Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 06 - April 24 2020
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
Kia ora Koutou
As we finish our last day of Week 2 T2, we wish to thank you all for all you are doing.
We wish to acknowledge those families who have lost a family member or friend in the recent weeks.
We wish to acknowledge all of the people who have assisted all to; be safe, have food, shelter, shelter, warmth and love.
We wish to thank ALL the Level 4 workers and their families who have bravely and cautiously face each day and situation to care for the rest of us.
As we spend this time also remembering the ANZACs and other people who have been involved in many different conflict situations, we know we cannot join as we normally would together at Dawn by the cenotaph.
We know that as a Nation we will stand at the end of our driveway,
We will Remember them.
Can I send my child to school?
W3 Term 2
Please note there will be NO remote Teaching on Tuesday.
We are preparing the bubbles for staff and children who NEED to be here at this time.
We are being very vigilant with hygiene and spaces.
To those families who are NEEDING to send their children, please remember if you were issued with a school device or your child has their own they can bring, please bring them in on Wednesday.
The school grounds will be open for children at 0830.
A Senior Leader will meet you at the gate
Staff and Sarah Lucas will be supervising the Road Patrol, Bus and Gate areas.
Please send you child with their own food, drink bottle and any tote tray items, if you took these home prior to Lockdown.
If your child is sick, they must not come to school. If your child is going to be absent, please ring, text or email they are going to be absent.
If your child requires medication, you will be permitted entry to bring it to the office.
If you are entering the Office, please adhere to our Hygiene regulations.
Please know that ALL Inglewood Primary Staff have been working really hard to assist L4 & L3 workers return to work.
We have asked ALL our Staff who have children and cannot extend their bubble, to stay home to ensure we work within the rules of having as few people onsite under L3 as possible.
Thank you to all the families who have worked really hard to extend their bubble, so our IPS bubble is as small as it can be, safely.
All Inglewood Primary School Staff have been very happy to contribute to doing their bit for the Nation, just as L4 workers have done thus far.
Thank you to all.
IPS House Challenge - enjoy
School Website link below - Online Learning Hub
Panitahi - Smiths, Adams, Pearce, Bailey, O'Connor
Pouakai - Turner, Zimmerman and Simpson
Waiongana iti - Boyd, Blackwell / Edwards and Krook
Puke Haupapa - Banks, White, Wheatley, Franklin, Reade and Wallace
He Awhi Taonga - Marshall Smith, Williams and our fantastic Support Staff
Many thanks to Aaron Zame for his work behind the scenes , and to our AMAZING Staff who have put this together - fantastic effort. ka rawe
We continue to work closely with the MoE to get devices and internet access into the homes of whanau who do not have it.
The MoE are developing a way to get the devices out - we have used a lot of our school devices thus far. If you have received a device, please get in touch with us to return the one we gave you.
If I have not contacted you yet and you would like a device - please email me
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 384 students
Term 2 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Tuesday 28 April
Teacher Only Day
Wednesday 29 April
School is open for Level 3 essential workers children only.