September News
important information from fourth grade...
Fourth Graders Working (and Playing) Together...
students brainstorming answers
students brainstorming answers
What have your fourth graders been learning?
Writing: As we delve into the writing portion of our new language arts program, students will be learning to conduct research involving both primary and secondary sources, and they will work to complete a basic research project centered around the Eastern Woodlands Indians we will be studying in Virginia Studies.
Math: Students have been working hard in math so far. They will soon be learning about place value, various numerical patterns, and working with whole numbers. Students will soon begin a weekly spiral review homework assignment. This paper will need to be turned in each Monday.
Virginia Studies: Instruction in our first unit focused on "Setting the Stage" for the rest of the year. Students learned about the state of Virginia: its border states, regions, and waterways; the topography of the land and how that helps determine what products and industries come from each region. Next up we will begin our unit on Virginia's First People where we will learn how Eastern Woodland Indians lived and adapted to life across Virginia's four distinct seasons. Be sure to set aside a few minutes every evening for reviewing the study materials in your child's green folder.
Science: Students will be learning the fourth grade science standards in Spanish this year. Right now they are studying structures of plants and animals. After that they will complete a unit on ecosystems.
Chromebooks Coming Home...
Fourth graders are now bringing their assigned Chromebook home each night to use as a tool to augment their "in class" learning experiences. Teachers will communicate specific assignments more fully later, but some possible uses are creating nightly reading videos; visiting the Virginia Studies online classrooms for bonus study materials; practicing math skills in DreamBox; and beefing up reading skills in LEXIA. It is your child's responsibility to care for their Chromebook and to bring it to school each morning fully charged, so it can be used in class. NOTE: If your child is not yet bringing their Chromebook home, please contact the school for assistance in completing the online Digital Device Agreement as part of your annual forms.
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, September 3rd - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Day
Tuesday, September 17th - Fall Picture Day
Thursday, September 26th - Hispanic Heritage Family Night at FDES