Mrs. Lowry
All about me!
Hello! My name is Adrianne Lowry. This is my 19th year to teach school and my 16th year to do ESL. I am married to John Lowry and we have 3 children. Grant is in the 12th grade, Grace is in the 10th grade, and Garrett is in the 8th grade. We have 2 sweet doggies, Bruce and Pepper. We also have an outside cat named Paris and an inside cat named Stevie. I love to exercise, run, read, and vacation with my family.
Garrett, Grace, and Grant
Bruce and Pepper
Contact me
My daily conference time is from 11:30-12:30 or after 3:10. I am located in room 300.
Location: 3100 Pine Mill Road, Paris, TX, USA
Phone: (903) 737-7443
Daily Schedule
Mrs. Lowry's Daily Schedule
7-7:45 Morning duty in the front hallway
7:50- 8:40 4th grade with Mrs. Ritchey
8:45-9:30- 1st grade with Mrs. Banker
9:50-10:20- Kindergarten Students from Mrs. Yerby and Mrs. Chapman
10:35- 11:30- 3rd grade with Mrs. Groomes
11:30-12:30- lunch/conference
12:15- 1:00- 2nd grade with Mrs. Burgess
1:35-2:05- 4th grade WIN
2:15- 2:50- 3rd grade WIN
2:55- 2nd grade blue bus dismissal