Hembree Springs Summer Scoop

Message from Ms. Lahey
July 3, 2024
Greetings Hembree Families,
The Fourth of July is always such a great time of year. I love watching the fireworks and eating hamburgers and hotdogs! I hope you all get to enjoy the 4th with your families doing something fun. Summertime will be over before we know it, so I am going to savor the last few weeks. I work during the summer, so it is quiet here at Hembree. I miss seeing the smiling faces of our students and teachers. I ran into one of our students at Five Guys over the weekend and it was so great to see him. Teachers will report back to the building on July 29th, so I am bust preparing for the start of the new school year.
I have received a few questions regarding school supplies for the upcoming year. Last year we housed the school supplies in a central location to ensure we had an adequate amount of everything we needed for the year. We will do that again this year since it worked very well. Some supplies, such as headphones, will be kept with each child in the classroom. The PTA is offering a deal for those of you who would like an easier way to purchase school supplies for your student. Donate $65 (per student) to the PTA instead and they will take care of the supplies for you. This is what it would cost to purchase the kits the PTA provided in the past. If this option interests you, please donate using the link: https://hembreespringselementary.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Please specify "school supplies" in the Donation Field of Recognition. Thank you for supporting the PTA.
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy 4th!!
Nancy Lahey
Important Dates
8/2 Open House 8:00-11:00am
8/3 PTA Playdate at the Park 10:00-12:00pm
8/5 First Day of School
8/16 PTA Welcome Back Picnic 5:30-7:30pm
Open House Information
Hembree Springs welcomes you to the 2024-25 school year! Come join us to met your child's teacher, learn about curriculum and school information, transportation information and more!
After School Clubs
Parents and Community,
We would like to offer various clubs to help keep our Hawks engaged in activities outside of school. We are hoping to offer lots of FREE opportunities for our students to participate after school in clubs that share interests with their peers, staff, and community.
Here is the ask: If you are available from 2:45-3:45pm for one day a week for at least 8 consecutive weeks AND you would like to host a club for students, please complete the interest form below.
We hope to have at least 5 different clubs each week, but would love to host even more. If you are interested in supporting/hosting a club, please complete the interest form. There would be a staff sponsor assigned to your club to support you.
Here are some club ideas:
Board Games/Cards
Girls on the Run (Running Club)
Sports (Teaching Basics)
Book Club
Culture Corner
Badminton/Yard Games
Animal Care
Get creative! We want to connect your interests to our students' interests!
School Supplies Lists 2024-2025
Please see below for the school supply lists for this year. Most of the supplies will be pooled together schoolwide for teachers to access throughout the year. We thank you in advance for purchasing supplies for the students.
Pre K and Kindergarten
Suggested Supplies 2024-2025 school year
3 packages of disinfectant wipes
3 boxes 24-pack Crayola Classic crayons
3 packages Fine Tip Dry Erase Expo markers–BLACK ONLY
2 reams of white printer/copy paper
2 black composition notebooks
1 pack of assorted Crayola construction paper
2 boxes of tissues
1 pair of over the ear headphones
1 pair of child size Fiskars scissors
12 glue sticks
First Grade
First Grade 24-25
2 Fiskars Scissors
2 boxes 24-pack Crayola Classic crayons
1 pencil box
1 package of 24 No. 2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
1 yellow highlighter
1 pack of washable Crayola markers
1 pack of 12 Elmer Glue sticks
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
2 packs of Antibacterial wipes
(Purell Professional Disinfectant Wipes strongly preferred)
1 box of Kleenex
1 pack of Pink Pearl Erasers
2 Plastic three-prong folders (1 red, and 1 any color)
2 Reams of white copy paper
4 Dry-erase Expo Markers (fat)
1 Spiral Notebook
1 Composition Notebook
2 pairs of headphones
4 Dry-erase Expo Markers (thin)
Standard size post It notes
White cardstock paper
1 roll of scotch tape
1 bottle of antibacterial soap
Colored cardstock paper – multicolor
Gallon size Ziploc bags
1 roll of masking tape
Sandwich size Ziploc bags
Second Grade
Second Grade Supply List 2024-2025
Over the ear wired headphones (please no earbuds)
A ½ inch binder with a clear pocket on cover, clear inside pockets
2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count max)
1 package Crayola washable markers
1 child/junior sized scissors
2 packs of white copy paper
1 package of Pink Pearl Erasers
24 #2 sharpened pencils
12 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 box of colored pencils (24 count max)
2 plastic folders, solid color, heavy duty (Mead or same thickness)
3 composition notebooks wide ruled (no spiral)
4 or more EXPO dry erase markers (black only)
2 containers or packages of Clorox/Lysol Wipes
2-4 boxes of tissues
Gallon size Ziploc bags
Black sharpies
1 hand sanitizer (10 oz pump preferred)
Quart size Ziploc bags
1 pkg white cardstock
Third Grade
Third Grade 24-25
· 1 cloth pencil pouch
· 12 sharpened pencils
· 1 pink pearl eraser or 12 pencil-top erasers
· 1 box of crayons, markers, or colored pencils
· 1 pack of Expo Dry-Erase markers
· 2 highlighters
· 1 pair of scissors
· 2 glue sticks
· 1 pair of earbuds or small headphones
· 4 two pocket poly folders (with brads)
· 1 wide-ruled composition notebooks (no college-ruled)
· 2 packs of post-its (any color/size)
· 2 box of Puffs/Kleenex tissues
· 1 pack (100 sheets) loose leaf or notebook filler lined paper (college ruled)
· 1 pack of white copy paper
· 1 spiral notebook
1 pump bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box Sandwich size Ziploc bags
1 tub disinfectant wipes (Purell Professional preferred)
1 box Quart size Ziploc bags
Fourth Grade
4th Grade 24-25
4 spiral notebooks
2 headphones or earbuds
5 packs No. 2 pencils - Ticonderoga preferred
1 Highlighter
1 box-colored pencils
Pencil top erasers
1 box Puff/Kleenex tissue
1 pack wide ruled notebook paper
6 Expo (dry erase) markers
Boys Only
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 ream of copy paper (white)
Girls Only
1 ream of copy paper (white)
1 pack of Lysol wipes
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Supply List 24-25
Three packs of 24 pencils
Five polyurethane (plastic) 2-pocket folders with brads
Two packs of Expo Markers
Pack of highlighters
One pack of colored pencils
One pack of markers
Two packs of wide ruled notebook paper
Pencil top erasers
One package of post-it notes
One 8 oz hand sanitizer
Box of gallon sized Ziplock bags
Box of quart sized Ziplock bags
Antibacterial wipes
One ream of copy paper
One pair of headphones (labeled with their name) NO AIRPODS OR EARBUDS!
Special Areas
Special Areas 24-25
Quart size zip lock baggies
Disinfectant Wipes
Elmer’s school glue (bottles only, no sticks)
Plain white paper plates
Ream of White Copy Paper
TAG Supply List
All students – 1 pack 24 Crayola Crayons, 1 pack-colored pencils
In addition to the above, each grade can donate the following as able to share:
KK and 1st Grade - Pink Pearl Erasers
2nd Grade - pencils
3rd grade - mini glue sticks for mini hot glue gun
4th grade boys – Box of Kleenex
4th grade girls - Disinfectant wipes
5th grade girls - crafting item of choice (pompoms, stickers, beads, buttons, duck-tape, anything fun and creative)
5th grade boys - Crayola markers (any style)
Music Supply List
AA batteries
Hand Sanitizer
Disinfectant Wipes
Paper towels
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902