Moorhead Junior High News
January 2024 Newsletter
Parent Access Center Transition to Home Access Center
Home Access Center (HAC) will go live on January 21 and will operate alongside the Parent Access Center (PAC) until at least Spring Break. (PAC will be decommissioned within the two weeks after March 17). During this transition, parents will have access to both applications. As HAC launches, PAC will display a notification informing users that HAC is now online and that student information in HAC updates in real time. To prepare for HAC's replacement of PAC, documentation for parents and staff will be available in the Knowledge Base (https://kb.conroeisd.net) by January 18.
Orchestra Updates
Mark Wood hosted a workshop for our Orchestra students in December!
Mark signs autographs for the orchestra students.
Trans-Siberian orchestra is in the house!
Our orchestra students had a great workshop in December with Mark Wood, founding member of Trans Siberian Orchestra! The kids were really excited, and he loved hearing us play our electric instruments!
Kids were very responsive to him and tried the playing techniques he showed them. They were especially excited to line up for autographs and photos with him!
Mrs. Blackshear
Orchestra students perform some Christmas carols on the catwalk!
Panther Band News
Mrs. Hererra leads her band!
Mr. Day conducts the Panther band!
The Panther bands are in the holiday spirit!
Band Contest
The CISD Junior High Band Solo Contest is at Oak Ridge High School on Saturday, February 1st.
Choir Christmas Concert
Color Guard News
Dazzlers News
Communities in Schools Updates
CIS Thanksgiving food drive! We collected 435 food items!
Girls' athletics donated the most food!
Thank you all for your donations!
Moorhead Watch DOGS
Join the Moorhead Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Program!
Join the Moorhead Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Program!
Complete the registration form HERE!
This form is to join the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Program at Moorhead JH. We are so glad to have you! Once you complete this form, follow the link at the bottom and complete the volunteer application through the District website. You will be notified if you DO NOT clear the background. Please sign up for any days that you may be able to volunteer. You will get an email reminder the week before you are to volunteer on campus.
Thank you to the amazing dads that have already begun volunteering on campus, for being a positive male role model for our students!
Staff versus Student Basketball game group picture!
Yearbook Information
A Note from Nurse Toni
A Note from Nurse Toni
Emails and paper letters were sent out about Hearing and Vision Referrals. These letters need to be returned to the nurse after being completed by a doctor. Please contact the clinic if you have any questions or are in need of assistance.
Athletics News
Boys Basketball Schedule
Girls Basketball Schedule
Go Panthers!
Congratulations to the 7th Grade Girls Basketball A Team on clinching First Place in the Cleveland Tournament!
First Day of School!
Does your child need help with homework or getting caught up?
Tutorials are held Monday through Friday mornings from 8:15am - 8:55am.
Weekly Prize Winners
December prize winners!
Students earned a ton of tickets for a chance to win!
Anonymous Alerts
Anonymous Alerts
Do you have a question?
Have a question?
Email your child's counselor or assistant principal if you need help. You can also call the school at 936-709-6001.
8th Grade (A - L)
Brenda Bishop: bbishop@conroeisd.net
Teresa Randall: trandall@conroeisd.net
8th Grade (M - Z)
Timothy Matthews: tmmatthews@conroeisd.net
Melodie Waldo: mwaldosharpen@conroeisd.net
7th Grade (M - Z)
Dusty Joiner: dkjoiner@conroeisd.net
Fallon Johnson: fjohnson@conroeisd.net
7th Grade (A - L)
Nichole Quinones nquinonesnegron@conroeisd.net
Dan Wheeler: dlwheeler@conroeisd.net
Associate Principal
Robert Jackson: rajackson@conroeisd.net