Principal's Message September 5-8
The first newsletter of the year!
We did it! We welcomed ALL of our students (back) to school for a brand new school year! For me, there were two great joys of my week - seeing how happy our returning students and families were to see their teachers and friends and seeing how happy our new students and families seem to be settling in to a new school. All of that wouldn't be possible with such supportive, relationship-oriented staff that make every effort to foster a sense of belonging and community. Thank you for a great start!
For our new families, you can expect a weekly note on Fridays from me, Principal Berkowitz, with key updates and stories, past and present. Please take time to read these messages from beginning to end. After my message is sent, it is archived on our website for your reference within a few days.
For our Watkins families, we have been adjusting to the front door closure and as of this morning, we seem to be adjusting well. I've even heard warm feedback from caregivers and staff about the new arrival and dismissal procedures. Thank you for your patience. I will continue to monitor the situation and communicate with our city partners and families with any updates.
Key Dates for families
Keep these dates in mind!
Back to School Nights are soon!
Watkins September 19
Peabody September 21
6pm - 7:30pm
In addition to your child's teacher, our leadership team will meet with parents to talk about some school-wide issues such as communication, student supports and open dialogue.
Medication During the School Day Reminder
Reminder that the below steps are crucial to ensuring that your child's medical needs are being met during the school day.
- Have your medical provider complete the appropriate forms – Medication and Treatment Authorization Forms, the Asthma Action Plan and the Action Plan for Anaphylaxis. These forms are available from your school’s main office and online: https://dcps.dc.gov/node/1003562.
- Drop off the medicine and required paperwork to the school nurse. Medications will not be accepted without the appropriate paperwork.
- Communicate your child’s medical needs to their teacher.
Welcome Grandmas!
Cross Country Try-Outs for 4th and 5th Grade Only
Recurring Reminders
FoodPrints Caregiver Volunteer Sign Ups
Coming soon!
FoodPrints is back and will start the week of Sept 18 at both campuses. Peabody will have classes Tuesdays. Watkins will have classes Thursdays and Fridays. As last year, we will have a homeroom schedule and caregiver sign up published and updated weekly.
What is FoodPrints? One of our partners that extends science learning into our gardens and kitchens. Students learn about growing fruits and vegetables, harvesting them, and preparing them into delicious meals!
Email issues with Smore? Unsubscribed from Blackboard?
If you somehow are unsubscribed from Blackboard, please email your appropriate school inbox above and Adia.Howard-Stroud@k12.dc.gov who will fix the issue on Blackboard.
field trip chaperones- Complete a Clearance application
Exceptions may be granted to the DCPS Clearance process in the following situations:
- You are volunteering for a one-time, on-campus event, like Career Day or Field Day. Please email the Clearance Team at dcps.clearance@k12.dc.gov to confirm whether you qualify for a clearance exception.
- You are a potential volunteer with an active secret or top-secret federal security clearance. Individuals in this group should complete the Federal Security Clearance Verification letter in lieu of being fingerprinted with DCPS. The original signed verification form and a copy of a state issued photo ID to dcps.clearance@k12.dc.gov