Trip RAMblings

Principal's Message
Meet Trip's Assistant Principals
Addressing Concerns at School
PBIS RAMS Can Staff Video
At Trip Elementary our students and staff follow the PBIS RAMS Can Rules:
GAA Boys & Girls Basketball
Staying Informed with Gwinnett County and Trip!
We have three different platforms that help you partner with us to support your student. ParentVue gives you access to your student's grades, attendance, course history, and more. ParentSquare is a communication platform designed to keep parents and guardians informed. Finally, My Payments Plus (MPP) is the resource used for student meal accounts, registering and paying for student activities, making donations to the school, and more.
All of these tools have web and app versions. Due to the transition from Parent Portal to ParentVue, some parents are having difficulties logging in. Please click here for a help guide to log into ParentVue. Still have questions? Email for help.
Stay informed by visiting Trip's Website and Trip's Facebook Page.
Birthday Marquee
Sign up to have your child's name appear on our marquee. Deadline is August 31st!
Academic Success
PTA Fundraiser
The PTA Fundraiser began last week. Read information below and sign up to register today!
Hello Families,
We are excited to offer a way to give back to Trip Elementary School! This program will help with funding supporting the students and staff of Trip Elementary. Here are a few things to note about our upcoming program:
● This program will be extremely easy for you. It only requires about 10 minutes of your time.
● Your students can earn great rewards just for their effort. No money is needed!
● This is an online, donation-based fundraiser, and the email and text message donation requests can go to people you know anywhere in the world.
Students will bring home more information after our Launch Party presentation next week. We will have an awesome Week of WOW drawings, including Gift Cards and prizes. All families that enter at least 10 or more contacts will qualify for the Disney Family Vacation that will be awarded nationally!
If you want to get started now, click on this link to register: https://app.pop4kids.org/reg/code/U4BV6
More information will be sent home over the next couple of weeks. Please contact the PTA directly if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!
Trip PTA
Play 2 Learn Information
Play 2 Learn Registration
Updated Contact Information
Parents, please keep us informed of any changes to your contact information such as email, phone number, and address. It is very important that we are able to contact parents or guardians in case of an emergency. Updates can be made on the parent portal. Thanks so much!
Camp Success
Important Reminders:
- Tardy Bell rings at 8:15 am
- No Checkouts after 2:15 pm