The Tiger Times
Lewistown Elementary School Newsletter, August 30th Edition
Welcome Back, Lewistown Tigers
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, Lewistown Families! It has been my privilege to be a part of our official opening this year as we welcomed the most amazing students in Frederick County. I am so grateful to be serving alongside an exceptional group of educators who are committed to the success and well being of EVERY STUDENT, EVERY DAY.
As we embark on a new year, our focus is on cultivating community within our classrooms, our school building, and our community at large. We are committed to developing meaningful connections with one another and cultivating conditions within our school to support learning and achievement for all.
I am excited to host our first Lewistown Lunch on Wednesday, September 18th for any student with a birthday in the month of September. Stay tuned for more information, but mark your calendar to join your student at the regular lunch time that day.
Next week our Lewistown PTA will be sending home a flyer with information about joining the PTA again this year. We so appreciate your partnership in this way and hope to increase not only participation in the PTA, but also in the family engagement opportunities at our school this year.
Thank you for trusting your students to our care and for collaborating with us to provide the most impactful growth and learning opportunities possible in the coming year. Don't ever hesitate to reach out to me with concerns or celebrations - your input and insight are incredibly valuable to the work we do each day.
With hope and excitement for all that is to come,
Melissa Burton - Principal
For your reference, the 2024-2025 Family Handbook is linked below. We hope this will serve as a valuable resource for you this year, but know you can reach out at any time for clarification or support.
Attendance = Opportunity
Attendance = Opportunity
Attendance has been and will continue to be an area of focus for our feeder schools. We can’t support your child’s success if they are not in school; being at school each day opens opportunities for our students. Below is the chronic absenteeism* rate for each school for the past two school years (note - the lower the rate, the better the attendance). We are excited by the improvement and look forward to building on this growth to even further increase our attendance rates.
*Chronic absenteeism: A student is defined as chronically absent if he/she misses 10% or more of the school days.
The FCPS Code of Conduct highlights the expectation that students come to school every day on time and ready to learn. We share that same expectation and will support you and your child to achieve that. We appreciate the partnership of our Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) Jason Senuta - he works with each of our schools to support students and families. Mr. Senuta helps us to monitor attendance (both for our school and for individual students); when we see a concern, we will reach out to families via letters, phone calls, or visits to ensure that all of the necessary supports are in place to facilitate good student attendance.
Good attendance is a habit, and that good habit should start with the first day of school and carry through the year. There are some easy ways for parents to affect good attendance:
Take note of the days off and/or early dismissals throughout the year and work to schedule student appointments then (or after school hours).
Ensure that you communicate with the school when there is an unavoidable absence from school so that we can document that accordingly.
Talk to your student about good attendance and ensure that they are in school, on time every day.
Noted below are the reasons for which absences could be excused; if a student MUST miss school due to one of the following reasons, please be sure to submit a written note in advance or upon his/her return. 01 Death in the immediate family 02 Illness of the child - The principal may require a physician's certificate from the parent or guardian of a child continuously absent for illness. 04 Court summons 07 Hazardous weather conditions 08 Work/activity approved by the school 09 Observance of religious holiday(3 per year) 10 State emergency 13 Other emergency
Our partnership is powerful in creating opportunities and success for your child - we look forward to working with you to make it a great year!
Water Bottles
Please encourage your student to bring a filled water bottle daily to school. Our students are able to access their water bottles in the classroom throughout the day with minimal disruption to learning. All students will have access to bottled water for refills as needed. Thank you!
Below is the messaging shared with our school community this past Thursday, August 29th:
Dear Lewistown Elementary Students, Staff, and Families
To prepare for a new federal regulation that requires compliance by 2029, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) tested the water at our schools with wells for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS are synthetic chemicals that have been widely used in products like nonstick cookware and water-repellent clothing. Research suggests that some PFAS compounds may pose health risks.
Tests at Lewistown ES detected PFAS levels above the federal standard that will be enforced starting in 2029. We are acting now based on MDE’s recommendations.
Following MDE’s current recommendations, we are notifying you and making bottled water available at the school as needed.
Handwashing and other non-consumption uses of water remain unaffected.
FCPS will also continue to monitor and retest our well water and respond in accordance with recommendations from MDE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. FCPS is working on long term solutions to ensure all schools served by wells meet the upcoming compliance standards.
For more information on PFAS, please refer to the following resources:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
What are the health effects of PFAS?
