Squantum School
Week of September 9th
Squantum Elementary School
Stephen Sylvia - Principal
Meghan Healy - Assistant Principal
Dawn Flibotte - Secretary
Office #: 617-984-8706
Email: stephensylvia@quincypublicschools.com
Website: www.quincypublicschools.com
Location: 50 Huckins Avenue, Quincy, MA, USA
Phone: (617)984-8706
Important Dates
September 16th: QPS Band Demo Grades 4 & 5
September 23rd: MARC Presentation on Bullying Grades 4 & 5
Week of September 23rd: Scholastic Book Fair
September 24th: SQU PTO Meeting 6:30 PM
September 26th: SQU Open House 5:30-7:00
Open House ~ September 26th
The Squantum School staff would like to invite you to our annual EVENING OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, September 26th, 204
This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, view their classroom and to learn some details about your child’s schoolwork and homework expectations throughout the course of the school year. Teachers will be available in their classrooms from 5:30 to 7:00 during this night.
We are also pleased to let you know the Scholastic Book Fair will be open during this night as a way to support the school. Squantum PTO members will also be available in the main hallway to share information about the school and various ways to support our students and the school community throughout the school year.
QPS Band Demo
On Monday, September 16th, QPS band teachers will be hosting a band demonstration for grades 4 and 5 at Squantum. Students will be exposed to the different instruments available this year. Attached, please find rental information. Band classes will be held weekly at school.
Scholastic Book Fair Volunteers
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be held during the week of September 23rd. Classes will visit during the school day and we will also be open for shopping during the Open House on September 26th. We are looking for volunteers to work the cash registers. Volunteers must be CORI approved and fingerprinted.
If you are able to help out, please sign up by clicking here. If possible, please sign up by this Thursday or Friday.
Attached, please find CORI and fingerprint information as well. If you need to update your CORI, please visit Dawn in the main office.
Squantum PTO Updates
The PTO is made up of volunteers who organize events and fundraisers throughout the school year. The funds raised are used for a wide variety of school-based initiatives (for example, educational field trips, curriculum enhancements, support for teachers and students, in-house assemblies and programs). One of the PTO’s first and most important fundraisers is yearly dues. The suggested amount for yearly dues is $25 per family, but any amount is appreciated. As always, we thank you for your support of our school and we look forward to a great year of learning and supporting our school community. Please see attached dues information. A paper copy will be sent home with your child this week.
Important PTO Dates Coming Up:
- Tuesday, September 24th @ 6:30 PM in the media center - Our first PTO of the school year.
- Monday, September 23rd - Friday, September 27th - The Scholastic Book Fair.
- Tuesday, October 15th @ 6:30 PM in the media center - PTO meeting.
- Monday, October 14th - Friday, October 25th - Trunk or Treat candy collection.
- Wednesday, October 16th - Unity Day (students are encouraged to wear orange).
- Saturday, October 26th, 11 AM - 1 PM - Trunk or Treat.
- Tuesday, November 19th @ 6:30 PM in the media center - PTO meeting.
- Tuesday, November 5th - Election day (no school). 5th grade parents coordinate the bake sale as proceeds go to the 5th grade for year end activities/year books.
- Friday, November 15th, 7 PM - 11 PM - "Adult Night Out" at The Post.
Quincy Public Schools Calendar
Please click here to view the Quincy Public Schools 2024-2025 school calendar for all important holidays, school closures, and early release day information.
QPS Fall Health Newsletter
We wanted to share the district health newsletter with guidelines for a healthy school year. Please click here to read the full message.
Drop Off & Pick Up Reminder
Squantum Staff List
If your child is going to be absent please email dawnflibotte@quincypublicschools.com, your child's teacher, or call the main office at 617-984-8706 by 8:30. Safety is our top priority, so we will call home if we do not hear from you.
In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student the first day back in class. The note should include the date returning, child’s name, date absent, and the reason for the absence. Any absence for which the school does not receive appropriate notification will be unexcused.
All students that arrive after 8:20 or after the doors are closed, must report to the main office to check in with an office staff member.
Dismissal Plans
Families are expected to provide their child’s regular daily dismissal plan to the classroom teacher at the beginning of each year. If a child’s routine dismissal plan changes or if a different pick up will be occurring, families should notify their child’s teacher and the office in writing by sending a note or email to the teacher as soon as possible. Students will not be dismissed to an unauthorized adult without a note or a phone call to the main office at 617-984-8706. This will ensure that all safety protocols remain in place.
If a student needs to be dismissed early from school, the parent/guardian must send a note to the classroom teacher or call the school’s main office. An authorized adult must report to the office to sign the child out. Children are not allowed to leave the school grounds prior to the regular dismissal time without the authorization of a parent/guardian.
Breakfast and Lunch
Students are given the opportunity to receive a school breakfast, lunch, and/or milk, as part of their daily routine.
Lunch and breakfast will be free for ALL students again this year. QPS strongly encourages parents/guardians to continue to complete the free and reduced lunch application this year in order to receive other benefits from the state, including P-EBT benefits. Menus and applications can be found on the QPS Food Service website.
Breakfast is available for all students beginning at 8:00 am. Any interested student may buzz in through the main door and walk down to the cafeteria. Breakfast is also available in the classrooms once students have entered the building. Please remind your child to let their homeroom teacher know if they need breakfast.
Lunch will be served in the cafeteria during your child’s assigned class time. Lunch will continue to be offered to students on early release days. This time will be built into classroom schedules.
SQU New Building Project
Contractors have set up a temporary fence at the Wendall Moses Ballfield near Mayflower Rd. & Winslow Rd. They have been very busy throughout the summer replacing pipes, doing underground work and getting the site ready for construction. Projects will continue throughout the school year as we prepare for breaking ground in the Summer of 2025.
All updates will be posted on the design website. Please click here for more information.