The PunjAbby Window
August 2024
Marching Forward
" Do everything in Love." 1 Cor. 16:14
I hope you are all enjoying the last weeks of summer time. Every moment is a gift of God to us and we are supposed to make best use of every opportunity to share the Kingdom culture to the world.
Our team wrote this description of our event as follows:
I want to share some thoughts about God's wonderful love and faithfulness that we witnessed recently. I saw God's love manifest in our learning visit to the local Sikh temple ( Gurudwara) in Abbotsford. Watching the Holy Spirit at work in the heart of the people at the Gurudwara visit was one of those experiences that we have been praying for along with so many of God's people who desire to see a breakthrough among our South Asian neighbours. This is a long journey of obedience to God's call to be ambassadors of God's kingdom and reconcilers in our world. A number of churches come together to pray once a month focussed on praying for break through into the Punjabi Community.
Recently we offered our local churches a learning exposure day visiting the Gurudwara. Our hope in the visit was to begin to break down the walls of racism and exclusion that have been in existence for over a century and to start building the bridges of love and unity that the Lord desires for his people.
There were 3 visits with 6 different churches involved .We were given a tour of the Gurudwara and then we ate a free langar meal that is given to anyone in the community every day. On our second visit we were invited into the office to meet the leadership of the Gurudwara which is a huge honour in the culture. Our goal we said was to build bridges with our neighbours and gain some understanding of the culture and the Sikh religion. They were pleased to host us and took pictures with the leadership and local pastors to mark the occasion. Then they also expressed their interest in visiting our churches to learn what we do. We see this beginning to break down the barriers that have been in place from the beginning. We as a church have been mandated with the ministry of reconciliation.
Building Bridges with our neighbors
Clearbrook Mb Church, Arnold Community, Youth Unlimited, APA
Ross Road Church, The Gathering Church
Gurudwara leaders and Pastors of Abbotsford
Praying in Mill Lake Park
learning about Sikh Beliefs
A little change of appearance
Kindly pray for the breakthrough within the south Asian community and great connections and relationship building.
* Anjana and I also volunteered at the Fellowship of Christian farmers at the Canada Day celebration where we shared the gospel to more than 40 people in about 2 hours. It was fun but also surprise to see people quietly listening to us for the sake of a free gift. Kindly pray for all who heard the gospel that may God prepare their hearts as these of God's word is sown into their hearts.
* It is our hope that as we build relationships with new friends, we can listen to their stories, be involved in their lives to pray for them, and have openings to share the gospel.. Kindly pray for these friends that God may open their understanding to see Jesus through our lives.
Celebrated my Healing Day
August 9th is the day Lord Jesus healed me from Epilepsy 30 years ago and we as a family celebrate this day as a reminder of the Promise my parents made with the Lord to serve Him.
This life is a testimony of God's magnificent love and grace that He has bestowed in our lives in abundance.
Fund Support Need
This is our current project need.
Our project is at 71%, which means we are needing to raise an additional 29% per month.
There are 2 ways of providing support.
This is the link for our personal project and phone number to call our office.
Arun and Anjana Project #C0659
You may also phone Gayle at our office to set up support. 866-964-7627 | 604-859-6267
Thank you for prayerfully considering support of our ministry.
We would be happy to talk with your church mission team, or individuals to share further with you. We look forward to partnering with our churches to reach our Punjabi