PFAS in the US Population
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
PFAS Explained
Meaningful and Achievable Steps You Can Take to Reduce Your Risk
PFAS in Private Drinking Water Wells
Interested in volunteering this year?
If you are interested in volunteering with our Lewistown students in any capacity this year (field trip chaperone, helping with events, and so on), the following information is important for you:
2024-2025 FCPS Volunteer Training and Registration is Now Open
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) is thrilled to partner with family and community members who are interested in joining efforts to support our students and schools with their time and talents by way of volunteering. Last year, we welcomed over 13,000 volunteers into our school system contributing over 93,750 volunteer hours. THANK YOU!
This year, FCPS has enhanced the volunteer process to prioritize the safety and security of our students, staff and community. As a result, we have added additional training to be completed by all volunteers across the county. These trainings will ensure our volunteers are equipped with the necessary information they need to partner with our schools.
Effective Monday, July 15, 2024, family and community members interested in volunteering should begin the volunteer process by visiting our new FCPS Volunteer Webpage. Applicants will be directed to:
- Register for a guest account on Unified Talent (instructions available online)
- Complete and pass two training modules on Unified Talent.
- Complete the registration application in the Volunteer Center.
- Await school approval on application.
- Sign-up for volunteer opportunities facilitated by individual schools.
The volunteer training and registration process is completed annually for each school year. Volunteers must complete the process before being signed up for volunteer opportunities. FCPS encourages family and community members interested in volunteering to complete the process early as processing times have increased.
For technical support in Unified Talent, volunteer applicants may contact unifiedtalent@fcps.org. For all other volunteer related questions, volunteer applicants may contact: FCPSVolunteers@fcps.org. FCPS is grateful for the generous support from our family and community volunteers.
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Frederick (FCPS) está encantado de asociarse con familiares y miembros de la comunidad que estén interesados en unir esfuerzos para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y escuelas con su tiempo y talentos a través del voluntariado. El año pasado, dimos la bienvenida a nuestro sistema escolar a más de 13,000 voluntarios que contribuyeron con más de 93,750 horas de voluntariado. ¡GRACIAS!
Este año, FCPS ha mejorado el proceso de voluntariado para priorizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidad. Como resultado, hemos agregado capacitación adicional que deben completar todos los voluntarios de todo el condado. Estas capacitaciones garantizarán que nuestros voluntarios estén equipados con la información necesaria para asociarse con nuestras escuelas.
A partir del lunes 15 de julio de 2024, los miembros de las familias y la comunidad interesados en ser voluntarios deben comenzar el proceso de voluntariado visitando nuestra nueva página web de voluntarios de FCPS. Los solicitantes serán dirigidos a:
- Regístrese para obtener una cuenta de invitado en Unified Talent (instrucciones disponibles en línea)
- Completar y aprobar dos módulos de capacitación en Unified Talent.
- Completar la solicitud de registro en el Centro de Voluntariado.
- Esperar la aprobación de la escuela en la solicitud.
- Regístrese para oportunidades de voluntariado facilitadas por cada escuela.
El proceso de capacitación y registro de voluntarios se completa anualmente para cada año escolar. Los voluntarios deben completar el proceso antes de inscribirse en oportunidades de voluntariado. FCPS alienta a los familiares y miembros de la comunidad interesados en ofrecerse como voluntarios a completar el proceso temprano, ya que los tiempos de procesamiento han aumentado.
Para obtener soporte técnico en Unified Talent, los solicitantes voluntarios pueden comunicarse con unifiedtalent@fcps.org. Para todas las demás preguntas sobre voluntarios, los solicitantes de voluntarios pueden comunicarse con: FCPSVolunteers@fcps.org. FCPS agradece el generoso apoyo de nuestra familia y voluntarios de la comunidad.
Sign-in To Your Account to update your details or delete your account.
Stay up to date on school and systemic news
FCPS Email and Text Alerts
FCPS is utilizing SchoolMessenger to provide SMS text and email updates with our community!
Our goal, as always, is to ensure our community Finds Out First about important information, news, e-newsletters, and events. FCPS and individual schools will both use SchoolMessenger.
Text Alerts Service
Parents, guardians, and staff, you can take advantage of our text messaging service.
- Ensure your mobile device is on file with your school(s). You’ll want to make sure you have provided an accurate email address as well to get important email information! It’s that simple!
- Text “Y” or “Yes” to our district’s short code number: 67587.
