Santiago High School
Welcome Back Sharks!
Check Q To View Your Schedule
To access Q StudentConnect CLICK HERE.
If you need to make any changes to your schedule, submit a request using the link below. If your schedule Looks correct, move to step #3.
Note: Teachers will contact students starting Monday (through their CNUSD student e-mail)
How do I request a class change?
Deadline to submit schedule changes: Friday, August 14th 3:00 pm
Your parents MUST agree to the change. Requests are not guaranteed. Please allow a few days for processing. If you would like to request to change a course please submit your request using your counselor's Google Form:
Mariana Nunes - https://forms.gle/z6G2FbGRWEVGhN2S7
Johnny Campos - https://forms.gle/poxN7TbeaQSjFWWE9
Christine Berg - https://forms.gle/Q75qDrasrpF48UCK8
Nathan Theune - https://forms.gle/wVc9LmpFuf6kZEGE9
Maritza Partida - https://forms.gle/Xz5CkSeV9joVxfGc9
Carlos Estrada - https://forms.gle/qLxRXccbHLfuPLX18
Kristen Matsumoto - https://forms.gle/N73RqTs35jW2BACM7
Valencia Applegate - https://forms.gle/2hRxS5HRCQLgmJ3n9
For more information regarding classes and options, join your counselor's Google Classroom.
You can join your Counselor's Google Class in 2 ways:
Enter a class code— You sign in to Classroom and enter your Counselor's Google Classroom code.
Accept an invite—Your Counselor sent you an invite. You can accept the invite in your email or in Classroom.
After you join a class on one device, you're enrolled in that class for all devices.
Be sure to sign in to Classroom with your CNUSD student account.
Join with an invite
- Your Counselor sent an invite to your CNUSD student email to join his/her Google Classroom.
- Go to classroom.google.com.
- Make sure to sign in with your CNUSD student account.
- On the class card, click Join.
Join with a class code
1. Copy your Counselor's Google Classroom class code:
- Mariana Nunes - 3ekwgcc
- Johnny Campos - 2gte5vh
- Christine Berg - sh3g6co
- Nathan Theune - amua2hc
- Maritza Partida - uhxt5io
- Carlos Estrada - 23aylgo
- Kristen Matsumoto - ihaapnv
- Valencia Applegate - qarxjjo
2. Go to classroom.google.com.
3. Make sure to sign in with your CNUSD student account.
4. At the top, click Join class + and paste your Counselor's code.
Note: Textbook Distribution Only for Remote/Traditional Track Students
Online Shark Shop Coming Soon!
If you are in need of a device for remote learning:
- Log into Parent Connect
- Select Online Registration
- Select Edit next to the desired student
- Go to the Instructional Program/Device Needs section
- Answer the required questions
- Select Submit
Note: If you completed the Device Needs request and have not yet received a device, the district will notify you soon. As soon as the district has a laptop ready for your student(s), an email will be sent with detailed instructions on a pickup date and time.