Riverside Elementary
All you need to know about what is happening at your school
January Events
Stay informed
Class Pictures-January 13th
ACCESS Celebration- January 15th
AVANT teating- January 27th-30th Please make every effort to be here.
January 21st -Century 21 Classes begin
January 21st-Sylvan Turoring Begins
Century 21
Afterschool is fun at Riverside Elementary!
Please register as soon as possible as space is limited. Only 15 students will be allowed per class.
- Flyers – Details information about the schedule, program offering and the registration process.
- Links – Direct links to the registration portal https://forms.gle/ibjC6Zyuk8j2VW9X6
- QR Code – A quick and easy way for families to access the registration form from their smartphones.
Cobra Superstar Students of the Month
Vivian Cardoza
"Vivian is an awseome student. She is respectful and helpful and her work ethic is the gold standard"
Cobra Superstar Students
Aiden Ramirez
"Aiden has shown so much improvement. I am so proud of his effort and work. He is a funny and a joy to have in class"
Cobra Superstar Teacher and Staff Member of the Month
Cobra Superstar Teacher!
Congratulations to Mrs. Blanca Gamez. Thank you so much for all your hard work with your 1st Grade students and for sponsoring the English Spelling Bee. Best of luck to you and your students!
Cobra Superstar Staff Member
Congratulations Mrs. Herrera!! Thank you for all you do in your class to support student outcomes.
English Spelling Bee
Cobra Pride
So proud of our campus Spelling Bee winners who will be representing us at the district level.
1st Place- Joel Avalos (5th grade)
2nd Place- Jaklyn Macias (6th grade)
Both students will move forward to District competition in January 22, 2025 at Santa Teresa Elementary School.
ESTEMOS Unidos Fair
Cobra Pride!
We are very proud of our ESTEMOS Unidos team who went to Gadsden High School to represent Riverside Elementary at the ESTEMOS Unidos Fair! Students competed in various activities. Our students focused on engineering, designing a smart sorter prototype using Lego pieces. Great job Angel Arellano, Aleeah Blanco, Jimena Montalvo, Ian Varelas!
Cobra Pride
Two of our students were selected as winners in the El Paso Salute to the Arts Exhibit. Out of more than a thousand submissions from all over the El Paso area, Esteban Lechuga (3rd grade) received 2nd place and Edgar Velasquez(2nd grade) received the President's Award!
We are very proud of these students! We have amazing artists in our school.
What does this mean....
We will continue implementing best practices in our classrooms, guided by the Marzano New Art and Science of Teaching framework.
- We will focus on developing our teachers to effectively meet the diverse needs of our students.
- In January, we will launch a targeted reading campaign designed to address reading gaps and improve reading proficiency rates more effectively.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found for any items that your child might have lost. The lost and found is located in the cafeteria and you can check before or afterschool.
Under Contruction Riverside Pre-K
Please bear with us
- The construction will not impact the operation of the school
- Expected time of completion August 2025
Parental Involvement Policy
Parent Compact
Test Results
We're mov'in on up!!
Access Test-37 students exit
Math Proficient/Advanced
3rd 29% 81 tested (26)
4th 44% 79 tested (35)
5th 48% 79 tested (38)
6th 45% 66 tested (30)
ELA Proficient/Advanced
3rd 20% 81 tested (16)
4th 49.4% 79 tested (39)
5th 40% 79 tested (32)
6th 45% 66 tested (30)
Future Plans
Prk-Slated to be built this year
SEL Serenity Garden- In the works for this year
Cell Phone and Social Media Policy
Cell Phone Policy for Elementary Students
No Use During Instructional Day: Elementary students are not permitted to use cellphones during the instructional day. cell phones must remain in a student’s book bag where they cannot be seen or heard.
Restricted Use During Specific Times: Under no circumstances shall students use or access an electronic communication device during assemblies, emergency drills, or other school evacuations.
Pictures: under no circumstances shall students be allowed to photograph students, faculty or staff without their permission.
Returning Confiscated Phones: If a student’s cell phone is confiscated, it will be returned to parents at the end of the school day. After the third violation of this policy, the item will be confiscated and returned to parents on a stipulated date or returned to the student at the end of the school year.
Social Media Policy for Elementary Students
Account Creation: Students may not open social media accounts under the names of other peers, faculty, or staff members. Impersonation is strictly prohibited and will be met with appropriate disciplinary action.
Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying, including but not limited to, harassment, threats, or any form of bullying conducted via social media platforms, is strictly prohibited. Any instances of cyberbullying brought to the attention of the student and parents will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken.
General Conduct: Students are expected to use social media responsibly and respectfully. Any behavior that disrupts the learning environment or compromises the safety and well-being of others will not be tolerated.
Importance of Compliance
This policy is designed to foster a safe, respectful, and supportive school community. Adhering to these guidelines will help protect all students and staff from potential harm and ensure a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and growth.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing this policy with your child. Understanding the importance of respectful and responsible social media and cell phone use is crucial for the safety and well-being of the entire school community.
Thank you for your continued support
Attendance Counts
Attendance at Riverside Elementary
Students who are in class regularly have an opportunity to learn the concepts that lay the foundation for understanding what is taught as the year progresses. And showing up every day in those early weeks and months helps students, especially those in the very early grades, establish regular routines that support on-time attendance for the remainder of the year.Our school offers some dynamic attendance incentives for our students.
Los estudiantes que están en clase regularmente tienen la oportunidad de aprender los conceptos que sientan las bases para comprender lo que se enseña a medida que avanza el año. Y presentarse todos los días en esas primeras semanas y meses ayuda a los estudiantes, especialmente a aquellos en los primeros grados, a establecer rutinas regulares que respalden la asistencia a tiempo durante el resto del año.Nuestra escuela ofrece algunos incentivos de asistencia dinámicos para nuestros estudiantes.
RSE School Uniforms
La primaria Riverside observa una política de uniforme escolar. Los estudiantes pueden usar un blanco,gris, polo azul marino o negro; y pantalones, falda o pantalones cortos de color caqui o azul marino por encima de la rodilla. Los polos con el logo de la escuela se pueden comprar en la oficina por $15.00. Estudiantes que están fuera decódigo de vestimenta serán mandados a la oficina para ayudarlos a cumplir con nuestro código de vestimenta politica.
We are committed to ensuring the safety of our students & our faculty & staff
GISD Student Handbook
Riverside Student Handbook
Please skim through the student handbook to review school and district guidelines. Please place close attention to our cell phone policy and discipline policies so that you may familiarize yourself with our school and district expectations. Working together to assure student success is one of our most important goals.
Lea el manual del estudiante para revisar la escuela y el distrito.pautas. Preste mucha atención a nuestra política de teléfonos celulares y políticas de disciplina para que pueda familiarizarse usted mismo con nuestra escuela y distrito Expectativas. Trabajar juntos para asegurar el éxito de los estudiantes es una de nuestras metas más importantes.
Assistant Principal Riverside Elemenatry