The Weekly Update #4
July 12th, 2024

September 2024
⭐Every Tiger, Every Day, Without Exception⭐
RES Mission: Learning, Loving and Growing Together
RES Vision: Equipping Everyone for Excellence
Welcome to September! We are off to a fantastic start this school year, and it has been wonderful to see our students settling into their routines and embracing the excitement of learning.
I want to take this opportunity to remind you about our upcoming Parent Orientation and FAST Night on September 17th. This is an important evening where you can meet your child’s teachers, learn about the curriculum, and understand the expectations for the year ahead. Your participation is essential to your child's success, and we strongly encourage all parents and guardians to attend.
Together, we can make this year a successful and enriching experience for our students. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Ringgold Elementary School.
Upcoming Events
Family Engagement
Fall Survey
Thank you so much to everyone who returned a completed Fall Survey! We had 248 surveys returned! That is over half of our school! We appreciate your feedback! (We gave out Nerds Clusters and Airheads to your students as a little token of our appreciation!) We are in the process of compiling the results of the surveys right now. Look for the results to be shared soon on Class Dojo, in our October Newsletter, and at our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting!
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting
Would you like to help us make decisions about our Title 1 program at RES? Then please consider joining us at our Fall PAC Meeting! This meeting will take place on September 24 at 1:00 in Room 203.
At this meeting we will
- share how will spend our Title 1 budget
- seek input on our Title 1 program
- share results of our Fall Survey
- seek approval for our 2024-2025 School-Family Compacts
School-Family Compacts
We are in the process of creating our 2024-2025 School-Family Compacts. These compacts are agreements between our teachers, students, and parents that outline how each of these groups will work together to ensure our students are successful in reaching their academic goals this school year.
We gathered the parent input on the Fall Survey last month. We will gather the teacher input at their grade level meetings early this month, and we will gather the student input by sending out a Google form for the students to complete early this month.
Next, we will create our Compacts. We will share the drafts, and seek your approval at the PAC Meeting as well as on Class Dojo later this month.
On October 1st, we will send the Compacts home to you, along with a signature sheet. We need all teachers, parents and students to sign the signature sheet and return it to school.
The Compacts will be used at all parent-teacher conferences.
3rd Grade Grandparents Lunch & Learn
3rd Grade Families:
We will have our 3rd Grade Grandparents Lunch & Learn on October 1st! We invite all grandparents of our 3rd graders to join them for lunch in our cafeteria that day! (If a grandparent is not available, feel free to send other family members.....we would LOVE for every student to have at least one family member to eat lunch with them!) We will send more information soon about exact times for each class, the menu offered for lunch, and how to pay for your meal. For now, please be sure to save the date of October 1st!
(4th and 5th grade families...we have not forgotten about you! 4th grade families will have a Thanksgiving lunch in November and 5th grade families will have a Christmas lunch in December!)
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
We Need YOU at RES!
Family Resource Room Volunteers
When? Anytime during the school day
Where? RES room 203
What? Help teachers by making copies and laminating/cutting items
Interested? Fill out a brief Google form by clicking this link
APEX Fun Run Volunteers
When? September 5th 7:50-11:20 am
Where? RES Track
What? Mark students’ shirts as they make laps! You can volunteer for the whole time, or just your student’s grade level time!
Interested? Click here to sign up!
Book Fair
When? Sept. 23rd - Oct. 1
Where? RES/RPS Library
What? Help set up or take down the Book Fair, or help students shop at the Book Fair
Interested? Fill out a brief Google Form by clicking this link
From the Academic Coaches
Students will be starting Reading WIN and Math WIN next week. WIN is an acronym for What I Need. This is a segment of time when we can truly focus on specific gaps and foundational skills as well as enrich students who are working at or above grade level. We look forward to a great year of academic growth. - Mrs. Webb & Mrs. McCrary
Media Center Matters with Mrs. Crawford
September 24-October 1st
Wednesday, Oct. 25 we will stay open after school until 5:30.
All other days the book fair is open during school hours.
Parents/Guardians who would like to shop with your student during the school day will need to check with your student's homeroom teacher for the best time during the school day to shop. Remember to sign in at the front office.
Music Notes with Mrs. Roach
Fourth Grade recorder order forms will come home next week. Please fill out and return the form and $4 to your homeroom teacher. Forms are due by September 30. Every fourth grade student will need a recorder for music class beginning in October.
Ringgold Singers - We will begin our after school rehearsals for Ringgold Singers Tuesday, September 10 from 2:45-3:45. If your student received a chorus packet in their Tuesday folder, please complete the forms and return them to Mrs. Roach with all fees by September 10, 2024.
Full STEAM Ahead with Mrs. Nepp
3rd grade - We have had a fun and exciting start to the year. We learned a new college word and how it works in the lab. (Waft - ask your 3rd grader to demonstrate). We also learned that we can only control ourselves and how we react/handle things that we can't control. In Sept. we will start on continents and oceans.
4th grade - We hit the ground running. We have been learning the Scientific Method and how to use it to solve a problem. This month we will start learning about moon phases and the solar system.
5th grade - We have already identified many lab tools and how they will be used this year. We will begin this month with constructive and deconstructive forces, the most anticipated unit at RES .... VOLCANOES!
Cafeteria News
Tiger Den
Care Solace
School Contact Information
Website: https://res.catoosa.k12.ga.us/
Address: 322 Evitt Lane Ringgold, GA 30736
Phone Number: 706-935-2912
To request a paper copy of this newsletter, email Parent Involvement Coordinator, Cathy Cooper at ccooper.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us