- You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our text messages with “Stop.” Please note: Opting out means missing out on urgent messages from your school(s) and FCPS, including weather-related closings and emergency information.
SchoolMessenger does not charge recipients for text messages they receive; however, wireless providers may charge for individual text messages, depending on the plan associated with the wireless device.
SMS stands for Short Message Service and is commonly referred to as a text message. Most cell phones support this type of text messaging. SchoolMessenger uses a true SMS protocol developed by the telecommunications industry, specifically for mass text messaging, referred to as a “short code” texting. This method is fast, secure, and highly reliable because it is strictly regulated by the wireless carriers and only allows access to approved providers.
School Improvement Team
Our School Improvement Team is seeking a community representative (parent/grandparent) to participate in our SIP meetings that take place from 7:45-8:45 monthly on a Friday. If you're interested in being a part of this effort related to our school improvement plan or simply want to know more, please email melissa.burton@fcps.org
Meet our new teachers at Lewistown
This year we welcomed four outstanding and experienced educators to our teaching staff at LES. Our Lewistown Family is stronger thanks to the addition of Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Nair, Mr. Schemm, and Mr. Smith. We're so grateful they chose our community to serve in!
Life Lately at LES
Our first days together have been full and purposeful as we begin a new school year. From setting expectations to sharing our hopes and dreams for the coming days, our students and staff are connecting and creating in special ways.
FCPS Phone Number Changes
Beginning on July 1, 2024, Lewistown Elementary and FCPS transitioned to a new telecommunications system.
The phone number change is necessary for two primary reasons: (1) The current telecommunications system is being modernized to allow more system functionality and reduce maintenance and service costs; and (2) the phone number change allows for the standardization of FCPS phone numbers with a common area code and initial three digits for all schools.
Lewistown Elementary’s new phone number for the main office will be (227)-203-1620.
School based staff can be reached by calling the school’s main number and choosing the appropriate option from the call menu or by dialing a staff member’s extension at any time:
Front Office
Counseling Office
Health Room
Lewistown Elementary has been preparing for this change by ensuring that we are updating all contact information on the school website, school messaging and other school documents. We are committed to making this transition with a minimal impact on school communications.
1 de mayo - Anuncio a la comunidad escolar: cambios de números de teléfono
A partir del 1 de julio de 2024, el número de teléfono de Lewistown Elementary cambiará como parte de la transición a un sistema nuevo de comunicaciones a través de todo FCPS.
El cambio de números de teléfono es necesario por dos razones principales: (1) El sistema actual de comunicaciones se está modernizando para permitir una mejor funcionalidad del sistema y reducir los costos de mantenimiento y servicio; y (2) el cambio de los números de teléfono permitirá la uniformar los números de teléfono de FCPS con un código de área común y tres dígitos iniciales para todas las escuelas.
El nuevo número de teléfono de la oficina principal de Lewistown Elementary’s será (227)-203-1620.
Puede contactar al personal de la escuela llamando al número principal de la escuela y eligiendo la opción apropiada del menú de llamadas o marcando la extensión de un miembro del personal en cualquier momento:
Oficina Principal
Oficina de Asistencia
Oficina de Consejería
Sala de Salud
Lewistown Elementary se ha estado preparando para este cambio asegurándose de actualizar toda la información de contacto en el sitio web de la escuela, los mensajes escolares y otros documentos escolares. Estamos comprometidos a realizar esta transición con un impacto mínimo en las comunicaciones escolares.
🗓 Important Dates
Monday, September 2nd - Schools Closed for Labor Day
Thursday, September 5th - Maryland Food Bank Community Food Distribution at TMS 3:30-4:30
Wednesday, September 18th - Lewistown Lunch for students with a SEPTEMBER birthday
Thursday, September 19th - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
Friday, September 20th - 3.5 Hour Early Dismissal
The Book Fair comes to LES in October!
Lewistown Elementary School Vision
The Lewistown Elementary School Learning Community will strive to promote academic success in order to reach our full potential and strengthen our future. We are a school committed to cultivating community, fostering meaningful connections with one another, and empowering our students to achieve and succeed.
Lewistown Elementary School
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/les/home
Phone: 227-203-1620
Principal- Melissa Burton
Special Education Coordinator- Hannah Zebroski
Secretary- Megan Doll
Counselor- Joan Musselman
Families send all attendance notes: LEW.Attendance@fcps.org