WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
As you know, the safety of our students and schools is our top priority. This year, we are reinstituting another proactive safety step and will be implementing unannounced dog searches at WJHS. Our first search was today and we are grateful to report that Zeus and Oakley's visit confirmed our school is safe today!
These dogs are trained to detect the presence of many prohibited items including:
illicit drugs and narcotics
gunpowder-based items
alcoholic beverages
commonly abused prescription and over-the-counter medications
The company that we are partnering with has trained school safety dogs to conduct random, unannounced inspections. These dogs are friendly, non-aggressive breeds such as Golden and Labrador Retrievers. Searches will be conducted at random in common areas, hallways, lockers, and grounds. If a prohibited item is found, we will initiate appropriate action in accordance with our existing school policies and procedures.
Prior to bringing the safety dogs in to search, we provided background to the students during advisory. The information included what the school safety dogs are trained to search for and how it will happen.
We take every reasonable precaution to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment and we believe that this proactive step will play a key role in achieving our goal of deterrence.
Thank you for your partnership in helping to keep all of our students safe. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me, Kate Dominique, Principal, or Tony DeMonte, Administrator for Technology, Information, and Safety, with questions.
Please reserve the following evenings for Curriculum Night at WJHS - detailed information is linked below. Please click on your child's grade.
We hope you enjoy this burst of summer and the 3-day weekend!
Kate, Eric and Nicole
Tech Tidbit
Where should I look, Schoology or Powerschool?
Schoology - Our Learning Management System where students can digitally submit homework assignments, participate in interactive discussions, receive announcements and feedback, take tests, and more. They can also view some grades. As a parent, you will be able to view your child’s daily activity within the platform, like late or missing assignments. Watch the Schoology Parent View Tutorial video to learn how to navigate your child's Schoology.
Powerschool - Our Student Information System where students and parents can look for attendance, grades and report cards. This is where final grades can be found. As a reminder, this is a method of communication that our teachers use to keep you informed of your child’s progress in each class. Please contact your child’s teacher with questions about any grade or reported assignment in the Parent Portal. Students at WJHS will receive final grades at the semester mark, not every quarter. Staying informed of your child’s progress throughout the year will help you support your child and partner with your child’s teachers to reach their academic goals.
Click HERE for a quick start guide on how to login/create an account.
Click HERE for a video tutorial on using PowerSchool for parents.
If you still have problems, call the building secretaries for assistance at 847-512-6600.
Students can access Powerschool:
Use this link: ps.wilmette39.org - Also located under Students on our WJHS website.
Student username is the beginning of their school email address before @wps39.org (ex. 21josephs)
Their password is their school email password (ex. 12345pop)
OR students may use PowerSchool Mobile App (Tutorial Video)
Download the App from Self-Service
Use District Code HMKF
Student username is the beginning of the student’s email address before @wps39.org (ex. 22josephs)
Student password is student email password (ex. 12345pop)
If you have questions, please email:
7th grade - Jill Forti - fortij@wilmette39.org
8th grade - Michael Donhost - donhostm@wilmette39.org
Technician - Andrew Radakovitz - support@wilmette39.org
Physical Education
As your children have likely shared, they will be changing into P.E. uniforms as the year gets under way. The P.E. teachers have walked students through this process and will begin supplying 7th grade students with uniforms. 8th grade students should have their uniforms from last year. If your child needs a new P.E. uniform and is an 8th grade student, please contact the main office for purchase.
Learn how to think fast and speak well! Study research, writing and oral arguments. Aces Debate Club is offering an 8-week Advanced Debate class, being held at WJHS Mondays 3:30-4:30pm starting 10/2. This class is for WJHS students who have taken debate before, either at Highcrest or WJHS. Cost is $280. Program concludes with a 2-hour session to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new skills in full debates. Aces Debate Club is also offering an 8-week Intro to Debate class, being held at Highcrest Middle School Fridays 3:45-4:45pm starting 9/29. This class is for WJHS and HMS students who have not participated in debate before. Cost is $280.
For more information and to register beginning September 5th, click HERE. Questions? Email Instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
- School Supplies: works with the outgoing coordinator to plan/coordinate next year’s order starting in Jan/Feb 2024, receives and manages distribution of supplies to homerooms at WJHS in mid-August 2024
- Civics & Safety: serves as a liaison to D39 Civics & Safety (minimal time commitment)
- 7th Grade Graduation Chair: shadows the 8th Grade Chair this year to fill that position next year. Recruit your friends to do it with you and make it fun. Help plan the 8th grade graduation party in June. Decorations, entertainment, food and fun are planned by this committee to celebrate our D39 graduates! For more information, please email graduationparty@wjhspto.com or president-elect@wjhspto.com.
