Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (9/2-9/6, 2019)
Shout Out!
Here's a shout out to Lena and Melissa for their quick thinking and calmness during a medical emergency and to Sue for her quick response and keeping things calm and steady through it all.
On Deck For Next Week
Monday: No school in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Tuesday: First full day of school. (It's also Skyscraper Day!)
Wednesday: 3:15 dismissal Staff meeting to follow working on SMART goals.
Thursday: Cheese Pizza Day!
Friday: Fight Procrastination Day AND Read a Book Day....lots to celebrate!
Friday Fun
Friday fun for Sep. 6th is an invitation to grab a drink after work on Friday. We can go to either Baked or West End Pub.
Every kid needs a champion | Rita Pierson