Lebanon Trail Choir Newsletter
End of Fall Semester 2024
Winter Concert
Thursday, Dec 5, 2024, 07:00 PM
Lebanon Trail High School, Ohio Drive, Frisco, TX, USA
Call time for choirs: 5:50 pm in choir dresses and tuxes.
black dress shoes and socks for men, black closed toed flats for women.
Doors open for parents at 6:50 pm.
Group pictures for all choirs after the concert on stage.
LT Choirs Caroling at Middle Schools and Stonebriar Mall
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 09:15 AM
Stonebriar Centre, Preston Road, Frisco, TX, USA
Wear your favorite Holiday sweaters, the crazy the better!
Meet in the LTHS Auditorium lobby at 9 am.
We will return by 2:15 pm
Bring money for lunch at the mall.
Caroling and Performance at LT Baseball Craft Market
Saturday, Dec 7, 2024, 10:00 AM
Lebanon Trail High School, Ohio Drive, Frisco, TX, USA
Caroling in small groups. Where fun holiday attire! Done by 12 noon.
Solo and Ensemble Solo Assignments begin.
Monday, Dec 9, 2024, 07:00 AM
Choir Holiday Party
Friday, Dec 13, 2024, 06:00 PM
Lebanon Trail High School, Ohio Drive, Frisco, TX, USA
5:45 am Load bags until charter bus
6:00 am Depart Lebanon Trail High School
9:00 am Arrive at Southwestern University School of Music
9:30 am Master Class at SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY with Dr. Bonnie Sneed
10:30 am Depart for Texas State Capitol
11:00 am Arrive at the TEXAS STATE CAPITOL
11:30 am Setup for performance in Capitol Rotunda
12:00 pm PERFORMANCE in the Capitol Rotunda
1:00 pm Depart for Picnic Food Park for lunch 2:00 pm Departure for San Antonio
5:00 pm Arrive at Hotel TBD
7:00 pm HARD ROCK CAFE on the San Antonio Riverwalk
9:00 pm Return to Hotel
8:00 am Breakfast at the hotel
9:30 am Depart for Six Flags Fiesta Texas
7:00 pm Mexican Restuarant
7:30 am Breakfast at the hotel
9:00 am Check-out
10:00 am Arrive at Natural Bridge Cavern
12:00 pm Lunch at caverns
1:00 pm Depart for Lebanon Trail High School
Trip Registration Instructions
Welcome to the GroupCollect portal. Please use the link provided to register for the trip. Here are a few things to know when registering. Please read through these before registering. Link -
1. Once clicking the link, select “Register now” to proceed. Create an account with your email and create a password for the portal. In some cases, school domain e-mails may be restricted. In this case, please use a G-Mail or other e-mail provider. You will now receive an email to verify your account before you can continue. Sometimes, it may be in the spam folder.
· If you have used GroupCollect in the past do not create a new password. Use the previous one.
2. Everyone participating in the trip MUST register with the portal. If under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must complete the registration on their behalf. All family members traveling on the same trip may register together and share a single log in. (e.g. a parent(s) chaperoning on a trip may register sharing the child’s log in). Each person must register, select a package then complete all the information required for each participant.
3. Complete all the required information necessary. (personal data, emergency data, etc.)
4. Choose the applicable trip package for the person you are registering.
5. Choose or decline an insurance option: Enhanced Protection | Standard Protection | Decline. You MUST choose one of the 3 options to complete the registration. It is encouraged to purchase insurance to protect your trip. To purchase the Enhanced Protection, payment for the plan must be received within 14 days of the date you made the initial payment or deposit for the trip.
6. Now, continue to the next page for setting up a credit card or ACH Transaction option for payment. If you did not select insurance, there is an option to decline and proceed to the payment arrangements.
7. Members will come to a screen toward the end of registering that indicates they are almost complete, but still need to “pay the deposit.” The portal have been designed to combine the trip deposit and the insurance fee as the “deposit.” The required deposit amount is due to complete registration and see a list of remaining payments and their due dates.
8. You will now see a screen with the total trip cost displayed with the insurance amount and a ‘proceed to payment’ option. This is NOT the payment selection. Now, proceed to make the payment on the screen where you will enter your payment method (credit card or ACH). Next, continue to the last screen which will show ‘Select payment’ options to pay the balance, pay a deposit or a specific amount. The deposit due amount will reflect the amount for the trip deposit and the insurance fee. You may select either of the three options based on the payment amount you are paying. You may select Autopay to avoid having to log in and make additional payments. You will receive a reminder of an upcoming Auto-payment and the date it will be processed.
9. You must Agree To and Sign all required documents.
First Payment isn't due until October 31st.
Google Choir Calendar 2024 -2025
As rehearsal times for the Musical are released, they will be added.
Please remember to pay Booster Membership Fees and Student Fees
We ask that all families join the booster club at the Bronze ($25), Silver ($50), or Gold ($100) level. Please support your students by supporting the booster club!
All students are required to pay their choir fees based on their ensemble.
Links are at the end of the Smore.
Email me at buntyn@friscoisd.org if you need to speak to me.