Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
North Happenings: September 2022
A Great Start!
Here are some important September events we don't want you to miss:
- Flashback Fridays start - September 3 (information below)
- Labor Day (NO SCHOOL) Student/Staff Holiday - September 6
- Homecoming-September 16 (info below on dress up days)
- Watch D.O.G.S (Dads Of Great Students) Pizza Night-September 22
- Snack Shack - September 23
- Vision and Hearing Screening-September 29
- M.A.P. Testing- September 11-16
Staff Spotlight: Office Staff
Ms. Josie-Receptionist
Ms. Regina-Registrar
Ms. Victoria-Attendance Clerk
Ms. MaryAnn - PEIMS Secretary
Important Office Reminder
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Pirates Of the Month
ECSE-Jaime Moreno (Mrs. Branam)
Pre-K-Natalie Martinez (Mrs. Rowan)
Kindergarten-Violet Moreno (Ms. Everitt)
1st Grade-Hazel Hill (Mrs. Dickson)
2nd Grade-Josh Lemoine (Mrs. Miller)
3rd Grade-Ryker Klein (Mrs. Sharp)
4th Grade-Elena Johnson (Mrs. Jordan)
Elena comes to school everyday with a smile on her face eager to learn. She is a very hard worker and always tries her best! She brings a positive attitude to school daily!
5th Grade-Aubrey Loftiss (Mrs. Cole)
Flashback Fridays
MAP Assessment
Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®).
During September 11-September 16, 2022, your child will take tests called Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®). We give students MAP Growth tests to determine their instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year in the areas of Math, Reading, and Science. Your child will take the tests on a computer or iPad.
MAP Growth tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for your child’s level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. Utilizing MAP Growth tests allows us to administer shorter tests and use less class time while still receiving detailed, accurate information about your child’s growth.
Each school year, students in grades Kindergarten through eighth grade will take the tests in September, January and April. Kindergarten will take the MAP Growth K-2 Reading assessment, while grades 1 and 2 will take the MAP Growth Reading and Math assessments. Students in grades 3-8 will take the MAP Growth assessments in Reading, Math, and Science.
We are truly excited to begin a new era that focuses on every child’s individual growth and achievement. Partnering to help all kids learn, parents and teachers can have a profound positive effect on the lives of our children.Classroom Cash Giveaway
- To sign up for the North P.T.O. GroupMe, use the link:
- This will give you access to important information and dates during the year.
Volunteer Oppurtunity
Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary
Krista Klein-Assistant Principal
Whitney Tarrant-Assistant Principal
Location: 3202 108th Street, Lubbock, TX 79423
Phone: (806) 776-2100
Twitter: @LCISDnorth