Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
Class 3 Garden Mandala
Updates and Reminders
As the season is changing, we have a few updates and reminders to keep our school rhythm moving forward!
We have appreciated your support as we navigate the new year and all of its uncertainties, and below are a few reminders and updates.
Fire Safety Assembly, Friday 09/10
In order to accommodate our guests, there will be no parking or driving through the staff parking lot. Thank you!
Picture Day Coming Next Week!
Monday, September 13th: Kindergarten through 3rd
Tuesday, September 14th: 4th through 8th
Please have your child ready for picture day! School portraits are taken from the waist up. Photos will be taken outside with your child's mask removed.
Fill out the Larsen's Photography order form that was sent home this week and bring exact payment on picture day. Please send the order form with your student. Larsen's photography accepts exact cash or check only. Make the check out to Larsen's Photography.
Order forms were sent home this week with your child but just in case you need an extra form there is a PDF pictures below. We also have paper copies in the front office.
(707) 467-1855 ex. 104
Acorn Hut Changes
If you're family uses Acorn Hut aftercare, payments are due by the 10th each month. Your payment for September is due this Friday the 10th.
If we do not receive your payment on time, your child will be formally disenrolled on the 20th.
We love serving your children, but we count on payments to secure our aftercare program and enrichments that all students can enjoy!
Our payment process has changed: we need check payments to be dropped in the front office of the school by the due date.
Thank you for your support and understanding!
Questions? (707) 467-1855 ex.104
Space Performing Arts Center Opportunities
Don't miss out!!
SPACE offers a 13-week program for children ages infant to young adult in dance, acting, art and Music Together.
Some scholarships are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration is available at the SPACE Office and online at www.spaceperformingarts.org.
Funding available for Ukiah Unified School District, Redwood Academy of Ukiah, Accelerated Achievement Academy & River Oak Charter School, call 707-462-9370 for more information.
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 7074671855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter