October News and Events

October 1, 2024
Hello Eisenhower families,
I want to send a HUGE thank you for supporting our annual fundraiser, Hike for Ike. We are so close to our goal and the donation window is open through October 7th! We are hoping to raise enough or close to enough money to put in a soccer field for students to use during recess and gym. Your donations will directly benefit Eisenhower students.
If you pick up at the end of the day, please read the following information carefully. For family members choosing to walk up to school for pick up, yesterday we implemented a designated pick up area. Keeping the sidewalks clear for classes coming through will be helpful in increasing the safety and efficiency of our end of day processes. If your child is picked up regularly, he/she will also be bringing home a pre printed bright yellow sheet with their name and teacher's name in Wednesday folders this week. Please place this sign in your passenger window or passenger side dashboard each day to help support adults with locating student vehicles. During a rain dismissal these will be even more critical. If you lose them, or need more than one, you are welcome to create your own.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to refine processes as we strive for continuous improvement.
In partnership and appreciation,
Lillian DeRung
Principal, Eisenhower Elementary
Parent-Teacher Conference schedules are ready for parents to access.
October 7, 1:00 - 8:00pm
October 15, 4:10 - 8:00pm
Directions to schedule your preferred times are below.
- Go to: http://myconferencetime.com/eisenhower
- Click on the name of your child's teacher. If you have more than one child attending our school, click on "Register for Multiple Conferences" and follow the prompts to schedule your children.
- Select the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on "sign up." Submit the requested information.
- Indicate if your preference is to attend conferences in person or digitally.
You will receive an email confirmation and reminder of your conference, as long as you enter your email address.
Health Office News
- Please consider sending an extra pair of pants and underwear for your child to keep in their backpack in the event they have a bathroom accident. The health office also
appreciates donations of gently used sweatpants and leggings sizes 5-10. We also need
NEW packs of underwear and socks for boys’ and girls’ sizes 5-10. - If your child goes to the doctor or dentist, please request a doctor’s note and send it with your child for attendance purposes.
- If your child has an injury or illness that may require them to limit their participation in physical education class, a note from your child’s physician explaining necessary restrictions is required.
- Wondering if your child is well enough to come to school? Please click on this link: Is My Child Well Enough
Community Ed
Comic Strip Design Monday October 7 (non school day) 9am-12 pm
During this fun-filled Comic Design workshop young artists will lay the foundations to building their own comic. Awesome characters and fantastic expressions in our short stories will make this class epic! Presented by Young Rembrandts.
Register for Comic Strip Design
DIY Pinball Machine Monday October 7 (non school day) 12:30-3:30 pm
Ignite creativity in our DIY Pinball Machine class! Kids design and construct their own pinball masterpieces, combining fun and engineering in this thrilling hands-on art experience. But that’s not all! The kids will also get to design and construct their own kaleidoscope! What fun! Presented by KidCreate Studio
Register for DIY Pinball Machine
Halloween Science Tuesday October 15 4-5 pm
Do you like Halloween? Join us as we make a fun slime, a candy experiment and a ghost that fizzles!
Register for Halloween Science
Lighted Mummy Jar Tuesday October 29 4-5 pm
Boo! Scare your family and friends with this frightening lighted mummy jar. Tealight included.
Register for Lighted Mummy Jar
Crafters Club Thursday October 31 8:30-9:15 am
Do you love to craft? Join our club and make a different craft project every week. Class may include painting ceramics, wooden projects, beading, paper crafts, giftable items, food crafts...the possibilities are endless!
Scholarships are available contact the Community Ed office at 763-506-4312.
Hike for Ike ends Oct 7
There is still time to help your student reach their classroom goal!
Check out the ranking of your student’s classroom and donate before Oct. 7th!
All classrooms who reach their classroom goal will receive a PJ day and Tootsie Pop Party.
The top earning classroom will receive a popcorn party with a guest speaker.
Thank you Eisenhower Families and Friends! We have raised 94% of our goal!
Our fundraiser ends on Monday Oct 7th at 11:59 PM
Register or login at FUNDHUB Here!
Register your student, share the page, and start working toward fun incentives!
All profits from the Hike for Ike support Eisenhower Elementary including events, field trips, purchase of supplies, and playground upgrades.
Please help us reach our goal and plan to celebrate the new school year with us on the Eisenhower lawn!
Reminder from the Office
When picking up your student for appointments, please make sure to do so by 3:30pm. If you come to pick up after 3:30pm, we may ask for you to wait until 4:00pm in the parent pick up line.
Also, if your student’s afternoon transportation changes, please notify the office, 763-506-2300, by 3:00pm and we will communicate that to the student(s) and teacher(s). We are not able to take a student's word for this change and if we don’t hear from the parents and/or guardians, we would then have to send the student(s) home by their normal form of transportation.
Thank you for your help during the busy part of the day.
