Robison School Newsletter
September 2024
Welcome to the Second Month of School
As we enter the second month of the school year, we’re excited to continue this journey with you! The first few weeks have flown by, and it’s been wonderful to see how our students are settling into their routines and engaging with their learning.
Character Strong Trait Of The Month "Responsibility"
This month we are talking about Responsibility. One way to define Responsibility is “taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.” Taking action can mean doing the right thing or completing the tasks you have been assigned. Understanding the impact of our choices means that our actions matter. Positive and responsible actions can help people and irresponsible actions can hurt others. Responsibility is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Strong. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.
Family Engagement: Stronger Together
Dear Families,
I am excited to introduce myself as your new School Community Liaison. I am here to support you and your children throughout the school year. Whether you need help connecting with local services, obtaining new uniforms, receiving food boxes, or have any questions or concerns, I am here for you. Together, we can ensure a successful and enjoyable school experience for everyone.
Please join us for our first Cafecito on September 25 at 9:00AM in Room #5.
During this event, I’ll be showcasing our brand-new school website and, where you can easily find the school events calendar, monthly newsletters, and all the important information you need.
I look forward to meeting parents and students and staying in touch throughout the school year. It will be my pleasure to serve all your family’s needs.
Warm regards,
Allison Alvarado
520-232-7800 EXT: 27854
The Power of Punctuality: How Attendance Sets the Stage for Success
As we start the new school year, regular attendance plays a key role in your child’s success. Here’s why:
- Consistency Builds Confidence: Regular attendance helps your child feel more secure and capable in their learning environment.
- Strong Foundations: Missing school means missing essential lessons that build on previous knowledge.
- Future Readiness: Good attendance habits now help prepare your child for future responsibilities.
Let’s work together to make every day count!
Jennifer McInnes
Student Success Specialist
OMA and Band News
In OMA class, Mr. Dominic is working with the primary grades on music vocabulary, identifying different sounds in music, singing and keeping a steady beat together. We have a variety of different songs, games, and activities that make this fun for everyone. Our 3rd graders are learning how to read music notes to help them prepare for playing recorders, which we will start in a few weeks. 5th graders are working hard in band and orchestra learning how to work as a team, choosing and becoming acquainted with the new instruments that they will be playing. This is going to be a wonderful year making music together!
Dominic Livigni, MM
OMA Teaching Artist
Robison Elementary
Physical Education: Move, Play, Thrive
Physical Education Schedule: On Tuesday's Mr. Jorgenson will see grades k-2nd and on Thursdays grades 3rd - 5th. All Ed Ed grades k-5th will be seen on Wednesday. Please make sure on these days your child wears comfortable clothes to move in, wears tennis shoes, and brings a water bottle to P.E. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out any time. I am always here to help!
Upcoming Events
September 2nd
Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 3rd & 4th
8:30AM - 1:00PM 5th Grade Gate Testing
September 6th
August Award Assembly
September 10th
4:00PM - Site Council, 4:10PM Family Engagement, & 4:15PM - PTO Meetings
September 18th - 20th
Parent-Teacher Conferences
September 20th
5:00PM-6:30PM- Math-a-thon Night
September 25th
8:30AM Roadrunner Roundup
Cafecito @ 9:00AM - Room #5
October 1st
8:00AM Walk or Bike to School Day
October 3rd
8:30AM - September Awards Assembly (various times depending on grade level)