Complete your “Back-to-School PTO Checklist” by first updating your contact information at Membership Toolkit, the PTO’s online WJHS Directory. Once your information is verified, you can get email notifications about after school clubs, graduation events and/or other social activities being planned for this year.
You must verify your family’s information using a URL and not through the app. The original email was sent on 8/21/23 from The WJHS PTO. If you did not receive the email, check your spam folder OR that you opted into receiving PTO/directory emails when you filled out your student registration form. Please direct any questions to directory@wjhspto.com.
Don’t forget to click on the “WJHS Store” to complete the other items on the Back-to-School PTO Checklist:
- Renew your PTO Membership, $25 gives you access to the Directory and provides student support throughout the year.
- Make a contribution to the iGNITE Fund (Enrichment) on behalf of your student. Remember that parents, not the district, pay for field trips, traveling exhibits and guest speakers. ANY amount is appreciated!
- Donate to the Teacher/Staff Gift Fund (once a year gift contribution).
Now that the school year is underway, consider volunteering to help serve lunch for 1.5 hrs during 11:15am-1pm (check the times on the SignUp for each day). It’s fun, fast, easy and very much appreciated. No cooking required- only giving it to the kids! Spots are still needed for next week on Thursday and Friday. Click HERE to volunteer. Thank you!
📣 It’s never been easier or more fun to show your school spirit! We’ve partnered with humanKIND to sell WJHS spiritwear that is fully customizable with an option to ship OR pick up locally. Click HERE to visit the humanKIND website for WJHS SpiritWear!
District Update
Securly Home - iPad Security Filter Information
As part of our continuing effort to provide support for parents in managing the use of District-issued iPads at home, we have purchased a subscription to Securly Home. Securly Home is a filter that works on the iPad outside of our network (schools) and can be managed by you. At this time, Securly Home is available only to our students in grades 5-8.
With Securly, you will be able to do the following:
Pause internet access with the ease of a single tap.
Check online activity by viewing your child’s recent searches, sites visited, and videos watched.
Customize rules such as blocking specific sites.
Opt-in for notifications to receive flagged activity such as self-harm or violence.
Create an offline schedule to decide when you want the internet to be accessible or not.
You should have received an email yesterday from our Technology Specialists with more information about how Securly can be a helpful resource for you at home. Thank you for your continued partnership in helping our students and children use technology safely and responsibly.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
District 39 is committed to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that fosters a mindset of empathy, respect, and belonging for all district students and staff. One way to develop and enrich that mindset is increasing our knowledge of religious and cultural holidays of importance for those in our learning community. This calendar provides dates and information on many celebratory dates for students and staff of District 39.
Parent Education Events
Join us for our next Parent Education event titled “Supporting your Neurodivergent Learner: Strategies for Success” on Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 11 am. This presentation will be hosted at Central School. Participants can join in-person or via Zoom. This is the second of an outstanding lineup of family-focused programming throughout the year geared towards providing tips, guidance, and support for our parents! Our first event of the year, “Feeling Safe in District 39 Schools,” is available for your review via the recorded or slide deck presentation. Please check out our Parent Education page for our full schedule of Parent Ed events and registration links.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education came together for its first regular business meeting of the 2023-24 school year this past Monday. The Board heard presentations on FY24 budgets for both D39 and WCSEA (Wilmette Community Special Education Association), received updates on Summer 2023 construction projects and Summer 2024 construction planning, and conducted a first reading of several Board policies. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted here the Friday prior to the meeting.
New Trier High School Open House and Dedication
All community members, friends, and family of all ages are invited to New Trier High School’s Winnetka Campus next Saturday (Sept. 9) from 2-4 pm for an open house and dedication ceremony. This school year, New Trier opened its new East Side Academic and Athletic Facility featuring new gyms, a new six-lane indoor track, 14 new classrooms, a climbing wall, cardio and strength training areas, a spirit shop, and more! Come check out the new spaces during this community celebration featuring student performances, self-guided tours, demonstrations, and refreshments. The event begins at 2 pm with a ribbon-cutting ceremony outside the doors to the new Competition Gymnasium, followed by a brief dedication ceremony. The building will be open for self-guided tours until 4 pm. Parking is available in the lots along Essex Road and Trevian Way. New Trier’s Winnetka Campus is located at 385 Winnetka Avenue.
