Sunday Scoop with the Supe
May 19th, 2024
News and Notes from the VPSS Central Office
From the Office of the Superintendent...
A few weather and electrical events found a way to try and spoil the week, but being able to attend 4 of the 5 graduation ceremonies definately uplifted the week. The messages from our valedictory speeches ranged from seizing the moment, break free from your shell, the sky is the limit and handling adversity were so powerful. In addition, our high school principals left our students with thank you's and challenging thoughts for our now alumni of Vermilion Parish Schools. Thank you to all who made our graduation events a success, even with "mother nature' throwing her two cents in and causing venue changes.
Now we turn our attention to wrapping things up with our underclassmen and begin the summer prep for the 24-25 school year.
Thank you to all for allowing me to stand at the front and lead this district. The people involved truly do have the kids of Vermilion's best interest at heart. The path to reaching our students may not always be the exact path that you may believe, but in the end if we all work together our students, our schools and our district will continue to strive and be one of the best public school systems in the state.
Have a happy summer and be on the lookout for summer updates periodically. They will be sent via Facebook, text message and school apps. Don't miss these updates.
The Final Countdown
Monday, May 20th
- Pupil Progression Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 22nd
- Last Day for Pre-K and Kindergarten Students
Thursday, May 23rd
- Student 1/2 Day
- PreK and K Parent Conferences
Friday, May 24th
- Last Day of School
- Student 1/2 Day
- Pre K and K Parent Conferences
Monday, May 27th
- Memorial Day - Central Office Closed