St. Patrick Catholic School
Principal's Newsletter - May 2, 2024
Dear families,
In today’s world, for better or worse, technology has become an integral part of our lives. Technology offers countless benefits and conveniences. However, there is growing concern about the impact of excessive screen time, especially on our children. Research indicates that too much screen time can lead to a host of issues, including decreased creativity and problem-solving skills along with creating some anxiety.
One of the surprising solutions to this problem is allowing our kids to be bored and not letting them jump on a device to occupy their time. While it may seem counterintuitive, boredom can actually be a powerful boost for creativity. When our minds are not constantly occupied by screens or structured activities, the mind is free to wander and explore new ideas. This unstructured time allows children to tap into their imagination and come up with new solutions to problems.
Engaging in play and problem-solving activities can also help nurture creativity. These activities encourage children to think outside the box and approach challenges from different angles. By allowing our kids to struggle with things, we are teaching them to be resilient and to develop perseverance. These skills are valuable in today's world, where success often requires the ability to problem solve, overcome obstacles and adapt to new situations.
It's important to remember that learning is a process, and it's okay for our kids (and adults) to not always be successful right away. By acknowledging that some boredom is okay while encouraging play and problem-solving activities, we can help our children develop the creativity and resilience they need to succeed in life. So, I encourage you to have your children unplug, get creative, and realize that boredom can be a good thing!
Mr. Wiebers
Benefit for Mrs. Grimm
On Sunday May 5th, at 7:p.m, The First United Methodist in Cedar Falls (next door to our school) will host a bell choir concert dedicated to Kristine Grimm, and her family, with a freewill offering. Mrs. Grimm is a beloved bell ringer at her church, and they would love to offer her school family the opportunity to support her that evening as well.
Congratulations Mrs. Schmitz and Family
Congratulations to our grade 1/2 teacher, Mrs. Schmitz and her husband Brad, on the arrival of their new daughter, Sophie Kay. 🤍
School Lunch Hero Day!
The first Friday in May is School Lunch Hero Day, dedicated to those men and women who make the cafeterias and the schools a better place to be! Thank you to the ladies in our lunchroom who keep our students fed with delicious and nutritious meals.
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10th
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6 - May 10. This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation to our teachers and staff, letting them know that you appreciate their hard work and effort in teaching and caring for your children daily.
Band Concert - May 7th
Save the date for our 5-8th grade band concert on Tuesday, May 7th in the Dutcher gym. Our band director, Mrs. Lawrence, does an amazing job with our talented students. We hope to see you there!
Cedar Falls Public Safety Open House - May 9th
Cedar Falls Public Safety invites the community to an open house on May 9, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Center (4600 South Main Street).
During the event, visitors will be able to explore emergency rescue vehicles and meet members of the Public Safety team as well as personnel from Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office, the University of Northern Iowa Public Safety Department, and MercyOne. All ages are welcome.
Fareway will be providing hot dogs, water, and chips for the open house. The public can enter on the north side of the Public Safety Center next to the apparatus bay.
Shamrock Shuffle 🍀
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May the 4th! This year the Shamrock Shuffle will start at the south side parking lot and shelter of Big Woods Lake in Cedar Falls, from 9-11 a.m.
You may still register to run without purchasing a shirt here.
Questions? Contact race organizers listed below:
Rachel Mueller
Rosary Club
Rachel Mueller will be leading Rosary Club on Friday, May 10th after school in the cafeteria. Students in K-Gr. 8 are welcome to come and pray the rosary. Students can be picked up at 4:30 p.m. in the MPR, or if they usually go go to Circle of Care, they can sign in there until you are able to pick them up, or by 5:30 p.m. Contact the school office if you would like to sign your student up to attend.
Field Day Volunteers Needed!
We are in need of 4 - 6 parent volunteers for Field Day on Tuesday, May 21 from 1:30 - 3:10 p.m.. Volunteers will help run the games in one of 3 spots: the gym, the playground, and the green space. The green space involves filling up buckets of water. Volunteers will stay in one location for the duration of the games. If you are able to help out that day, please email the office.
CPTO Volunteer Sign Up
Are you looking for a way to be involved during the 2024-25 school year? There are several options available through our CPTO volunteer form. Click here to sign up in the area that you are most interested in helping.
If you have questions, contact our CPTO Volunteer Coordinator Meagan Slee at
Coming Events!
NEIFB Volunteer Night
The last volunteer night for the Food Bank this year will be on May 14. If you have students still looking to complete their service hours, these are great opportunities to get those completed.
Please email to sign up!
Grade 8 Mass
Please join us on Wednesday, May 15th at 5:15 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church for our annual grade 8 Mass. This is such a special time to bless our oldest students as they venture off to high school.
Last Day Of School At Palmer's!
Come celebrate the last day of school at Palmer's Family Fun! It's just $11 per person - Pay at the door.
Families will have access to unlimited Mini Golf, Go Karts' & Jumping! Students 2nd grade and younger must have an adult with them at all times. Go Kart drivers must be at least 7 years old and 46" tall. Passengers must be 4 years old and 42" tall. Passengers can only ride with drivers at least 16 years old.
Hosted by St. Patrick CPTO
Affordable Catholic Education Is Here With STO and ESA's
Scrip- Raise Right Bonus Days May 2nd/3rd
Stock up on Scrip
Raise Right Bonus Days are are going on today, May 2nd and Friday, May 3rd. Learn more about it here. Scrip cards and certificates are great for gifts and everyday use. Visit our website to find out about our Scrip program. Place your order through your Raise Right account, email, or print a paper form. You will find many other local gift card vendors available on our paper order sheet and on the RaiseRight app if you'd like to support our local community!
Columbus Sailor Section ⚓
Sailor Nation Athletics
There are several sports opportunities through Sailor Nation for students as young as Kindergarten age. Click on the graphic to see what's available. Contact information is included. These clinics and clubs through Sailor Nation do involve a fee.
Monthly Events at St. Patrick
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
Facebook cfcatholicschool
Instagram stpatrickcatholic
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781