St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 3 | WEEK 0 I 12 July 2024
Welcome to Term 3 everyone!
It is certainly hard to believe that half a year has now come and gone already, isn’t it? Given we can’t slow time down, the challenge for all of us is to continue appreciating how precious the days we have been given are, and try to make the most of the time, the family, the friends, the people, the pets, the experiences and opportunities that cross our path.
Over the holidays a lot has been going on behind the scenes and I am happy to report that our 3 development projects continue to track according to plan. Many of you will have seen the Senior Playground last term and it is now nearing completion. Once I have a date we will work with the P&F to have a small opening after school in the first half of the term. Yesterday, I received confirmation from the Rockingham Council that our new boundary fence has been approved which is great news and a weight off my mind! This is currently being fabricated off site and we hope to see them on site in the next month or so. Finally, our Stage 6 CDP is in the final stages of design and costing and we hope to go to tender later this year. This will include a carpark refresh, new Early Learning Centre, playground and entry to the school. Lots of exciting things going on for our kids!
As you would have read earlier in the week, my awesome dog Fred passed away peacefully on the 6th of July.
Death and grief are unfortunate realities we all have to face at one time or other. While it is very sad and hard, with the love, support and gentle guidance of parents, grandparents, and significant others, children have a real opportunity to grow in their capacity to deal with difficult and painful times in their lives.
Some of the simple messages I will be conveying to the children about loss in the next week or so are:
1. It’s ok to feel sad.
2. You are not alone.
3. When we love someone so much, the sadness is inevitable.
4. The sadness will ease, with the help of family, friends and faith.
5. Nothing can erase the memories we have of our loved ones and these memories are ours to hold forever.
6. We are lucky to have had this person/pet in our lives and we will take the good things we learnt from them and share these with others.
For any other families who may have experienced a loss on the holidays our thoughts and prayers are with you.
I am looking forward to an awesome term ahead. A huge thanks to our parents and staff for supporting our children to be ready for the term. I hope to see them all refreshed to start the learning and fun from Day 1. A reminder that the first day for students is Tuesday the 16th July.
Due to a recent resignation we have a vacancy in our Executive Team. The Secretary position is now vacant. Below is a list of duties carried out by the Secretary.
If you would like to be apart of the Executive Team as Secretary please contact Debbie Little or email the P&F team on pnf.sbcps@gmail.com
The Secretary is required to:
- take minutes of meetings;
- prepare and distribute the meeting papers and agenda;
- keep records of the P&F, including vacancies, reports, minutes, and correspondence;
- provide a list of the P&F Committee members and contact details to the Principal following the Annual Community Meeting.
Call out for Parent Helpers - Friday 2 August
Cross Country is just around the corner and we are looking for parent helpers to ensure the day runs smoothly.
If you are able to help out on the day please email the office. We can't doit without you!
Dress up as your favourite book character!
Term 3 starts Tuesday 16 July 2024
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/