Parenting News
Please look at October's parent press for more information about Family Engagement for School Success. Elizabeth Korzenowski is our parent educator and a great resource. Learn more about her here.
Kindness Poster Contest
This year's theme: Kindness Takes All of Us
- Use 11x17 paper from school
- Follow poster directions, must have theme written on it
- Write your name, grade and Eisenhower on the back of your paper
- Posters are due to your teacher by October 25th
AmeriCorps Reading Tutor
Put Your Passion in Action ─ Become a Reading Tutor!
Eisenhower Elementary is looking for a Reading Tutor for the 2024-25 school year beginning October 21st. You can take action in our community by giving your time and talent to help students build their skills and confidence!
Reading Tutors work one-on-one or in small groups with students during school hours throughout the school year. Whether you are a recent grad, career changer, stay-at-home parent or retiree, you can make a great tutor! No experience? No problem. With training and on-site coaching, our tutors are prepared to help kids succeed.
Part-time and full-time positions are available starting October 21st. Tutors receive a stipend every two weeks plus up to an additional $3600 for college tuition or loans (tutors 55+ may gift the education award to their child, grandchild, stepchild or foster child).
Ready to put your passion in action to help the students at Eisenhower Elementary succeed? Apply at: Eisenhower Elementary AmeriCorps Reading Tutor Job Summary and Application
Questions? Email ann.olson@ampact.us or call 612.605.8167
PTO Food Night
Family Engagement Nights
We are looking for feedback to improve our Family Engagement Nights. Please fill out the Google Form.
Thank you from the Eisenhower Staff!
Walking Tacos Staff Conference Dinner- Please help support our Eisenhower Staff by assisting with the Conference meal on October 15th by either bringing food and/or helping with setup/cleanup in the cafeteria. If bringing an item in a crock pot please use a liner or disposable container if possible. This makes clean up easy for our volunteers. Please bring your donation into school by 4:45 pm. Our staff really appreciates your support. Highest needs: Taco Meat and Shredded Chicken
HEARING & VISION SCREENING - Ms. Melin, Nurse and Ms. Peterson, Heath Para, are looking for 4 volunteers on October 9th, 14th and 16th. Volunteers will be helping with hearing and vision screening or escorting students from the classrooms. Ms. Melin and Ms. Peterson will review the screening with volunteers and will be available for questions.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Assist nurse with the screening of hearing & vision of students
Record information that you observe
Assist other volunteers as needed
Work under the direction of and in cooperation with school nurse
Always treat all situations with confidentiality
Training provided by school nurse
WATCH D.O.G.S.® is an innovative program being used by schools across America which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student’s life. Our goal is to have you spend a day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears. Watch Dogs will be volunteering at recess, the lunchroom and in gym class. Your Watch Dogs day will start at 10:50 and end around 3:50 pm. After you check in at the main office, your day will start in our lunchroom. While in the lunchroom you will be visiting students and helping with opening lunch items as needed. Next you will be heading outside to join students at recess. At recess please feel free to visit and play games. Your day will end at Physical Education (PE). Please feel free in joining the class, you never know what fun exercise themed event they will be working on. My favorite is the giant parachute. During the day if you have any questions please feel to ask a staff member or stop in the office.
Every Meal Food Distribution Tri 1 - We are looking for volunteers to distribute food for the school's Every Meal program. Every Meal works to fight hunger in our community by filling the gaps in food access that children face during weekends, summers, and extended breaks. Volunteers will be placing food in Students' lockers on Friday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am.
Weekly Student Folders for Trimester 1 - Volunteers will sort/count and assemble all flyers to be sent home with students.
Workroom Volunteer for Trimester 1- Our school staff is looking for a volunteer(s) for the staff workroom on Tuesday and/or Thursday for 1 - 2 hours. (Volunteers can choose what time works best for them during the school day, 9:30-4:00 pm. Volunteers would help with making copies, laminate projects, cutting and/or prep. Staff would complete a workroom request form with instructions. Myself or the office staff would be available for questions and training.
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me if an opportunity arises that you would like to be involved in.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you here at Eisenhower
Kathrina DeKruyff-Glass – Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Volunteer Impact at Eisenhower
Total # of registered volunteers: 52
Total # of volunteer hours since school started: 100
Box Tops for Education
Winter Gear
Is your student in need of any winter gear such as a coat, hat and/or gloves? If so, please fill out this google form from our social workers, Josie Gall and Nici Higby.
If you have any winter gear that you don't need anymore and would like to donate, please drop it off at school, send it with your student or let us know!
Character Strong
This month's trait is RESPONSIBILITY. Kids are learning to be dependable, make good choices, and take accountability for their actions. Check in with your kids about what they have learned.
Upcoming Events
No School - October 4 & 7
Hike for Ike Ends - October 7
Conferences - October 7 & 15
Culvers PTO night - October 15
MEA No School - October 17-18
Kindness Poster Due - October 25
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.