questions or concerns about transportation, please contact Director of Transportation, Ms. Talaia Owens, who can be reached at talaiaowens@hvrsd.org.
- Your child(ren)’s transportation information is available on Oncourse. if you have trouble accessing your child’s route information, please contact the Transportation Office.
- Unfortunately, due to the continuing driver shortage, we cannot offer late busing at the middle and high schools at this time.
- If you will be transporting your child to and from school, please let Ms. Owens know.
Special Circumstances
If English is Not Your Child's First Language
If English is not your child's first language, we will need ACCESS scores (if possible) in order to make their schedule of classes. Please obtain these from your child's previous school district and provide them to your child's school counselor. If these scores are not available or if your child has not been enrolled in a school in the United States before, a placement test will need to be administered to your child before his/her schedule can be created. Please speak with your child's school counselor for more information.
Special Education / 504 Plans
If your child has an IEP or a 504 Plan, please provide us with the most current version, along with any testing that has been done in the past three years. If your child has an IEP, a member of the Child Study Team will contact you to coordinate a meeting to discuss an appropriate special education program. If your child has a 504 plan, please ensure that your child's school counselor has a copy of the plan before your child's first day of school so that we may do our best to create a smooth transition for your child.
TMS School Counselors
Phone Number: 609.737.4004
Ms. Christine D'Avirro - 6th Grade Counselor - christinedavirro@hvrsd.org - ext 4116
Ms. Terri Stimmler - 7th Grade School Counselor, terristimmler@hvrsd.org - ext 4125
Dr. Amy Parker - 8th Grade Counselor - amyparker@hvrsd.org - ext 4115
Ms. Jodi Capman - Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) - jodicapman@hvsd.org - ext 4120
K-12 Supervisor of School Counseling Hopewell Valley Regional School District
609 737 4000 x3524