Mustang News
October 2024
Upcoming Events
Fall Break
Fall Break is 9/30-10/11. Students return on 10/14.
Monday, Sep 30, 2024, 08:30 AM
Class Photos (& Individual Retakes)
Join your class for your class photo. If you need your child's Fall individual photo retaken, please notify their teacher.
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, 08:30 AM
1st Quarter Academic Awards
Teachers will be notifying the families of students being recognized.
- 5th Grade will be from 9-9:30am
- 4th Grade will be from 9:30-10am
- 3rd Grade will be from 10-10:30am
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 09:00 AM
Pima Butte MPR
Site Council
Join us in the library to hear monthly updates from school administration on school wide goals, upcoming activities, and budget reports. PTO will also provide updated information about upcoming fundraisers and events. Grade level teams or special areas may also be invited to present information.
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024, 05:00 PM
Pima Butte Library
9/15-10/15 is Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
10/23-10/31 is Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign.
Safety & Security
- We have annual safety walkthroughs with Maricopa Police Department and Maricopa Fire Department.
- We hold monthly fire drills. Fire drills occur monthly so students learn what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency. When the fire alarm sounds, students evacuate the building in an orderly, quiet manner, and follow the instructions of staff members in charge.
- We practice lockdown drills quarterly. Lockdown drills are essential to teach students what to do in the unlikely event of a dangerous situation requiring students to be in their classroom and protected from any problems. During lockdown drills, students remain in the classroom with their teacher with the classroom door locked until the drill is complete.
- We have secure points of entrance. When visiting the front office, please utilize our video intercom to the right of the front office doors to speak with our staff before attempting to enter the building. The doors are locked at all times. Students should report to the MPR at arrival after 8:05am. There is no staff supervision before 8:05am. Students arriving after 8:32am should be signed in with the front office.
- We require that students leaving school before dismissal must be physically signed out by an adult in the front office. A student may only be allowed to leave with someone other than a parent/guardian if the parent has notified the school in writing or if the person is listed as an emergency contact. Adults must be prepared to show photo ID when signing out a student.
- No pets are allowed on campus, including during arrival and dismissal.
- MUSD has implemented the Visitor Aware system this school year. Visitor Aware is a management and screening service designed specifically to help secure schools, by screening visitors to ensure they are not on any sexual offender registry (across all 50 states) or on a national/international watchlist (such as a FBI watch lists, OFAC blocked persons, DTC debarred parties, etc.). Please visit our website to learn more about this program and to complete your personal self-registration before visiting.
- We require that visitors on campus be pre-approved by the principal. Conflicts with the school schedule shall be avoided. To arrange a visit to the campus, please submit a Visitors to Schools form to the front office at least 2 school days before you would like to visit. The Visitors to Schools form is available on our school website and in the front office.
- We require that all visitors sign in at the front office and wear a visitor sticker at all times. At no time, should visitors wander campus or visit anywhere other than their intended destination. Visitors should sign out and exit through the front office when leaving campus. Visitors should not bring additional family members or children (including younger siblings) with them.
Technology & CyberSecurity
MUSD is committed to ensuring that all students are prepared to thrive in our technology-rich 21st-century world. Every student grades 3-12 is assigned a laptop for academic purposes at home and school. Students are responsible for device repair/replacement costs if it is intentionally damaged. If the device is stolen, a police report must be filed. Visit MUSD’s Technology Department website for more information on educational technology and parent tutorials.
Administration monitors all school issued technology accounts for all students enrolled in the Maricopa Unified School District. MUSD partners with Securly in safeguarding students while using a school-issued device.
Cell phones and electronic devices (such as smart watches) must be turned off and put away as soon as students arrive on campus. Cell phones are not to be used at any time during the school day. Students bring these devices to school at their own risk.
- offers tools for helping parents evaluate the appropriateness of media, games, and apps for their children, and provides tools for teaching digital citizenship.
Bullying Prevention
Stop, Walk, Talk
Our Stop, Walk, Talk process is a skill we practiced during our classroom lessons on how we can refuse bullying.
- Students learned the four criteria we use to recognize that bullying.
- Students learned how to refuse bullying by using our universal stop signal.
- Students learned how to walk away from bullying.
- Students learned how to properly report to a trusted adult.
- Students learned the power of the upstander.
Counselor Corner
Congratulations Students of the Month!
Ms. Khaaliq - Malakai
Mrs. Denton - Derik, Ms. McMurtrey - Gavin, Mrs. Seamons - Seeley
First Grade
Ms. Basilone - Macy, Mrs. Fuentes - Riley, Mr. Pascador - Derek
Second Grade
Mrs. Graham - Victoria, Ms. Hamili - Evelyn, Ms. Swanno - Logan
Third Grade
Ms. Isenberg - Ezra, Ms. Palmer - Jacob, Ms. Perio - Kailyn
Fourth Grade
Ms. Jacobs - Melanie, Ms. Lee - Henry, Mrs. Sentell - Belle
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Ansley - Ivanna, Mrs. Buechner - Jacob, Mrs. Gomez - Jase
Important Links
Contact Us
Front Office: 520-568-7150
Attendance: 520-568-7154
Health Office: 520-568-7153
Front Office Email:
42202 W. Rancho El Dorado Parkway, Maricopa AZ 85138