9/4/24 RCHS Newsletter
Important Dates
9/13/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am
9/16/24 - 9/20/24 Homecoming Week
9/17/24 Picture Retake Day / Lifetouch
9/20/24 Teacher PD Day / No School
9/27/24 Jag Day / Late Start - 8:20 am
10/3/24 Jostens Senior Meeting - During Seminar
10/8/24 Jostens Sophomore Meeting - During Seminar
10/9/24 PSAT & MSQT Testing / Testing Schedule Below
10/10/24 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Students Parking in Neighborhoods
We have received reports from some of the communities adjacent to RCHS that students are driving fast and littering in their neighborhoods.
*Please encourage your students to be respectful community members.
Welcome Back to School RCHS Parent and Community Volunteers!
I am excited to meet you all at our one and only All Volunteer meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 5:30 in the RCHS Library. This will be a brief meeting outlining all the wonderful ways you can become involved in Rock Canyon's volunteer program. Right after our meeting I invite you to stay for our first After Prom meeting at 6:00pm. If you don't know what After Prom is I highly recommend that you stay and see what it is all about.
Once again I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, September 10th at 5:30. Hope you can make it.
Thanks & GO JAGS!
Karen Brankin
RCHS Health Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator
Homecoming Dance
Homecoming 2024 is right around the corner!
- The dates are Sept 13 - 21, with our traditional events of Ruff 'n Tuff, PowderPuff, Homecoming Parade and Bonfire, etc. And we have a new event this year - a pay to play Rocket League video game tournament.
- Lastly - you asked, we listened! We will have our Homecoming Dance OFF SITE at Wings Over The Rockies (Denver) from 8pm - 11pm on Saturday, September 21st.
- Tickets are $30 and can be bought NOW on MySchoolBucks for $30, or $40 at the door.
- Please see the attachments for all the fun HoCo events and spirit days.
- Don't hesitate to reach out to Hannah Klein at hcklein@dcsdk12.org for any questions or follow @rcstuco on Instagram for all other information."
Elite Academics SAT Test Prep - Juniors Only
Rock Canyon High School is excited to partner with Elite Academics for a Fall SAT Prep Class for students planning to take the offsite December SAT test. Rock Canyon will offer the same class in the Spring to lead up to the School Day SAT offered at RCHS in April.
All classes occur at Rock Canyon High School on Sundays from 9am-12pm. You can register via MySchoolBucks at the link below.
PSAT/NMSQT Testing 10/8/24 Schedule Below
Signs of Suicide Lessons for Freshman and Juniors - During Seminar
The Counseling Team will be going into Freshmen and Junior Seminars to give "Signs of Suicide" lessons starting this week, lessons will go through September.
This year the Rock Canyon Counseling team is working to teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. All Freshman and Junior Seminars will get lessons from a counselor. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help.
SOS has been used by thousands of schools for over 20 years. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts.
Through the program, students learn:
that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help
how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
who they can turn to at school for help
Students will participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the lesson, students will complete a brief depression screening form. This form cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should seek help from a mental health professional.
At the end of class, students will be advised to talk to a trusted adult about any concerns the lesson has brought up.
We encourage you to visit www.mindwise.org/parents for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in this program please contact any of our school counselors all emails can be found on the RCHS website at https://www.rockcanyonjags.com
The RCHS Counseling Team
Lifetouch - Picture Retake Day & Ordering Information
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
Phase 2 of the Monarch Boulevard reconstruction to be completed ahead of schedule. Additional work will begin September 13.
We are excited to share important updates regarding the Monarch Boulevard reconstruction project. The project is progressing ahead of schedule and under budget. To minimize disruptions next year, additional work, originally set to start in Spring 2025, will now begin September 13, 2024.
What to expect:
- Phase 2 (Stonedale Drive/Briar Cliff Drive to Glen Oaks Avenue) will be completed by Friday, September 13. At that time, local traffic will be able to access Monarch Boulevard from Castle Pines Parkway to Glen Oaks Avenue.
- Phase 3 of the Monarch Boulevard reconstruction will then begin on Friday, September 13. To allow for the efficient completion of this phase, Monarch Boulevard will be closed to through traffic from Glen Oaks Avenue to Briar Dale Drive/Burggarten Drive.
- Phase 3 is anticipated to be complete by early November 2024.
- Communities located along Briar Dale Drive and Burggarten Drive will remain accessible during construction. Two-way travel in and out of these neighborhoods will be maintained. Access will be for local traffic and emergency services only.
- Phase 4 (Briar Dale Drive/Burggarten Drive to Berganot Trail) will begin in early November and be completed by early December.
- Completing additional work for Phases 3 and 4 this year will significantly reduce Monarch Boulevard's construction time in 2025. In 2025, construction will include work from Berganot Trail to Winter Berry Place.
Why are we completing additional work now?
- Completing work now will reduce traffic closures and impacts in 2025. With crews and detour routes already in place, we can quickly mobilize and efficiently complete additional work, greatly reducing closure times for Monarch Boulevard in 2025.
- We have locked in 2024 construction and material prices. Completing work with today's prices and material costs will save tax dollars.
Phase 3 detour information:
- Through traffic on Monarch Boulevard will continue to use the Buffalo Trail detour.
- Communities located along Briar Dale Drive and Burggarten Drive will remain accessible during construction. Two-way travel in and out of these neighborhoods will be maintained. Access will be for local traffic and emergency services only.
Project highlights:
- Complete roadway tear out and asphalt replacement
- Safety enhancements
- Stormwater infrastructure improvements
- Six-foot bike lanes
- Installation of new water line
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us at monarch@castlepinesco.gov . We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work towards a safer, more efficient Castle Pines.
RCHS Quick Links
Rock Canyon High School
Principal / Andy Abner
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Main Line 303-387-3000
24-Hour Attendance Line 303-387-3002
Visit us at rockcanyonjags.com
Instagram - rockcanyonhighschool
Twitter @RockCanyonHS