Community News
Destination Imagination (DI) is open for registration. DI is a STEAM problem-solving competition for kids K-12. The teams of 4-66 kids have parent coaches and compete at a tournament. The teams create a skit with specific creative and technical components and also practice building and acting instant challenges. More information including info sessions and the sign-up form at Wilmette DI here
Looking to start the school year out with service? Attend a "Sip and Sort" on September 13th at 6pm where you can sort baby and toddler items that will go to families in need while socializing with other North Shore families. Children ages 6+ welcome! Event registration here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sip-sort-with-share-our-spare-tickets-628547371107 More info about the organization, Share Our Spare, here: https://shareourspare.org/ Please contact Lauren Swift at laurenswift10@gmail.com with any questions.
GOODFEST~RIBFEST at St. John’s Wilmette: Backyard BBQ’s Ribfest will be held Saturday, September 23 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Goodfest featuring local bands will entertain from 5:00 - 10:00 pm. Portions of the proceeds go to Family Promise North Shore.
Wilmette Historical Museum presents Auto Historica XIX: Muscle Memories Sunday, September 24 12:00 - 3:00 pm 609 Ridge Road.
The Parent Association for Student Services (PASS) in District 39 is a parent organization comprised of parents of children with learning, behavioral and emotional challenges within District 39. This year marks PASS39’s 25th year in existence and we continue to benefit from a strong and cooperative relationship with D39's Student Services Department and our families. For more information, please visit the PASS39 Website or to be added to a private Facebook group, email pass39@wilmette39.org.
Upcoming Events for PASS39:
- September 10th from 3 pm – 5 pm – Kids Connect at Central Elementary Playground
- September 13th from 6 pm to 8 pm – Ice Cream Social for Parents only at Mikaelian Education Center
- September 27th from 7pm - 9pm - Connecting Parents at Pescadero
See more events in our newsletter PASS39 2023 Welcome Back Letter.
The Wilmette Stars Special Olympics Team will have its first basketball skills practice on Tuesday, October 10 from 4:00 - 4:45 pm at McKenzie Elementary School. Practices will be held on Tuesdays through the second week of December. Students in grades 3-8 with an intellectual disability are eligible to participate at no cost. All athletes receive a uniform. The program is registered with Special Olympics of Illinois. Contact Joe Taylor at taylorjo@wilmette39.org or 224-220-4736 for more information.
Special Gifts Theatre presents High School Musical Jr. September 2023 - March 2024. This program is for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities ranging in age from 10-22 years. The musical theatre program held at The Skokie School in Winnetka on Mondays 4:15-5:30 pm has openings for students and peer mentors. See flyer for details.
Central Elementary School Cub Scout Pack 5: Attention Kdg - 4th graders! Join the Rocket Launch event Sunday, September 10 at 4:00 pm at Central School field to learn about Cub Scouts and help build and launch a rocket. Upcoming events include First Cub Scout meeting - Tuesday, September 19 at 7:00 pm; Saturday/Sunday September 30 - October 1 - cub Scout Campout.Contact Pack 5 leadership with any questions: cubscoutpack5wilmette@gmail.com
McKenzie Cub Scout Pack One is recruiting. Come to Vatican Park on Monday, September 4 at 4:00 pm for pizza, games, and to learn about 2023-2024 schedule and plans, which include spring & fall campouts, a museum sleepover, bowling and of course the pinewood derby. Contact ZakStambor@gmail.com for more information.
Loyola Academy offers an advanced Mathematics course for 6-8 graders. The Math+ program includes 6 courses. Each Math+ course focuses on one major idea based on key concepts included in Stanford University’s introductory math sequence. The six session course will be taught at Loyola Academy on Saturdays from 2:00-3:00 pm starting Saturday, September 23 and ending October 28. Course fee is $250. Families can sign-up at www.RedwoodPrep.com
New Trier Township offers a Food Pantry 10am - 4pm weekdays for families that live/work in the township. NT Township also offers Emergency Financial Assistance, Legal Aid Clinic, property tax assistance, social service referrals and other available resources. Go to www.newtriertownship.com for more information.
Wilmette Food Pantry is open every Tuesday 10:00-11:00 am at Trinity United Methodist Church.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family